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Member for: 3.2 years

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For this 135th year, let us remember the immortality of his actions     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by 15MAR to whatever 2 weeks ago


Should there be a country in the world where White people are the majority?     (QuotesToWakeWhites)

submitted by 15MAR to QuotesToWakeWhites 4 months ago


This is a thought experiment from a video on old Voat, designed to awaken Whites.

First, you ask the person you are trying to awaken:

>Should there be a country, somewhere in the world, where White people maintain a majority of the population?

It is intentionally vague, as normies will get uncomfortable at the implication if you specify a country. So just somewhere in the world, an undefined piece of the Earth.

If they answer yes, they have at least a trace of racial consciousness and you can probably further redpill them over time.

If they answer no, they are anti-White. If they are *unaware* that they are being anti-White, you can explain that every group deserves their own country, so why single out Whites as exempt from that when it would lead to a destruction of their culture. You can make comparisons to other groups, such as:

"What if Hispanic people weren't allowed to have their own countries, wouldn't that destroy them as a people?"

The point is to force normies to acknowledge the disparity that Whites are not allowed to have even one country in which they can maintain a majority. Some will simply be anti-White and see no issue with that, but this thought experiment separates the ones fully gone from the ones that could be awakened.
Hitler recalls the 9th of November Revolution.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by 15MAR to ThankHitlerEveryday 5 months ago


For this centennial, I name this holy day "Kampf Day."

Hail Victory.
Today, one hundred years ago, the National Socialist Revolution began.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by 15MAR to ThankHitlerEveryday 5 months ago


Fallen Whites must be rehabilitated, not destroyed     (WakeUpWhitePeople)

submitted by 15MAR to WakeUpWhitePeople 10 months ago


What does it mean to be a White Nationalist? It means to care about your people, your race, your nation. It is one of the most difficult things to be, when the majority of your people are not only fallen to degeneracy, but also hate you, the one that's supposed to care about them. Nevertheless, this conundrum must be faced by anyone that calls themselves a nationalist, it is the Nationalist's Burden. Hardship has always tempered Whites to be what they are, intelligent, strong, and healthy; this personal hardship is nothing compared to what our ancestors bore for us.

We must realize that we have *all* failed, as a people. Shifting the blame to some subdivision of Whites is futile, as a failure of one is a failure of all. Both sexes have failed us in some way, every generation has failed us in some way, every class has failed us in some way. Degeneracy thrives within our people now due to a failure to counter it, regardless of excuses as to why, this is the truth. Furthermore, degeneracy doesn't simply come from nothing, it germinates in a people given a substantial (((catalyst.)) Our detractors exploited weaknesses that were already present within our people.

It is important to remember that we have been here before: Weimar degeneracy a century before modern Western degeneracy. The difference (so far) is that Weimar degeneracy was *countered.* An anti-degeneracy movement was built by Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists which gave the people an alternative, a bright future. It's missing today, but we can still learn lessons from this point in history, pertinently: what to do with all those degenerates?

What did Hitler do? They weren't all simply killed off or deported, they were instead rehabilitated. Drug addicts, sex addicts, pimps, whores, pervert doctors and "thinkers," were turned into upstanding German citizens. A lot of them were jews who fled, but a lot were Germans who stayed and changed. The Third Reich was built by formerly fallen Whites now rehabilitated. The greatest achievement of National Socialism was a nation-wide exorcising of degeneracy.

It all begins with one person, one individual effort to change. This is why it's important to talk to people, even degenerates, some just need to be given an alternative, some just need to know that they can be better versions of themselves, and that they *can* achieve it. Some are too far gone, for instance a transgression I would consider "too far gone" is miscegenation. Short of racial betrayal, intense depravity and intense demoralization, degenerates *can* be rehabilitated, and they should be.

Do your part: talk with people, share experiences, guide them through mistakes that you yourself may have made, and plant seeds of racial consciousness. The National Socialist movement began with just one sensation of discontent: "why are things this way!?"
Men and Women vs. Males and Females     (Women)

submitted by 15MAR to Women 1 year ago


*Male* and *female* are subdivisions of animals, and humans, being animals, are also subdivided into males and females.

