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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 401 (+404/-3)
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score: 1557


15MAR 2 points 2 weeks ago

"The banner must stand when the man has fallen."

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66233edc4e349

15MAR 6 points 1 month ago

I think that they *aren't aware* of their evilness, or more accurately, that they aren't consciously choosing to do "evil." They evolved to be the best parasites, and so do only what is in their nature. The jews exploit non-jews for profit, simply because of their genes. This is probably why they don't fully grasp *why* they are hated, despite doing things that demonstrably harm non-jews.

A wasp isn't "evil" when it stings, it just stings because its a wasp. In the same way, jews just jew because of what they are, and nigs just nig because of what they are.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=65ffcea311dd1

15MAR 0 points 1 month ago

Mark Twain writes before the First World War, after which jews started migrating into Palestine in large numbers. Before that point, Palestine was just a Muslim state insignificant to the West.

Now the region is at the center of Western cultural debate, following the last century of propaganda.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=65ffb9f62ec2b

It's always "an army of jew-hating thugs," but, for some strange reason, we never see *why* these "armies" target *them* specifically.

All I'm saying is there are no "armies of chink-hating thugs."

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=65ffcea311dd1

15MAR 3 points 1 month ago

This type of feign was said to have actually happened during an execution of Vikings. Though its historicity is debated, it's intriguing.

[A nice documentary that mentions this (from 10:23)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STK4GBaqItk)

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=65ffcad12f1fa

15MAR 3 points 1 month ago

"It never happened, but it should have, and so it [i]will[/i]."

/v/Holohoax viewpost?postid=65ffb1e51d677

15MAR 0 points 1 month ago

"They didn't fight to take your freedoms away."


/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=65f395cc196a8

15MAR 0 points 2 months ago

At its core the problem is a lack of White identity. Anti-Whites have worked hard over the decades to erode the sense of racial consciousness in Whites, and as a result you have people claiming that "a White race doesn't even exist," while simultaneously claiming that "Whites are the oppressors and need to be replaced."

I think the last several years have done good work in developing Whites' racial consciousness, at least somewhat, so quotes like this come just at the right time for many who are starting to open their eyes.

/v/QuotesToWakeWhites viewpost?postid=65e86d351eb04

15MAR 0 points 2 months ago

The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the White race.

The destruction of modesty combined with dating apps led us here. The former eroded the value of chastity, enshrining promiscuity instead, and the latter allowed for the sidestepping of the last vestiges of courtship, commoditizing sex and reducing a great deal of men and women to mere whores.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=65e81e2020bd4

15MAR 1 point 2 months ago

Since the democrats have branded themselves as the party of the outsider, the invader, it would have been natural for its opposition to be the party of the insider, the citizen. But instead the republicans are also pro invader, just a diet version of the same sentiment. I wonder (((why))) that is?

People are slow to wake to this, but they are awakening.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e17d32cb951

15MAR 14 points 2 months ago

It was good for blacks in the long run, but it was terrible for Whites since its inception. All blacks must go back to Africa.

But Tommy can take a flight back. First Class.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=65e16f7db25ce

15MAR 0 points 2 months ago

What I hate most about these appeals to emotion regarding invaders is that the story always begins with "they need to come here to have a better life, and it's humanitarian to help, and..." etc.

Nobody ever addresses *why* these people "need" to leave their countries in the first place.

The reason, of course, is because admitting that invaders' countries are shitholes is admitting that invaders are only capable of building shithole-tier countries. And as a bonus this admission would also prove the superiority of White nations.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=65e00a913f09c

15MAR 3 points 2 months ago

Happy birthday Upgoat, and thanks for everything System.

/v/all viewpost?postid=65dc849e0051a

15MAR 1 point 4 months ago

You believe it's impossible to have a belief that ideologically disagrees partially with the rules of the society in which you live, and yet make your behavior align with those rules? We do it all the time, we hate this society yet go to work each day and uphold it.

In a reverse of that dynamic, I think Christians living in let's say a secular White Ethno-State would have much less of a reason to hate that society than we do ours. If they'd even have *any* reason to actually *hate* it. In regards to day-to-day behavior they'd have to comply with, they shouldn't have many disagreements.

