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Ashkenazi Genocide     (Jews)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jews 1 week ago


The clear and obvious situation of the entire ashkenazi movement to promote LGBT rhetoric and to promote the continuation of the 1965 national immigration act as a legally binding article are for the purpose of depopulating America of White people specifically, also known as the American nationality, which is it's own ethnic group, and in violation of the Geneva convention, the 1965 national immigration act is violating that convention.

The American government is charged with it's duty to remove all illegal aliens and has forgone that duty, it is therefore directly involved in the continuing attempt to wage a slow rolling genocide against the American people. The Military is duty bound to remove the illegals in America as well as establish policies that allow the population of the American mainland to return to at least 90% White demographics, which are of the European descent/Aryan race/Arian race(depending on spelling)/White people.

Make America White Again
kike admits in PM he's a kike     (Jew)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jew 6 months ago


From: NukeAmerica
Sent: 10/19/2023 10:19:06

May Satan curse ye! Hail the Protocols of Zion!

No further comment needed
Conspirologist the kike     (Jews)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jews 6 months ago


I hate how Jews destroy language
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 2 hours ago (+0/-0) (TellUpgoat)

I hate how Jews destroy language. A good example is ADL. There is no fucking defamation against Jews. Only facts and evidence that prove them being degenerate pieces of shit, every time.

There are already too many cases where Jews are perverting words. It's annoying as hell.

^^Cries about kikes manipulating language

^^^Calls them "jews" a lie promoted by them, and an act of identity theft

^^^^Capitalizes the J every fucking time, which on here there is no auto correct function unless you are one of these "always on your phone" faggots, which you are aren't you kike filth

^^^^^Constantly gets told about the subversion but pretends the kikes version is true, then complains about "Christcucks" when he himself is more of a cuck then anything or anyone here, as an actual real Christian, We should all be eradicating the kikes with violence and death as Jesus commanded us to do so, it's only kike larping inferiors like you who don't like that idea

^^^^^^It cries out about "kikes manipulating words" using a manipulated word, aka identity theft, to describe them lmfao while banning people from posting on the subs he hordes control over who educate him on why he's a low IQ faggot for spouting the nonsense he does, then he gets mad and calls you a kike with 0 supporting argument and bans you, but "Censorship" is a kike behavior to engage in according to conspirologist

We see you kike filth
heyjames the kike seething yet again     (Jew)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jew 6 months ago


From: HeyJames
Sent: 09/23/2023 09:00:29

Hey faggot fuck want to meet up? I'll pay your greyhound bus ticket. You'll be put up in motel 6. You'll sign a contract agreeing to mutual combat and releasing liability. After that point the ass beating you get will be legal.

Let me know tough guy. You keep messaging me with threats so let's get this shitn going! Let's back this tough talk up motherfucker! Keep talking on the internet bitch

See how nasty the kike gets when you out it lmfao...I do this all the time I get these messages from him all the time, he plays at being nicer in the public forum but sends you private shit like this, just another larping kike who should be shot on sight.

"you'll be signing a contract because I said so"

You couldn't be more of a kike then this post here james.
Heyjames the kike faggot     (Jews)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jews 8 months ago


This message was automatically generated to inform you that your comment with id '64e9765be33ae' posted in topic 64e88ec50db56 was removed from NutziHiveKickers by user HeyJames because 'Jewish comment'.

banning people because you can't actually refute the arguments made against you is a typical kike tactic

Cries about bannings, bans others himself from a "newsub" he slides with constantly

the more you interact with this site heyjames, the more of an inbred kike you confirm yourself to be

Thanks for playing kike inferior
Interesting bit of info     (www.occ.gov)

submitted by AryanPrime to Mildlyinteresting 11 months ago


I don't trust the gov so this could be entirely BS, but then again, possibly not.

