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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 88 (+90/-2)
votes given: 47 (+32/-15)
score: 88


1. Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas. If carbon dioxide is an issue then just plant more trees and remove urban cancer.
2. There were ice ages and warming periods (climate change) before the industrial revolution. Paying taxes to liars and thieves in return for salvation is superstitious nonsense. Only religious zealots believe this.
3. The type of people that put together the paris accords have a larger carbon footprint than anyone else on the planet. IF everything they are preaching is true, then it is only reasonable to kill these people along with every other liberal faggot in order to reduce carbon output to a sustainable level.

/v/ClimateChangeSkeptic viewpost?postid=63321dc74a12f

[ESG is a felony](https://archive.ph/fwkzt)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62f6f22c8f48d

The shortages were known by last November and it has everything to do with these idiotic climate policies.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6271863f529fc

People in charge of accrediting medical schools are also eliminating meritocracy in favor of equity. The longer we put this off, the more bloodshed there is going to be, either in the form of hunting down and killing these people or getting killed by these idiotic policies.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6239d1d4c9ff8

if they don't commit to violent revolution now, then this government will never get its foot off the gas, and there will never be a better opportunity. you're already there, and you could wipe out a significant amount of zogbots. the only optics that matter is setting precedent that if you pull this shit against your own people, then entire bloodlines are erased, and these people in these governments need to learn the hard way that they're not invincible. this is simply the reality of history.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62104342e743d

Liberals should be rounded up and sold into slavery. There is no coexisting with these fucking idiots.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6201f4ad01afe

1. In other words, people of color cannot be oppressed in a 100% White society. Racism can only exist when there is integration, otherwise Whites cannot privilege themselves at the expense of pox. All integration is oppression.

2. Civil rights literally privileges unproductive pox at the expense of marginalizing productive Whites. It is and has always been the exact opposite of negative rights, and it is taxation without representation for real (White) America. All integration is oppression.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=61f39318733ae

there is nothing in anyone's employment contract that requires irreversible medical procedures or injecting poison into your body, and regardless of how the supreme cucks rule, mandates are NOT legal

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61df3815baca4

End public schools and starve these people to death. It's our money in the first place

/v/news viewpost?postid=61b0aa36180b3

[nigger bbq](https://www.redriverhistorian.com/paris-lynching)


there is no such thing as a lynching victim. at no point has the complaint really been about racial targeting or lack of due process, it has ALWAYS been liberal faggots thinking it's wrong to punish niggers for their actions. black plague would not be an issue if black apology became a death sentence

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=619d7a67e893c

don't let people like this get away with resignations

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=619c11e8f2fd6

there were slave states in the union

/v/videos viewpost?postid=617d551b0c2d4

once you've paid the danegeld, you never get rid of the dane

/v/WakeUpWhitePeople viewpost?postid=617b30b776d3f

they will link this to your bank account, and turn off your money for wrong think and any refusal of injecting more poison. this has to be stopped

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6169e19f9cdd0

my civics class in junior high had a college intern cunt that was obsessed with pronouns and had us write papers taking a stance on illegal immigration...which was great because by that point my school had already been destroyed by the mexapocalypse. this was 20 years ago, so this kind of institutional rot has been going on for decades, and now we have this

/v/videos viewpost?postid=615e01d6bcee6

if they're wrong, then prove that they're wrong

/v/Whitepill viewpost?postid=6157521474e21

future conflict will be a combination of yugoslavia and reconstruction, which is what "build back better" really is. the major difference being that people in the 1800s understood they were under a literal military occupation and people today still live under manifest density.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615319b4b70e9

this is why you don't take the money in the first place, and this is one reason the schools have to be abolished

/v/news viewpost?postid=614f2a1ce614d

they way they approached him, it didn't look like it even crossed their minds that they could've been ambushed right there......

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=614d008a0536b

women should be banned from everything

/v/SouthAfrica viewpost?postid=614a23ee1fe56

because churches and ngo's get paid to bring them in, which is basically human trafficking, and more bodies shoved into schools means more money for the educrats. ending compulsory education and property taxes, and otherwise destroying the schools would end this and make it impossible for shitlibbery to take root.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=61241fa4ad404

"refugee resettlement" is literally human trafficking. if bringing these people here becomes a death sentence, it will stop

/v/ShowerThoughts viewpost?postid=611c131a685c6

Should replace IOTBW posters with "Leo Frank was Guilty"

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6112cce1d5b4d