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The great firewall of australia has been so easily defeated since day one, by just using a web proxy. Every one who does the work to set this up, knows it wont work, but they will get paid and their bosses will be paid and they wont care, because tax payers funded their rubbish.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=663207cb43ee2

Every state and federal law says you are not allowed to use coercion to force someone to participate in a medical procedure, yet they did it anyway. Laws don't mean anything to the government.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=6628ba116a9ba

You are not allowed to use force. You have to call the police. Next, go and look up what is "reasonable" force and realise you have no right to touch anyone for any reason.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=6628ba116a9ba

The problem is people go around saying we should not forget something, but they never specify what. Never forget that the government threw away all these lives for countries that have nothing to do with Australia, in wars started by degenerate globalist retards.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629a1212ed23

Wrong. You are not legally allowed to do anything unless they attack you and you must defend yourself with the same level of force that they use against you. Unless it is lethal force, then you are not allowed to defend yourself at all. This has been proven in court multiple times.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=6628ba116a9ba

The first two games were a masterpiece. They definitely had an impact on my development when I was younger. The story was amazing and was portrayed in such a way that it was clear it could potentially be the future of our own history. There are two or three black character models in these games, but majority are not. Practically nothing is ever mentioned about race or any other liberal circle jerk in these games. The only time discrimination is put into play is between the mutants and normies. People are trying to survive the apocalypse and it is portrayed as such, no time for bullshit ideologies.

Fallout 3 was garbage. Game play and story wise. They did manage to sort of maintain some of the dread and mystery of a post apocalypse.

New vegas was done by some of the guys who did 1 and 2, but using the engine from 3. It was better than 3, but nothing compared to 1 and 2. Also it was the first one to openly insert faggotry as an accepted subject.

After watching videos of 4 I never bothered. Game was dead in my eyes.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6618b8e21a839


/v/Australia viewpost?postid=6610bb99a82d6

Do not live in a capital city.

Of course its going to be more expensive.

And full of cops.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=660a47ef9154a

Australian government visits this site often.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6607522f3a973

Majority of people are still voting for the big three tard parties. Move out of the cities and wait for what is coming to them. They will get what they deserve.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65fbd42d117a6

Nah man, this is because of global warming.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65f7eed798245

LOL... China... Israel.. UN/WEF/WHO... is there any globalist bullshit string of dildos that this country does not have up its arse?

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65f7efe0c02dc

Gotta inflate the housing crisis somewhere and get more tax/rate money in.

I just went through rock bank today. Had not been through here in a long time. Used to be 100kmph and animal paddocks and farms all over. Now its 50-60 zones and just literal hundreds upon hundreds of cookie cutter cheap shitty homes. I told the guy I was with that this actually made me pissed off.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65f3cfc2e37b3

For all intents and purposes, there is no real difference between banks and credit unions in this country. The differences come down to who is underwriting them and who is more likely to take all of your money with them when they go bust.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65f2d93e9de07

Australia has many laws about how you are allowed to use your money and banks oblige all the time. Specially in regards to trading finance products, which is what they consider crypto. None of these laws apply to big businesses though. Which is actually part of the law. When I was playing around with CFD trading they saw too many small time people making money, so they classified it as gambling and restricted the amount of money a private investor was allowed to spend at any one time. It essentially crippled every one who was not a big mega corp investing company.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65f2d93e9de07

To be fair, if you bank with the CBA you prove you know nothing about banks and financial products in Australia. They do not have a single competitive product and for at least 20 years have had mega corporate levels of youre a peasant and we don't care attitudes.

And crypto is just another market currency. It's value is double volatile as the crypto market fluctuates and it uses actual currencies to determine its value and they fluctuate. Terrible investment unless you are playing the market game.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65f2d93e9de07

Watch the cartoon Drawn Together. You might find it funny again.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=65d005d2c958a

It is an ever constant barrage of minor inaccuracies that are the most effective way of making people think things that are wrong.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65cfe0664086d

The whole world is fag, why bring it here.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65cd99efac596

In our part we joke that when the wind is blowing its time for a power outage. Usually actually happens.

But dont worry, now that we arent allowed gas we can watch suburbia implode real good when the power goes for good.


Vic has been a third world shit hole for years already

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65cc2cdbecb29

The system is shit, so when you try to fix it within it, you just get covered in shit. Waste of time.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65bd7d47be587

But if I said it was common knowledge that white people are easy to trick into being degenerates, giving up their sovereignty and mindlessly doing as they are told because a jew told them, because of their DNA, no one would believe it or think about it.

Even just mentioning it usually results in down votes.

/v/WhiteNationalism viewpost?postid=65aee3cced8ff


/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65a663a8e9417

This fag has been doing this for years when you mention Australia. I have only ever seen him bash australia, even at old voat, its like the only thing he thinks about. When he changes his display name, you can tell its the same person.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=659f3bf795033