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Member for: 1 year

scp: 395 (+456/-61)
ccp: 1895 (+1997/-102)
votes given: 656 (+616/-40)
score: 2290


I didn't even need that, I just offered up an idea and the wheels began to turn.
That was neato.

I think the "agents" is really gonna be interesting.
Tie the data to the task and blammo, the walls come down.

Next up, using ai to vet insurgents. Guy goes to join a milita and here comes skynet to judge his intentions.

/v/AI viewpost?postid=66698c526f867

Make it summarize Joe's posts.

/v/AI viewpost?postid=66698c526f867

I know an african hoodrat who claims this is all planned on their side, they were told to do this by their sponsors. She calls Americans stupid and says we will do nothing to stop them taking advantage of our subsystems.

Direct quote: "Americans know, but no one is do anything, your government wants this, everyone back home knows this. We gonna come and take everything."

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6668f7bb3f6f0

Concerned about emissions? OK.

Let's outlaw anything that emits radiation.
It's bad for the "animals"

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6666e33960c0e

The wording of the title made me think of something else.

Just wait until the walmart employees start asking for tips at the register.
$10 bucks says it's coming.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66673ff6270d4

You cannot save a world by threatening it.
You simply delay the inevitable.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=66674ff7b1601

Challenge Accepted. I'll fight her.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66676bb3b4080

What role can protecting a belligerent minority's feelings possible have in a democratic republic? If you want a democratic republic you have accepted mob rule, that means the mob gets what they want and FUCK THE MINORITY. You can't just swing it back the other way because you're a faggot too.

We don't want to associate with them and you can't make us. Period.

/v/DumpsterFireAmerica viewpost?postid=666780ce64d9c

(free) Krita works almost exacly like Photoshop, even has AI Diffusion plugins, also free.

I think the creators might be into furries, they have some "odd" splash screenson startup, which I think can be suppressed. Nothing else about that program worries me, so I consider it a worthy alternative (its open source). It's better than GIMP, do not talk to me about GIMP.

Please elaborate on the claim that nix is compromised at some integral level... I'm not blind to these things, we can discuss them.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66678a32bd570

At least 3 times a week, the only nigger in (CustomerFacingArea) dings me because he doesn't understand one of my charts.
I have to slow everything down, stop coding, prove things in the database, and type really slow.

Don't worry though, he's not an American, he lives here but speaks very little english.
It's really becoming difficult to ignore, this... problem of ours.

A white guy in same dept, has similar inquiries, less frequently, he always understands my replies, he works with me to garner understanding of new concepts and we usually end up with multiple helpful insights from our discussions. He also makes good suggestions for new feature, which I usually implement immediately, which he will then double check.

It's not like its a hard choice.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6668002d70ef1

I have many white babies for you ma'am.

/v/WhitePeopleIsland viewpost?postid=6662e5c2cbabf

Star wars was stupid and Star trek was far superior.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=6662eee57515c

That guy isn't "strong", he's fat.

I mean, I'm sure he's stronger than a pipsqueak, but he's not gonna get anywhere with me.
The gun helps though.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=6661f992b7c19

are those syrians?
I hope photographer is not trying to pass these off as 'good ole boys'

They look foreign.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=6661f992b7c19

See he's right, they are desperate.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666235c09a28f

Companies drool over me, I dress not too bad, I clean up for interviews and I am good at my job. Small co was easier than wells fargo, and 5 years in, a big dog bought us up anyway. Now I'm at the big company and their coders love me too, because I'm not a script kiddy like the rest of them. I'm the only white American coder I've ever met.

You're right, its easier than it was before and they seem desperate. I suspect this is due to the low quality available to them.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=666235c09a28f

participation trophies have infiltrated every aspect of our lives.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=66627357bcb9c

cant wait to dance on that cunts grave

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=66629b5844617

fast as fast can be, you'll never find me

/v/AnonWhatever viewpost?postid=66615a3b03f08

Krita is free, open source and better than gimp.
It's almost identical to Photoshop.
built-in AI plugins, all the nifty stuff.

I ran it once and knew I would never use Photoshop again.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=666127616c124

[you asked](https://www.bitchute.com/video/LCsORMNmbfrT/)

/v/ShowerThoughts viewpost?postid=6660cebf3eea8

but no furries!

I kissed a pretty girl once when I was drunk in Peru. She was surprised but didn't mind.
I banged a fat chick in Washington. Not proud of that one.

but no furries and no microphone-sex. Don't pin your perversions on me. This is your fault.
Now pretend it isnt sexual and isnt targeting children... because it's both.

I monitor "scenes" when they get passed around sub-mainstream, as a warez bastard I am familiar with sub-scenes and how they operate. The ASMR folks are pushing semi-sexual themes for children, including sexual visuals. Most males would find it very lame, but its the girls they are after.

You are walking a fine line. You should be aware of that.

/v/ShowerThoughts viewpost?postid=6660cebf3eea8

everything they ever sell you will call you the problem.

Your religion is one of submission.
Your politics are of submission.
Your actions will be submission.
These things do not belong to you, they were given to you, because they are bad for you.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=66616bbf6d176