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As a man I watch this and think I may be in love... as a Rage Safety Officer I say WTF?!?!     (twitter.com)

submitted by Glowbright to Guns 3 weeks ago


At first I thought "Well they must have cleared the arena and have a safety perimeter" and then I saw her shoot right at the camera and I thought "well maybe it is a remote camera" and then I see her shooting at 0:37 with the guy in the red shirt down range of her shot and I was like "What the Jesus loving fuck?!?!?" Can anyone explain 1) how people don't die watching this and 2) Where can I see this live?!?!?
It's official, the next pandemic is being rolled out: Sick employee in Toronto CA just got told by doctors that he has 'the Bird Flu'     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

submitted by Glowbright to tellupgoat_based_edition 1 month ago


I have an employee on my Canada team that has been out sick for the past few days. Today he reported that he went to the doctor and they told him that he is officially diagnosed with 'the Bird Flu'. Recently I have seen news reports from the US about a avian flu out break in a poultry farm but I had not seen anything like this from Canada. I expect that the hype around this is about to be ramped up to 100, just in time for the election season
True Patriot Coffee https://truepatriot.coffee - Fuck Black RIfle Coffee: Pic related     (media.greatawakening.win)

submitted by Glowbright to coffee 2 months ago


I have never shopped BRC, but fuck them. They are clearly just grifting off the MAGA movement.

Shop https://truepatriot.coffee/ I have met two of the founders at a trade show a year or two ago and they seemed legit. Coffee was decent.
Coincidence or Divine portent?     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Glowbright to UpliftingNews 3 months ago


The world is a slightly better place today
Conspirologist admits to being a shill. Conspirologist admits that content is provided to them by someone else and they do not review the content before posting.      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Glowbright to tellupgoat_based_edition 3 months ago



Got super pissed when I pointed this one out. Realized he fucked up and blew his cover. Probably lost the job at JIDF over this.
Superbowl FF incoming? Kill Taylor Swift and blame it on 'white supremacists' to get all the young people to vote blue? Since when does the secretary of homeland security attend football press releases? and listen to what he says     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Glowbright to conspiracy 3 months ago


Predictive programing
In March 2023 Kari Lake said that 'someone' tried the bribe her to not run. Why did she wait a year to drop names?     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

submitted by Glowbright to tellupgoat_based_edition 4 months ago



Lake obviously made the recording and had it the entire time. Why did she wait 10 months to out Jeff DeWit? Why now?
The left media is pushing the narative that Trump is in cognative decline and are using two recent examples. What do goats think of this?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by Glowbright to AskUpgoat 4 months ago


First, they claim that Trump got confused and mixed up Haley and Pelosi at the NH rally on Saturday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGTJy1Ij4Qk

Second, they claim that trump slured his words at the NH rally on Sunday: https://nitter.cz/BidenHQ/status/1749234696603484650

To me this seems like more projection from the left. What do goats think?
Oklahoma-2024-HB3084 - Finally a bill I can fully support     (legiscan.com)

submitted by Glowbright to funny 4 months ago


> animal control services shall be contacted to remove the student.

I have not laughed so hard in a while. The wife is laughing so hard she is crying.
Just when you think Marvel can't possibly sink any lower...     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Glowbright to whatever 4 months ago


...Super Jew!
Worst way to get a girl's phone number     (media.patriots.win)

submitted by Glowbright to MeanwhileOnPatriotsWin 5 months ago


Anyone who makes a post with a title of "Redpill me on..." or "School me on..." is a shill. Change my mind.     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

submitted by Glowbright to tellupgoat_based_edition 5 months ago


Almost all of the time these are subjects that would be far better learned about by typing the exact same question into a search engine. These posts are not an honest attempt by the poster to learn about the subject. These posts are intended to 'engage the community' and get people to waste time and energy. Shills are paid by the level of engagement they get. Every comment or response is money in their pocket and these types of posts are a very low effort way to get lots of responses and to get people wasting time and energy. Typically the poster does not even bother to add a sentence or two in the body of the post.
Big white Zs painted on trucks was a PsyOp. The Russians never did this. Change my mind     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

submitted by Glowbright to tellupgoat_based_edition 5 months ago


- All of the equipment was bottom of the barrel. Now, 2 years latter, we know Russia that has not reached the level of desperation. They are sending armor and equipment to the front that can go head to head with Panthers and Abrams.
- The big white Z was conspicuous and an easy target. Modern armies do not go for "conspicuous"
- This was right at the same time as "The Ghost of Kiev"

Anyone tried actually going to House website and downloading J6 videos? I think this is a massive bait and switch     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Glowbright to TellUpgoat 6 months ago


1. The only way to get to the videos is to follow a link the track you and adds a UID to the URL
2. All the videos have titles like '0177USCH01HallofColumnsSouthDoor_2021-01-06_15h55min05s433ms.mp4
' but when you watch it is is edited down to only 2-10 min
3. No way to download videos

Glows like big brother all day long. I think they think most people are too lazy to really investigate and they track all the ones that do and put them on a list
White Man: Creates a business and earns a lot of Money. White Man: Spends a bunch of money to make the world a better place. Black People: No! Stop! That's racist! It makes us look bad!     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Glowbright to funny 6 months ago


It might be a stretch to say the MrBeast 'earned' his money, but you get the drift
Patroled so hard she does not even know what happened     (www.reddit.com)

submitted by Glowbright to ThotPatrol 6 months ago


Political analysts are betting with their $$$ that Trump will not be on the ballot in 24     (conspiracy)

submitted by Glowbright to conspiracy 6 months ago


All of the recent GOP donors and politicians that have been endorsing Trump are just setting up the voter base for a rug-pull. I say this by looking at how all of the GOP POTUS candidates are spending money. If trump is in the game none of these candidates stand a chance unless they take on Trump and this would be reflected in their add spends. If they were taking Trump seriously they would be spending 50% of their budgets on Trump attack adds.

