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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 11 (+18/-7)
ccp: 9 (+19/-10)
votes given: 19 (+19/-0)
score: 20


Aetherian 1 point 2.4 years ago*

That is a really interesting question! Using radio, for example, SDR (Software Defined Radio) to act as the link between Aether nodes, instead of using the internet... The best place to ask that is in /b/Meta on Aether, or on Aether's https Forum site.

Keep you client running, as it takes a while to pull in the info from other nodes. Also, at the bottom left, check "Status" to see if you are getting through your firewall ok. (Look at incoming connections, etc.)

It might be possible using "Pager" frequencies and tech...

Also, try asking: aether://user/53b2b786cae5665b7a22822a3365dd935920c25aa8f9b301ccd8c644fea1bcf3

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

It is a public information announcement. Call it an advertisement, if you like. If you look at the spec of Aether and still think a centralized, http website is still a better place for Voat, well I would like to hear your reasons.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

If something is Free Software, one of the 4 requirements (Freedom 1) is that the source is readable by a human, and Aether supports all 4 Freedoms:

* Freedom 0 - Use - in any way you like
* Freedom 1 - Read -humans can read the code
* Freedom 2 - Share - Freely share exact copies of the code to help your neighbour
* Freedom 3 - Improve - Free to change the code to make it suitable for yourself

Aether is produced using a collaborative methodology (Open Source co-operation) where users can contribute code and suggest improvements. You can find the source here:


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

Aetherian 1 point 2.4 years ago

Having Aether run in a browser has already been accomplished! The project is called "Aether Universes" and is a for-profit venture by the developers with the goal of making profits sufficient to fund continuing development on Aether itself, which is available gratis.

Aether Universes will eventually have some convergence with Aether. It is viewed as an important way of onboarding people to Aether.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61c8bb499ba68

You should be on Aether: https://getaether.net

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=619e980a46ebf

@system, please look at Aether and invite the community over there, if nothing else, as a place to regroup. On engineering grounds alone, a distributed application for a community like ours is a strong idea:


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=619e980a46ebf

Voat really should end up on Aether. The arguments are compelling. https://getaether.net
If any of you still haven't heard about Aether, read the FAQ there and be sure to enable nsfw in settings.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=619e980a46ebf

Aetherian 1 point 2.5 years ago

Aether is the natural home for Voat. Goats, here you are: https://getaether.net

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=619e980a46ebf



By sharing the CID (Content Identification) in the IPFS hash, other people can help make the content available. (Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) and a VM (Virtual Machine) and seed content using ipfs-desktop:


And please consider making Aether Voat's new home:

/v/pics viewpost?postid=61722202d3c5f

Aetherian 1 point 2.6 years ago

Thanks! What I think should be pinned on the Front Page is Aether:


/v/news viewpost?postid=616ce20477ac6

Aetherian 1 point 2.6 years ago

The two strongest solutions against censorship currently are LBRY (many are familiar with Odysee.com) and IPFS (Inter Planetary File System).




Don't use the Odysee page to upload content there, use a LBRY compliant client, for example the official one at https://lbry.com or a Free fork which has had LBRY Inc's blacklist removed here:


Unlike using Odysee's webpage tool, uploading with a client informs the blockchain that the content will also be available from sources other than Odysee.com, so it would be retrievable if censored/masked.



Use a VPN if you are pinning (publishing content) and run your IPFS node inside a VM (Virtual Machine). We should be sharing IPFS CIDs (Content Identification) hashes to share content, and using IPFS as our CDN (Content Delivery Network).

Here is an example of an IPFS tool to make the process simple:


You can create your own instance of imageserver.link


/v/news viewpost?postid=616ce20477ac6

*looks*,but in Aether, everything is nsfw by default, so you need to go into settings to enable things like viewing of thumbnails and the nsfw communities. Even /b/Cooking is nsfw! Then you need to actually subscribe to those communities. Try /b/Covidhoax /b/Vaccines /b/TechnologyNewsNetwork /b/History

If you want to experiment, try posting in /b/Sandbox

Introduce any new sub you create in /b/LookAtMyNewSub

Some instructions here:

/b/Voat is here:

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615aa7f2b893f

I don't think Voat is dead here. Voat is certainly alive on Aether.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615aa7f2b893f

This is a notable comment, and people should heed @ZorbaTheGreek: if you use IPFS to pin content on your machine, be sure to use a VPN for it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615aa7f2b893f

Brave browser has integrated ipfs support. I think Opera might too.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615aa7f2b893f

There is a Firefox Extension for IPFS companion, or you could stick with the command line interface, since you don't like Extensions.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615aa7f2b893f

I am sure many people here are familiar with Voat, the community of Goats which formed as a breakaway from Reddit. When voat.co closed (as might catbox, one day) System provided a new site, voat.xyz. voat.xyz is now known as talk.lol

My own view is that that compelling engineering reasons make Aether the best place for the Voat community. If you look at Aether's FAQ, you will see why.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615aa7f2b893f

Aetherian 1 point 2.7 years ago

Chromium is, like Brave, a fork of Chrome. The Brave Browser project was started by Brendan Eich, the founder of the Mozilla project, which created Firefox. (He grew disillusioned by the politics at Mozilla.)


I am not happy with Google being upstream of so many browsers, but at the moment, Brave is relatively good. You might like to try LibreWolf, which is a based fork of Firefox:


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615aa7f2b893f

Here is an image hosted on IPFS: QmU5CzRAcuyRZH3tkncYxe6Qaut4EDDZETrD2aYfeTN7mo

You probably can't see it, if you haven't setup IPFS yet. If you have IPFS running, you can view that image without HTTP. (Brave browser supports IPFS now, by the way.)

Here is the same image served via HTTP instead of ipfs:

You can see the ipfs CID hash beginning Qm is the same.

If you valued that image, and wanted to help ensure that it was available to others, you could pin it on IPFS, using ipfs-desktop, for example. This would mean that your device would download the file, and then, when other people want it, would serve it to them by uploading it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615aa7f2b893f

Aetherian 0 points 2.7 years ago*

The ipfs-companion extension is not necessary. It is a convenience. If you don't want a GUI, you don't even need ipfs-desktop, but it is great to have.

If you use Brave browser (the fork of Chrome), ipfs is now integrated:

Brave users

You can run IPFS directly in your browser — no need for IPFS Desktop or the command line. Open Companion Preferences and set the IPFS node type to “Provided by Brave”.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615aa7f2b893f

Aetherian 0 points 2.7 years ago*

IPFS (Inter Planetary File System) is the solution for archiving problems:




If you create a dump of images to share, please always pin the file to IPFS (easily achieved using ipfs-desktop), and publish the CID (Content Identification) hash when you announce the dump.

You can use it with a Free fork of the LBRY client:

Here is ipfs-desktop:

Aether! If you are not yet aware of Aether, you should be, and if you don't understand why, read the FAQ. Aether should be where Voat lives...


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6159e69c1e60c

Aetherian 1 point 2.7 years ago

Thank you, @system , for helping ensure there was a place for Goats when Voat closed.

A centralized, http site, is not the strongest home for Voat. The best place I know is Aether:


There are strong engineering and security reasons for Goats to move to Aether. Many already have.

See previous posts for reasons why.

When you get to Aether, visit /b/Voat


Ask questions there, and if you want to test the limits, try there too.

See you there!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6130940c26e7a

Ruqqus: Please visit Aether, a fine new home for you, and for Goats too!


When you arrive, join /b/Voat and ask questions there:


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61211d59f0d4a