System allows kike subversive to run subverses so they can ban people exposing kikes instead of System doing it.     (Jew)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jew 1 year ago


this is done to create a flase dichotomy here, system is just another AOU, kike users constantly larp and try to control the mindset of "White people" on here, kikes slide the forums then when you point that out they ban you from multiple subverses and keep right on sliding

Kike_foo, conspiriologist/paulneri/doug

the list goes on and on

System has no intention of identifying and purging kike filth, it would require him to purge himself from his own honeypot

I have yet to hear an argument justifying why you can ban people from "subs"

Block and hide function cover that entirely, if you don't want to read them you can block them no?

So what purpose does banning serve expect to be a hypocritical little kike who can't stand being outed as the filthy kikes you are?

Yea my thoughts on this are accurate...kike filth has always run this site since day 1, the fact system openly supports people posting pedo content here is the fact that makes it obvious for all...system allows pedo posters on here but let's his fellow kikes ban people from entire subverses despite the fact that the people controlling them shouldn't even be there

It's so sad when kike filth has to warp reality so much just to appear to be "equal" to the Aryan man

It shows you just how pathetically weak and vindictive kikes are, allowing things to "just be" means they lose everytime, so kikes can't just let things be

Thanks for proving once again that there is no point "posting" or contributing content to this site since anything of actual merit and value would be brigaded by the resident kikes

I can't wait to watch kike blood run through the streets of multiple countries. Oh and no this isn't a "Fedpost" because we all know what needs to be done, kike filth must be erased from our country...anyone trying to entertain the idea that kike filth aren't the enemy is probably a kike themselves

isn't it funny how posters on here pretend to be anti kike then refuse to accept the truth about them, that they will never stop unless violence is brought to their doorstep

Filthy inbred inferiors often refuse to accept reality...I wonder how many of you here are classified as inbred kikes, i'll bet it's over 30% of userbase lol
JoeMckikey     (Jews)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jews 1.1 years ago


"If Donald Trump’s Truth Social post about his impending arrest made it feel like our politics was about to reach another level of insanity, just wait."

^^^Kike just getting it's rocks off causing chaos, as all kikes do

but no one cares what a mentally ill child raping kike piece of shit like you thinks now do we kike?

why can't you kikes seem to get it through your heads? No one wants you around, no one likes you, no one wants to tolerate your presence and we are all pretty much on board slitting the throat of every ashkenazi inbred filth like you if you don't get the fuck out of our Aryan countries

literal kikes like joe need to be executed, no "deportations" to israel...erase these inbred untermench genetics from existence once and for all
Joe_mcarthy keks some more     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jews 1.1 years ago


-kike account joe claims he isn't a kike

- posts anti no fap article written by a kike with no comment

- wonders why so many on voat call him a kike or leftie shill poster

- wonders why people keep pointing this out to him

- wonders why people keep properly identifying him as an inbred kike despite the fact no one can see his nose because he is "anonymous"

kek...these low IQ kikes and their larps make for a good laugh...don't kikes like you hate being mocked and made fun of? not taken seriously?

you must really just love us to keep coming back

(tried posting this response to his post but i am banned from his sub)

then proceeds to post porn on his comment reply to his own post...of a White woman of course, because kikes like Joe desperately want a White woman to breed their inferior inbred genetics with.

Disgusting kike filth like joe really should be noosed for all to see
Kike Neri and his Alt     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jews 1.4 years ago



Bridaging kike exposed

told you all...now proof
Clot Adams     (Jews)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jews 1.7 years ago


Adams graduated as the valedictorian from Windham-Ashland-Jewett Central School in 1975 in a class of 39. He remained in the area and earned a BA in economics from Hartwick College in 1979.[10]

Oy vey people who knew not to take the shot aren't "smarter" or "braver" then poeple who did take the shot

says the kike who took the deathjab lololol
Funny Insult for kikes     (Jews)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jews 1.7 years ago


Found out that speaking to jews in a baby like tone and calling them "little piggy" infuriates the fuck out of them, and like...across the board almost...

Just...you know...FYI
Contributions     (whatever)

submitted by AryanPrime to whatever 1.7 years ago


Just curious, what is everyone's opinion on what counts at "contributing" to the site?

