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Poll: What percentage of posts/comments here do you think are made by A.I. accounts?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskUpgoat 2 weeks ago


Ken O'Keefe warns he might be arrested soon. One of the originals that helped me wake up back in the old Voat days. Worth a watch and sharing.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to videos 3 weeks ago


A human recreation of the 17 year Cicada process.      (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to videos 1 month ago


Can someone explain this shit to me...?     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskGoats 1 month ago


Literally just a one word post. No content. Didn't even say anything negative. Just said the word "boomers" in the title. 21 comments (that I still haven't read because fuck that retardedness)? Nearly 300 views? Can someone ELI5?

I'm inclined to believe it's an AI program designed to make this place unbearable. Anyone have a better explanation?
We've done a really good job moving the overton window regarding the JQ. I keep seeing more and more videos and mainstream social media posts like this.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to TheJewishProblem 1 month ago


The Silent Depression     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to EconomicCollapse 1 month ago


Boomers.     (Boomers)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to Boomers 1 month ago


Boomers.     (Boomers)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to Boomers 1 month ago


After you die, your soul goes to a place where you get to experience the suffering you caused others. Call it hell, karma, or whatever, that's what happens. So I'd hate to be on the receiving end of what the boomers are going to get, but I'm glad they're going to get it.     (twitter.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to whatever 1 month ago


EDIT: And of course the usual suspect shill accounts show up to prevent intelligent conversation from happening.

In case you're new to the internet, look at the comment section and notice two things, one: they desperately avoid bringing up anything regarding the actual content of the post,

and two: they attempt to do this by making comments designed suck you into the emotion of anger and rage. This is done to stop the OP from doing anything productive with the post, and to keep others away who don't want to get involved with the "negativity".

I imagine these people are terrified of the afterlife.
I think I'll do my sanity a major favor and not go through the comment section.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to whatever 1 month ago


Something that really helps me understand boomers: they've spent their whole live being able to live like it's the 60s, while pretending it's still the 50s, meanwhile, it's the 2020's.     (whatever)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to whatever 2 months ago


And if you even start to bring this up to them, they are instantly 12years old.
How did Israel stop 300 missiles/ drones from hitting them, but couldn't stop some nigger rigged attacked on Oct. 7th...?     (shitisraeldoes)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to shitisraeldoes 2 months ago


If what happened last night is even real...

But if it was, then it just makes Oct. 7th seem like an even more obvious false flag, 100o% concocted media event.
A follow up to the Justin Bieber post from yesterday, it looks like pizzagate's about to go super mainstream.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to Pedogate 2 months ago


Yesterday's post: NSFL warning possibly, Bieber doing something really weird around the waist of an NFL player... https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=66149df5845da

I give as few shits about celebrities as the average Goat here, but I can't imagine a more normie magnet celeb being used to expose the world of pizzagate and related info. This will make the info we've been talking about for years seem not so out there.
How I feel as an Old Goat regarding the Deep State in 2024.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellUpgoat 2 months ago


Just saw the totality, not going to lie, it was pretty damn cool.     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellUpgoat 2 months ago


I happen to live in the path. I went to my brother's house to watch it. If you ever get a chance to see the totality do yourself a favor and take your glasses off a time or two. Possibly the most majestic thing I've seen in person. It got so dark the street lights came on. It also got notably colder too. It's still darker than normal out there.
Did we recently get an influx of old Voat users?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskUpgoat 2 months ago


I work full time and go to school full time, thus I'm not here everyday. Maybe I'm nuts, or missing something, or both, but all of a sudden it seems like there's more old Voat names here and view counts are going up. Anyone else notice this?
I...honestly can't believe this conversation is still up on YouTube: a frank discussion about jews and race replacement.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to TheJewishProblem 2 months ago


It probably isn't allowed to trend or anything, but both the actual conversation they have and the fact it hasn't "violated terms of service" is actually quite amazing.
Upgoat feature request - Get rid of anon posting entirely. It's blatantly being used to ruin this site.     (UpgoatDev)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to UpgoatDev 2 months ago


Unless you made this site to be ruined in the first place, in which case you having an "anon feature" makes perfect sense.

