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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 11 (+18/-7)
ccp: 9 (+19/-10)
votes given: 19 (+19/-0)
score: 20


Thanks for researching MuWire and for your great comments.

Speed - MuWires increased anonymity comes in part at the expense of speed. There are a couple of settings you can adjust which might help the situation, in addition to encouraging other people to use MuWire:

options-configuration-bandwidth-inbound bandwidth

Chat - From the tabs at the top pick "Chat", then at the bottom click "Start Chat Server". On the left near the top, click on "Console". In the text dialogue box at the bottom, type /HELP

You can join the #muwire channel by typing /join #muwire

I agree that the first encounter with the interface is a bit overwhelming. It is the same if you haven't used it for a while. Once you try it a little bit, you get the hang of things very quickly and see it is a nice GUI. Try the darcula theme.

Collection - the hash for the collection didn't paste properly for some reason. Here is a hash for the beta of MuWire being distributed through MuWire. That file ought to remain available. hopefully the hash will paste ok:


Neutrality - I was able to change status to and from neutral.

Popular - that is a good idea. There could be a "popular" hash too, a screencast of how to use MuWire.

I think some users on MuWire are a bit reclusive and don't want to publish to others till they see some publishing beforehand so do keep trying. Leaving the client running helps discovery. If you live in a very remote place, using a VPN in a more populated area might help.

/v/DissidentLiterature viewpost?postid=61f9715194c81

I don't agree that there is a continuum with trust at one end and anonymity at the other. Trust-Distrust. When using MuWire, you have a username, but this doesn't have to be permanently recognizable character of yours. Sometimes, it is useful to have a unique identifier, to build trust, for example.

When somebody is new to a DHT network, like MuWires i2p one, it helps to have a permanently running server to introduce the new user to the network. The maintainer will usually be the one to establish such a server.

i2p is built with privacy in foremost in mind. The traffic on MuWire is i2p. I2p is encrypted and the i2p team keep trying to improve its encryption. Here is a statement on the encryption from the i2p page:

"I2P Cares About Privacy

I2P hides the server from the user and the user from the server. All I2P traffic is internal to the I2P network. Traffic inside I2P does not interact with the Internet directly. It is a layer on top of the Internet. It uses encrypted unidirectional tunnels between you and your peers. No one can see where traffic is coming from, where it is going, or what the contents are. Additionally I2P offers resistance to pattern recognition and blocking by censors. Because the network relies on peers to route traffic, location blocking is also reduced.

There is a page on i2p transport here: http://geti2p.org/en/docs/transport

Since you are interested in this subject, you might like to look at Lokinet, which will soon be supported on Session. Lokinet is a bit like i2p but with latency low enough for teleconferencing. https://getsession.org

As far as I can see, MuWire is currently the best available tool for anonymous file distribution of dissident literature. I would like to hear what alternative you would instead propose.

/v/DissidentLiterature viewpost?postid=61f9715194c81

Thanks for your questions.

You can use a pseudonym to help establish a level of trust and MuWire enables marking users as trusted or otherwise.

I think to understand where the indexes are stored it would help to look at how i2p works. It uses DHT - distributed hash tables, which are like little pieces of paper scattered round the i2p network telling you how to find other pieces of paper you need by pointing at them.
You can create multiple identities or create one and discard it later.
You can read about that in the section here, overview of the network:

or scroll to 7 minutes in the video here:

MuWire is designed against censorship, so it can pass through e.g. Deep Packet Inspection like static: https://muwire.com/about.html

The maintainer is a good guy.

/v/DissidentLiterature viewpost?postid=61f9715194c81


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f823e875ba7

Sometimes Voat inserts characters, remove \r\n from the beginning of the above hash.