- do long form posts explaining in detail many things that many people might not understand not count as contributing in your eyes? Or is it only people who copy and paste the postings of others and "congregate" them here who are seen as "doing anything useful"...kek

- likewise, why is scrolling through other sites and reposting shit on here that's already been posted several times elsewhere...many "contributions" I see are just copying half the new page from another site

- just creating a carbon copy of site to site, thereby limiting the amount of new original content one can peruse, why is this considered a "valuable contribution" by some???

- If I make all posts like this one in the future, making every single post I make it's own posting, will that increase my "contribution" to the site?

Just working out how this whole "contribution" thing works, because according to board/natsoc/diggernicks...I don't "contribute" at all and me constantly outing them as kikes seems to bother them, so they try what all kikes do, project onto others that which they are guilty of

- Oh and yes NATSOC is a kike, it's chosen method of usurpation is long form deception, it will post seemingly pro White material grifted from other sites constantly, so as to appear to be in favour of Anglo Saxons and Germanics etc, but in reality when you get looking at some of his arguments, or the people he defends, he's clearly a kike ( for example, defending JoeMcCarthy when he posts CP on here and then tries to accuse other people who have a problem with him doing that as a kike when he knows full well he and Joe are both kikes)

It's not even hard to spot I don't see why so many of you are fooled by it, it's like most of you are sub 100 IQ's who never remember yesterday or the tactics of old, they keep working on you despite the fact we talk about them daily here

spending 5 minutes copying and pasting pictures from other websites that appears "pro White" is a very low cost, low effort way of being recognized as "pro White" without actually having to BE pro White

Also diggernicks literally refuses to admit the holohoax didn't happen...but everyone else is a kike, not him, oh no, never him...and NATSOC literally backs him up constantly

You people need to learn how to read unspoken communication and group dynamics lmfao

Enjoy being tricked by kikes on here

PS. since people will ask "Why didn't you contribute more" because talk isn't Voat...I contributed a massive amount to voat...but system allows obvious kikes promoting CP like Joe on here...he's just another version of the kike AOU, pretending to be anything...confused...dumb...not understanding the situation, whatever excuse he needs to make up to keep allowing kikes on here while slowly ratcheting up the displacement of pro WHite messaging

It really is sad what this site has become.
Jewfed Receipts     (Jews)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jews 2 years ago


The Disney Treatment     (Jew)

submitted by AryanPrime to Jew 2 years ago


A few terms come to mind to put into play. Terms that will take phrases like "groomer" or "pedophile" and PC it up to overcome censorship attempts for the further dropping of red pills.

when someone is advocating lgbt nonsense, point out they are trying to give kids the

-"Disney treatment"
-"Stop trying to Disney my kids"
-"Why are you Disney jews constantly targetting kids?" (jews bought disney, cite information if needed to prove and cut off any "anti semite" accusations before they are made)
-Refer to the act of child molestation as "disneying kids"

1 of 2 things will happen


1 - MSM/khazars will be forced to let it slide so as not to corrupt the term "disney" and associate it in the normie mind with pedophelia, the constant trick of MSM khazars is to ignore something if it doesn't suit their narrative or objectives and scream about something else until "attention" is drawn away from them, however, this will be a fatal flaw as no parent is "borderline" when it comes to possible pedo's having influence over their kids, the accusations will be enough, the fact they try to ignore it will be interpreted as "confirmation" in the eyes of normie parents due to a high level of paranoia over this issue. OR

2 - they will actively nuke disney in an effort to keep the chosenite tribes connection to disney out of the public mindset. They will actively use disney as the next "major corp" who openly promotes lgbt nonsense, trying to use it's reputation to normalize that crap...which will backfire spectacularly because disney has only one purpose for existing in the minds of normies...child entertainment...forget the fact they own shit tons of companies...to normies, disney = family friendly...openly leaning into the pedo accusation with normalization attempts will have parents actively cutting disney out of their lives faster then anything else.

Just some musings. This is a great chance for normal humans to land a very damaging blow to the khazarian manipulation empire. Include the recent arrests and news reports of Disney employee's and their CEO being busted for pedo related crimes to solidify your arguments.