If any act against the Ethno-State, they're done. But if they don't?

I suppose what we're really debating is: should they be given a chance, given the parameters in place?

/v/QuotesToWakeWhites viewpost?postid=65800fcced579

15MAR 2 points 4 months ago

>swept up by a movement that claims obesity is perfectly healthy

Natural progression of "body positivity."

/v/FatPeopleHate viewpost?postid=658015588ff0c

15MAR 1 point 4 months ago

Having a set of values to secure our existence and eugenic development, we make it a requirement that all personal faiths adhere to that set of values, i.e., don't contradict it by inviting non-Whites. People can believe what they want as far as the creation of the world and the afterlife is concerned, but behavior must be consistent with the set of values.

This should be acceptable to Whites of any religion, unless the core of their religion contradicts the set of values.

/v/QuotesToWakeWhites viewpost?postid=65800fcced579

15MAR 5 points 4 months ago

Ah yes, famous member of the N.S.D.A.P. Friedrich Nietzsche, who died in 1900.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=658013d109159

15MAR 1 point 4 months ago

>you have to be on "Team White" 100%

I agree. But that starts with the slightest inclination towards racial consciousness, those are the people we have to reach.

/v/QuotesToWakeWhites viewpost?postid=65800fcced579

15MAR 0 points 4 months ago

>Responsibilities are relative.

I agree. For instance, both sexes have different responsibilities, and the marxist view that they are interchangeable has done a lot of harm.

Everyone must be productive in their own way, and in this context productivity means contributing to the eugenic development of the group in some meaningful way. Kids are "productive" by virtue of simply existing, and as they grow up they take on roles to actively contribute to society.

But welfare *incentivizes* non-productivity. Before civilization, if you didn't work, you died. That was the natural selective pressure we evolved under, and as a result most White people are/were very productive. One of the bonuses of creating civilization is that we could care for people in need, and while I'm not saying that is necessarily bad, the consequence is that we no longer filter people out by their work ethic. Why work when you won't die if you don't?

This is why Africans are the way they are, they didn't have such a harsh selection process and as a result they didn't evolve to be very productive. They were still in the stone age in the 19th century.

We can help people out that just need a helping hand, but we have to be careful not to incentivize the shirking of responsibility.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=657eab3decc26

15MAR 4 points 4 months ago


And remember, this was a force of less than 200 men, in retreat after losing a battle just hours prior, and they managed to defeat a force of 3,000 Zulu warriors.

/v/music viewpost?postid=657ed8b81b065

15MAR 1 point 4 months ago

I agree. In a perfect world, we wouldn't need aggression in our societies, and it would be preferable to diminish it. But right now we are in a state of war, in which we are not fighting back. With this in mind, I'd rather keep aggression in our people, even if it means dealing with the occasional wigger, as opposed to what we have now: sheep for the slaughterhouse.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=657e8c4cb4ad6

15MAR 2 points 4 months ago

Whoring needs to be stopped, for one. It is dysgenic, as it is inefficient: it harms the development of families.

Productivity needs to be upheld by all, instead of the productive supporting the un-productive (i.e., welfare), which is also dysgenic.

And reproduction must be limited as it was for thousands of years. We live to see the unfortunate consequences of the "sexual revolution." The European model of restraint works.

Monogamy and wedlock being the only path to sex will facilitate normal families forming once again. This, in consonance, will increase cooperation and meritocracy in society.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=657eab3decc26

15MAR 3 points 4 months ago

"Lads! You're better than him!"

Should be dropped off in shitholistan with the rest of the non-Whites. He picked his side.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=657e51607c84f

15MAR 11 points 4 months ago

Without moral (i.e., eugenic) guidance, men have failed in securing White civilization, which led to the failure of women.

Our technological level has eroded natural selection, enabling the propagation of bad genes. Both sexes must be kept in check by moral (i.e., eugenic) guidelines, whether they are enforced through religion or an authoritarian state.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=657eab3decc26