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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 52804 (+58520/-5716)
ccp: 8500 (+13942/-5442)
votes given: 7446 (+4998/-2448)
score: 61304


Owner of:
RomanCatholicism, Guns, TIL, Insanity, USPolitics, WhiteBeauty, based_department, ThotPatrol, tlolocaust, manlets, wagies, shitbulls, femcels, comfy, cringe, ClusterBglitches,
Mod of:
NutziHiveKickers, Niggers,

You really can't tell it's purposefully that way to add to the creepy effect? Dial that autism back just a little bit, son.

/v/Goyslop viewpost?postid=66660ae9e9a3d

Does ur mom's beef flaps count as processed food?

/v/Goyslop viewpost?postid=656e72c10a6a1

I have summoned Dr Phil to [chastize thee](https://files.catbox.moe/170kxx.mp4).

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6664ea8e4c99a

What's silly looking is a thread full of butthurt boomers screeching their death anxiety into the void over a meme. No self awareness, you say?

/v/wagies viewpost?postid=6664f55a9f45b

Not so much as it is you getting slapped around by your superior.

/v/wagies viewpost?postid=6664f55a9f45b

Didn't click. You must be from the als school of crying and ineffective comebacks, cause you're shit's weak son.

/v/wagies viewpost?postid=6664f55a9f45b

You know, I don't remember you being an emotional blubbering little bitch like this. You seem incredibly insecure about whatever it is you do for a living. You must be dylan mulvaney's fluffer.

/v/wagies viewpost?postid=6664f55a9f45b

Lol go cry yourself to sleep faggot. And dry those cunt tears while you're at it.

/v/wagies viewpost?postid=6664f55a9f45b

I don't care lol. Fuck off with your cringe self-insert you retard. No one was talking about you.

/v/wagies viewpost?postid=6664f55a9f45b

>Outed and banned fed on blast

>"I-I d-don't get it, m-maybe YOU are the fed...."

[Take two, buddy. You've earned them. On the house.](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/713ArbQF6TL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

/v/Glowniggers viewpost?postid=666521574d155

Someone get grandpa his applesauce, he's agitated about his sportsball team again.

/v/wagies viewpost?postid=6664f55a9f45b

All you win is an early trip to the dementia ward, boomer. Enjoy ;)

/v/wagies viewpost?postid=6664f55a9f45b

Have another bottle of glue, it *might* help with your reading comprehension.

/v/wagies viewpost?postid=6664f55a9f45b

The feds pay for the monitoring and data collection on users, one would assume. That's why he's always asking people about their guns and vehicles.

/v/Glowniggers viewpost?postid=666521574d155

What if I told you working for yourself is still work? Dry those tears and change your depends before you reply.

/v/wagies viewpost?postid=6664f55a9f45b

Makes no difference to me. I love that boomers are SEETHING in this thread because they damn well know they had to waste their lives working, like everyone else, only in their case pushing daisies isn't far off. "Muh-muh bootstraps!" "I worked outside!" "I was self employed" "I-I b-bet you work in an office!" lmao spare me the copes retards, the point is you WORKED YOUR LIFE AWAY. Now get the fuck back to work wagie scum.

/v/wagies viewpost?postid=6664f55a9f45b