All organisms mostly prioritize themselves, their needs and survival, before other organisms. Some organisms have a more advanced sense of genetic longevity and will prioritize the health of their offspring before themselves in some cases, such as by cooperation with other organisms.

Humans are the same, some prioritize their personal gain over others, while others prioritize the health of their offspring, including by cooperating with other humans. Cooperative humans form proto-civilizations, which is a survival strategy stemming from this sense of genetic longevity. In doing so, they become much more than just animals, as they prioritize more than just their personal survival.

To be a *man* or a *woman* is to ascend beyond the simple animals we are, to a higher understanding of the world and our place in it; civilization is built by men and women, not mere males and females. It is a highly advanced creation entailing social contracts between its members. White Western Civilization is the apotheosis of civilization, and it was built by White *men* and White *women.* And so:

What is a man?

A man struggles dutifully for the health of his people, from his family to his volk.

What is a woman?

A woman struggles dutifully for the health of her people, from her family to her volk.

What is a male?

A male struggles primarily for his own personal gain, even at the expense of others.

What is a female?

A female struggles primarily for her own personal gain, even at the expense of others.

Men and women are the refined forms of human males and females, the creators of civilization. Many who call themselves men or women are in reality males or females respectively, they behave primarily with their personal gain in mind. The willingness to sacrifice for the welfare of the tribe/nation/race is what separates men and women from mere animals.

"Civilization is based on self-sacrifice... it is built because I am willing to give up something for my family, and the family is willing to give up something so the town can succeed, and the town is willing to give up something so the state can succeed, and the state is willing to give up something so the nation can succeed."

- George Lincoln Rockwell

For this 134th year, let us remember his bravery in the face of death     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by 15MAR to whatever 1 year ago


Official U.S. Government Trinket Kit for "Bargaining With Primitives"     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by 15MAR to History 1.4 years ago


A very interesting as well as comical piece of history.
Blacks Shouldn't Be in the U.S. If You Disagree, You Support Slavery     (QuotesToWakeWhites)

submitted by 15MAR to QuotesToWakeWhites 1.4 years ago


>Blacks shouldn't be in the U.S. If you disagree, you support slavery.

Another great quote I read somewhere on Voat a long time ago.
Access to White People is Not a Human Right     (QuotesToWakeWhites)

submitted by 15MAR to QuotesToWakeWhites 1.5 years ago


>Access to White people is not a human right.

I read this here a long time ago, and I think it's a great quote (which should be used more) for two reasons:
For this 133rd year, let us remember the unity of the volk that he achieved     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by 15MAR to whatever 2 years ago


One of my most favorite paintings     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by 15MAR to Art 2.1 years ago


*Prehistoric Man Hunting Bears,* by Emmanuel Benner.

It perfectly represents life, in my eyes. How life is, how it naturally ought to be.

We see a bear, and it's safe to say that it poses a serious threat to the humans, especially to the old man and the infant. Yet the adults of the group, the man and the woman, stand ready to defend the group from the bear. If they win, they all live, if they lose, they all die.

The man is naturally the primary actor in this engagement with the bear, he is the first spear and the first shield. Or bow and arrow, I suppose. At any rate, the woman is ready in her own way, ready to support the man in this battle in any way that she can. She is determined to stand by his side, even though she might be able to run away, because she wants to protect the group just as much as the man. The elder who is too weak to fight and the infant who has no concept of what is going on depend on the vigilance of the two in the face of danger.

The way I see it, the man and the woman are the current generation of this small world on the canvas. The elder is the previous generation, the past, and the infant is the new generation, the future. When a life-threatening danger arises, it is up to the current generation to defend not only themselves, but their heritage as well as their legacy.

This is one of my most favorite paintings because it perfectly represents our struggle for survival, our fight not just to secure our personal lives but to secure a future for White children, as well as secure the memory of our past. We fight for ourselves, our history, and our continuation. If we don't stand united, all three will perish with us.

" *We* must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. "
A Proper Christmas Gift     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by 15MAR to Christmas 2.4 years ago


Nigger's thoughts on Hitler     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by 15MAR to Niggers 2.7 years ago


For this 132nd year, let us remember his vision of Man re-created     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by 15MAR to whatever 3 years ago