But this is NOT how they are spending their money. They are spending large sums on attack adds against the other GOP POTUS candidates but not a penny spent attacking Trump. Last night I was out with friends in a bar and the sportsball game was up on the screen. Every commercial break was 50% GOP political adds. Haley attacking Desantis. Desantis attacking Vivek. Vivek attacking Desantis. Desatits attack Haley. etc., etc., etc. Not a single add even mentioned Trump.

I think the fix is in and the other GOP candidates are in on the scam. They are ignoring Trump because they are confidant that he is not real competition. The 2024 field is wide open because both the GOP and DNC plan on disposing of the current candidates because the party leadership think both Trump and Biden are not electable.
WTF is going on with all the millitary hardware in the air running search patterns over the continental US?!?!     (globe.adsbexchange.com)

submitted by Glowbright to conspiracy 7 months ago


Click the "U" in the upper left of the map to filter down to military craft and then go look at places that have clusters of planes/helicopters
Video of an Israeli helicopter getting shot down. Lanches flares and is taking evasive manuvers. Hit is the very last frame of the vid     (twitter.com)

submitted by Glowbright to videos 7 months ago


Like clockwork     (archive.ph)

submitted by Glowbright to Guns 7 months ago


Bakers forced to watch people turning their bread into bread bowls     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Glowbright to funny 7 months ago


The looks of horror on their faces is priceless. I normally don't enjoy this type of humor but this had me laughing.
Was Hurricane Otis a PsyOp? Many less popular meteorological sites that publish raw data show that the storm was never more than a Cat1 with 50mph winds but mainstrean weather sites say it is a Cat5 with 160+ mph winds     (conspiracy)

submitted by Glowbright to conspiracy 7 months ago


So the official narrative is that Hurricane Otis made landfall just after midnight near Acapulco as a monster Cat5 storm.


Some sites show 165 mph winds at the time:


But other sites show very different data. Windy.com shows that at midnight the storm had wind speeds of about 50mph and now it is a calm day:


Also if you look at radar maps some sites are showing heavy rain fall. Others sites are showing little to no rainfall.

One site (wunderground) will even display different data on the map depanding on how you got there. If you read their front page article about Otis and click through to the map you see: https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap?lat=18.2&lon=-100.6&wxstn=0&satellite=1&hur=1

If you look at weather in San Antonio, open the map and then pan down to Acapulco you see that it is not even raining. try it for yourself: https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap?lat=29.425&lon=-98.495&zoom=8&radar=1&wxstn=0

So is Hurricane Otis a PsyOp? And if so, for what purpose?
Deepstate bots deployed to "alt-right" forums can be forced to expose themslves by asking the right questions     (patriots.win)

submitted by Glowbright to whatever 7 months ago


Thousands of years ago Socrates, one of the great thinkers and philosophers of all time gave us the "Socratic Method" for debating, arguing, and seeking truth. It turns out that the method of arguing (Asking pointed questions and letting your opponent hang themselves with their answers) is the Achilles Heel of AI bots that will quickly make them fail a Turing test and force themselves to out themselves as AI bots.

Can you spot the handler?      (media.scored.co)

submitted by Glowbright to whatever 7 months ago


Funny how she is one of the few wearing a mask, almost like she did not want her face photographed. Or maybe she thinks that the mask will hide that beak
All this israel/palestine stuff sure has made it easy to identify the traitors and controlled opposition on the political right     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Glowbright to TellUpgoat 7 months ago


Everywhere you go right now you can see that all of the shills, Mossad agents, controlled opposition, traitors and double agents are showing their true colors and letting the mask slip. The israel/palestine conflict is clearly a third rail. Everyone needs to toe the uni-party line. The hard line 'white supremacist' will rant about the border and woke culture and pedophiles and then say 'I support Israel's right to defend themselves.' This immediately outs them as a propaganda mouthpiece. A whole cast of characters in media that normally have nothing to do with this issue feel compelled to show their support.

I think that they live and breath the propaganda so much that they fail to realize how much this is outing themselves. Like how do they not realize that maybe it is out of character for the neo-nazi to suddenly support israel in an emotional statement? I think that many of the propaganda authors in fact were the first generation of the truly brainwashed. They really believe the lies they push and I think right now we are seeing this bias coming through in the media they create. If you live in a constant echo chamber you just don't notice the absolute ridiculousness of the neo-nazi supporting israel... all you see is something that supports the party line that you can push