/v/DissidentLiterature viewpost?postid=61f9715194c81

Aetherian 0 points 2.3 years ago*

Great! I shall create a thread on /v/DissidentLiterature on using MuWire. Hopefully, the community will benefit and prosper.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f823e875ba7

Better to pass around files than a link to a proprietary, centralized, adversarial entity like that. https://muwire.com would be an excellent way to accomplish a file-share.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f823e875ba7

Please provide a MuWire.com link

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f823e875ba7

archive.org is centralized, and suffers all the flaws of such a system. To carry our culture to future generations, we shall need to begin using distributed systems. I have mentioned some in this thread.

In this case, where we wish to snapshot, archive and ensure availability of a valuable webpage resource, pinning on IPFS is highly suitable. This is easily accomplished on Brave browser, for example, which supports IPFS. You right click the webpage, and then select pin on IPFS. There is also a browser extension ipfs-companion if you are on e.g. a Mozilla browser.

If Goats don't yet know IPFS, Inter Planetary File System, they should acquaint yourselves with it today. ipfs-desktop is a great way to start.

What would happen when archiving using IPFS is you would find a page you value, download and seed a snapshot using ipfs, then later when you wanted to provide it to others and the original site has disappeared, post the ipfs CID.

We need to be self-reliant for content delivery and that means archiving and seeding/pinning it ourselves. This is a change in culture which we should encourage. It is important to do it smartly.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f823e875ba7

Aetherian 3 points 2.3 years ago*

Thanks for archiving books. I have some technical suggestions. Google is all about proprietary software, tracking and destruction of privacy:

1. μWire https://muwire.com

MuWire is an advanced way of anonymously sharing files. It uses i2p, which is more secure than TOR. If you aren't running GNU+Linux, you can run MuWire using java. MuWire is a reproducible build.

2. OnionShare https://onionshare.org

OnionShare is a cool and easy way to share files using TOR. People are more familiar with TOR and more likely to use a TOR link. If you haven't tried OnionShare yet, you should. You can easily create a .onion website using it too. TOR isn't best suited for large file sharing.

3. ipfs-desktop https://docs.ipfs.io/install/ipfs-desktop/

This is a superb way to share files for many reasons, however it was not built with privacy as a priority. To mention only two of IPFS's brilliant advantages, you share files using a hash of their content, so you know you will be getting the intended file. Also, others who have the file pinned on IPFS will create a CDN content delivery network.

4. .epub
Epub is the best format for electronic books, but you have them as .pdf. Epub is a Free format which enables for example rescaling the size of the page well.

5. Lokinet
Lokinet is an even more private and secure way of sharing files than i2p. It is in early stages at the moment, but Session will soon support it: https://getsession.org

6. Aether https://getaether.net

Whilst I am suggesting all these tools, let me not miss the opportunity to mention Aether, which is where Voat should live. If you look at the "About Aether" section, you will understand why.

Please let us know if you have the files available on MuWire

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61f823e875ba7

The answer is now and has been for a long time, Aether:
The latest news is that the main developer is getting active again so we should have some more enhancements soon, including the too long awaited Aether on mobile.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61e77a70d7e35

To answer your question, look at your country's high priority visas for special skills. Your country might badly need aircraft technicians, for example, and will fast-track foreign workers into the country because such skills are so badly needed.

Draw up a shortlist, and use that to research potential apprenticeships.

If you take an electrical apprenticeship, study plumbing at the same time, as they are similar in principle in some ways.


/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=61e5ecd53090a

Aether is far better engineered and respects Free Speech and anonymity:


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61da3bc69c6c1

On Aether, there is an entire community dedicated to search: /b/Search


Several different engines are listed there. Probably the best solution at the moment is


(Yet Another Cyber) is available under a Free licence, self-hosted and you run the crawls yourself. It works surprisingly well.