Why do you even have anon posting? Is there some benefit to it? It not difficult to understand the reason the chans got ruined is because they didn't use account names. It's even less difficult to see in real time the clearly deliberate uptick in anon posting being used as a tactic to ruin this site. So why are you allowing it? Did you make this place with the intention of letting it be ruined?

There's no benefit to allowing "anon" posts. Even if their were, it would never come even slightly close to outweighing the gargantuan negatives that it has.
Indycar driver makes a post about not watching porn with a few stars of david.     (www.reddit.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to whatever 2 months ago


I guess I know who I'm rooting for now...
Massive. Fucking. Trigger Warning.     (x.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to MeanwhileOnTwitter 3 months ago


jews are the special ed class of spiritualities.     (Jews)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to Jews 3 months ago


The word "occult" does not mean "evil". Occult, traditionally, means "hidden". I don't like that definition though, because it implies that someone, or some force, is proactively doing the hiding. That's not the case whatsoever. I prefer to say that occult means "hard to see". This explains the phrase "hidden in plain sight", because if it's in plain sight, then it literally is NOT hidden. It's just hard to see.

In fact, Jesus was an occultist. It's written in the New Testament that his parents, in order to escape persecution, lived in Egypt during his childhood. It also says that he amazed the priests while he was there as a child. Those priests weren't Christian, obviously...they were the Egyptian priests...the ones who, today, we would say "practiced the occult". They were impressed by his advanced mystical knowledge at such a young age.

The reason I have said all of that is because I consider myself to be a Christian mystic, and part of that is obtaining occult knowledge. Now I'll explain to you why you may have thought occult = evil. It's because (((they))) want you to think that. It's for the exact same reason (((they))) want the average Joe to think "GuNs ArE eViL!!!11", because guns aren't evil, guns are powerful.

Occult knowledge isn't evil, occult knowledge is powerful. That's why, like guns, (((they))) don't want you to have it. Just like guns, occult knowledge is, in a sense, an inanimate object. Inanimate objects aren't good or evil, people are. People can use guns for good, or for evil. Evil people use guns for evil. The same goes for occult knowledge. Evil people want you think occult knowledge is evil because they don't want you to be able to use occult knowledge to defend yourself from them.

Which brings us to da jews...

I've read many occult books. Some of them aren't even books I agree with. Some are written by groups/people I actually consider my enemy. I read them precisely because they were written by my enemy and I want to understand how they think. The weird thing is, whether they are occult books I agree with or not, they tend to agree on one thing, **the jews**.

Who are the jews? They are not who the Bible references when it uses that term, which itself is just a rather poor translation in the first place. According to the occult works I've read (extensively), they are a left over group of humanity from a previous age. That's why they are so out of place in the "modern" world, and by modern I mean the past handful of thousands of years.

The purpose of humanity's existence in this physical realm is to spiritually evolve. This physical existence is but a very small part of the overall picture, but it's still important. To achieve this evolution, on a regular basis (again, a handful of thousands of years), there is a sort of "reset" that happens to humanity. The jews, as a people, are left over from the last "reset". That's why they're so out of place among the rest of us. They are, literally, less evolved than us.

If the average spiritual IQ is 100, jews are a clear 70. That's clinically retarded. For instance, they think they can get out of moral laws because they laid a rope around where they live. That's fucking retarded...isn't it...?

So here's the problem. The jews aren't smarter than us. So how are they so successful? Because, not only do they not play by the same spiritual rules as us, they aren't even playing the same spiritual game as us. And once you understand that, then you can actually start to successfully combat them.

We make them play our game. We make them play it by our rules. We hold them accountable every time they break the rules of our game. The moment they complain about it, you explain to them complaining about our rules is against our rules and then you hold them accountable for that. And what you definitely, for sure, 100% do NOT do is play their fucking game.

Playing (((their))) retarded games is 90% of the rest of humanities problem in the first place. They are, or should be, irrelevant to us. They are parasitic to the point that you don't even need to actively remove them...just don't feed them. Don't play (((their))) game.

Now, let me [introduce you to the talmud](https://rumble.com/vv7fx6-introduction-to-the-talmud-and-talmudism.html)

Did any of you know that the DOJ is actually prosecuting Dominion/Smartmatic for stealing an election in the Philippines?     (rumble.com)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to RealNews 3 months ago


So basically, they're starting to prosecute them for doing in the Philippines what they said they couldn't possibly have done in the 2020 elections. This establishes president, legally, investigations, by the government, or private groups, to officially look into things about the 2020 election.

I know we all already know it was stolen. But this is new information to me, and I thought you'd all like to know too.
The funny thing about all the anti-Christian "Christcuck" posts here is...     (Christianity)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to Christianity 3 months ago


...those accounts also haven't defeated the jews, but the jews don't seem too worried about them.
Baring some actual great financial reset that's actually positive for us, it's simply clear that the average young person really need to reassess their expectations regarding attainment of "The America Dream!".      (voxday.net)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to FinancialNews 3 months ago


I'm just curious...does anyone here have an example of a boomer owning up to the shit show they're leaving us?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by we_kill_creativity to AskUpgoat 3 months ago


I ask for personal reasons.

I, personally, don't know of a single boomer who takes ownership over clown world. It's not younger people who are letting ourselves be divided against the boomers. It's the boomers who have made the choice to divide themselves against younger people.

I think the main thing is this: so many boomers think that they are the "good boomers". They think that, because they aren't actively adding to clown world, they aren't causing it, so they aren't bad. What they seem to not realize is, they also aren't actively doing anything about it. And in their case, that isn't negatively affecting them because they're already out of the game.

But they sit there and watch their sons and grandsons die on the vine and don't do anything about it because that might offend people who hate them.

2008 was more than a recession. It was, literally, by the definition of the words, a depression. But it was more than that. It was a generational line in the sand...

First off...the stock market. I'll NEVER forget that, in the midst of the worst economy since the great depression, the stock market just kept growing and growing....which is fucking fantastic if you're already retired and your retirement is in the stock market. Isn't it...? It is...

Here's what happened: quantitative easing. They "printed" digital dollars and pumped them directly into the stock market. Bypassing the ENTIRE real economy. So despite the fact that working people were eating shit...retired people walked around like they were fucking geniuses.

And the majority of boomers were retired then, but those that weren't were the most senior people in the work place and the very last people to get laid off. Which, unsurprisingly, was a policy all those most senior people must have been the ones to put in place.

So in those ways, and so many more, the 2nd great depression (literally that's what happened) was/is unique compared to the 1st great depression because it was...literally...generational in nature. The boomers, as a generation, collectively decided to economically fuck their sons and grandsons to buy some more time before they died to not feel the collective consequences of their collective behavior.

Which brings us to today....

And I'll ask you again...do you personally know any boomers, left right center, it doesn't matter, who admit everything I just said? It's like dealing with women. You sit there and ask yourself, "Do they really not realize their own bullshit?"

Let me ask you a maybe easier question, "Do the boomers really not realize their own bullshit?"

I'm being serious...young people are literally starving because of economic policies that old people put in place to stop old people from starving. It's beyond obvious that old people are at least acting like they don't realize this, but what I'm asking is...do they genuinely not realize this, or is it just an act?

EDIT: I LOVE getting downvoted. It's how you know you've pissed off the morons.

EDIT2: So about an hour after posting, I have 6 comments that say they don't know any boomers that have taken ownership over the situation they're handing off to younger people, and 1 that does. That doesn't surprise me. It is interesting how childish such a simple question makes people in the responses...plus the downvotes...it all smacks of being juvenile...which they quite literally are.

EDIT3: Holy shit, the response this post has gotten is actually, literally proof of the point of the post...

EDIT4: Well you can clearly tell I'm talking to the retired generation this morning. Fucking lol man...as if we needed more proof of why I needed to make this post...but incase you did need more proof, you could always go through this comment section.

EDIT: And as if on que - https://voxday.net/2024/03/04/the-american-dream-is-over/