If you are interested in topics like this, you should definitely be on Aether. (See my many previous posts explaining why Aether is a stronger solution for Voat than a centralized http website.)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61d565f6547fd

There is an unusually large number of CEOs that are "leaving", e.g Amazon and other Big Corporations. Also, instead of normality, we are facing very strange news daily. This is an indication that what has been under control is being dismantled and the Deep State is resorting to desperate measures, for example the Plandemic (which I believe was forced into play before they intended, as an emergency response to having failed to elect Killary.) Also, events like Epstein, now Maxwell being found guilty. The bizarre blockage of the Suez canal (check out the route it traced just before grounding.)

There is also a plausible narrative that Trump legally set into motion the FEMA and Military control of the country by instructing the crowd that assembled at the Capitol to go home. The fake "Biden" administration isn't headed by the real Joe Biden, but obviously by a body double, if you look closely.

Most optimistically, I am hoping that the failure of the Banks to comply with Basel 3.0 requirements by Januray 5, will result in the government taking control of the parasitic, debt-based money banking system and introducing a GCR (Global Currency Reset.)

The Qanon proofs of future proving past are still convincing to me and we will hopefully soon have the Republic restored.

Thanks for asking, and check out Aether, which should be where Voat lives:


/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=61c8f76b3cdec

I am still a Qanon. If you have lost faith in Q, check out the Christian Patriot News channel. If you had faith in Q, you will be vindicated, hopefully soon.

Some parts of the Qanon narrative still require better explanation, but it makes a whole lot more sense than accepting that President Trump just let the election be stolen. FEMA and the military are running the show behind the scenes, while the Deep State black hat Establishment is being dismantled.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=61c8f76b3cdec

Oh, and in case you are trying to be helpful, I did of course mention Aether on Reddit. Can you guess what happened? That is right: It was censored!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

You should definitely be on Aether.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

Aetherian 0 points 2.4 years ago*

Hello, @beece. That is a fine bit of Aether history you found there. It is quite funny, and Goats here ought to find it amusing.

From the timestamp, you can see this occurred about a year ago, when voat.co shutdown. It was an exciting time, and I was hopeful that the community might move to a stronger, more anonymous, far more durable platform: Aether. I encouraged Voat to try Aether then, and there was a BIG invasion.

What happened?

Voat did its thing on Aether, stress testing the limits of Free Speech there as usual. *Not a single Voat post was censored!* (As far as I remember.)

There is a broad church of people on Aether, with all sorts of political views. Some complained, some wanted posts removed, but due to the moderation system, which is engineered to allow the community to impeach and remove 'power mods', none of the posts were actually censored.

It was well over 6 months now, so the Voat invasion has "gone stale" and you can't see it anymore really, except for a few comments on the forum.

It is another good reason why Voat should move to Aether.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

@voater, thanks for looking into Aether enough to work out that it uses a minting process, and for raising your (unfounded) concerns. Aether isn't a crypto-coin mining application. It uses the minting process as a way of preventing spam. If you perform an action on Aether, like create a post or upvote something, a design decision was made so that some CPU work would be necessary. This helps prevent bots spamming and people abusing the network.

One of Aether's many virtues is that it has almost no spam.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

Aether is built so well, and its source is open for audit, that it wouldn't matter who built it. Please take a look and see for yourself.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

We definitely do want you and all the other Goats. Though Aether currently has some overdue development needed to meet all of Voat's needs (Android App and supported means for archiving over 6 months) Aether is a much stronger platform than here. The anonymity alone screams out to anybody sensible.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

I don't post much here anymore for the same reasons I suggest people move to Aether. Thanks for trying Aether earlier. Did you give the unofficial Java version a test? https://codeberg.org/engidea/aetherj.git

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

That is quite a witty answer. However, we really don't know. Also, unfortunately, things don't "go to shit", they just "go". Anyway, you are personally invited to Aether.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

That is great to hear! Also, if you like distributed systems, check out https://getsession.org
One advantage Session will soon have is that it will be supporting Lokinet, which is like a low-latency i2p, so suitable for e.g. real time video streaming or, in your case, radio live chat. Session is also thoughtfully constructed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68