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When you post, give references     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 10 months ago


For as many boomers as exist here, I’m really disappointed how many times I see a post without any links to what’s really going on. They used to teach that.

Recent example title: “no one was arrested”. Picture of DC in flames.

Is this pic real? Is it one of you schizos out there photoshopping shit? Is it a real fire from 20 years ago?

Idk. Because it’s a fucking 18 pixel bull shit screenshot with some idiotic text beneath it, so i’ll just believe it!!11

If some faggot just posts a screenshot with no archive link, assume he’s a jewfed and downvote. If that doesn’t happen it proves this place is a honeypot
Deeper reflection on cries for covid amnesty     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 1.4 years ago


It’s not that they want a free pass to excuse their behavior. It’s that their puppet masters are “deactivating” them.

In essence, it’s not an excuse for them. It’s an excuse to *forgive you* for still being wrong. To stop attacking you, because the psyop is over and they need to get the NPC cannon ready for the next one.

They don’t think they’re wrong. They still think you are.
Morning goats      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 1.7 years ago


Let yourself do a good stretch, yawn and scratch yourself. Stroke your woman or remind yourself you need one.

Let's go bois. Keep it up. It's never been easy, so get jacked or get fucked. No weaklings will remain soon enough.

Post the manly shit you're gonna do today. For me: I'm gonna face a fear, workout at least 3 hours, talk to 2 difficult women, and try to cut out 1,000 calories. Also, goal is to make the bossman give me googly eyes by the end of the day.

Let's go.
Whites gave up long ago      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 1.9 years ago


Sorry to tell you faggots, but the gig is up. We had a had a great run.

Hope yall enjoy niggers fucking your progeny.
PSA in restaurants      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 1.9 years ago


Ask your waitress her name. Search if she's a CB and tip accordingly

They're right about white privilege      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 2.0 years ago


We are privileged. High IQ, beautiful features, acute personality, mixed with healthy levels of aggression seeking behavior. Dominant in all realms - mental, physical, and otherwise.

We've invented all modern technology and society. We ARE civilization.

These shoulders need a lot of massaging...
"I love fucking conservative Christian women"     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 2.0 years ago


"I love fucking *WHITE* conservative Christian women"

This was the calling card of some house nigger overheard in public the other night.

This was a nigger from sub Sahara Africa. Boys, this nigger was saying this shit openly in public. Repeatedly. Boasted all night about his bastard chikdren all over. All white women.

Nothing will be done. Just wanted to relay what I observe since no one here organizes or goes out. Happy Juneteenth faggots.
How many congressmen are Jewish?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to AskUpgoat 2 years ago


According to jewgle and kikeopedia, it's only 37. While this would mean they have disproportionately high representation in congress, it's still a pretty small number

So is 37 the real number? If not, please explain
Another example of the Jews running the medical industry      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 2 years ago


Thought I had strep recently. Called the pharmacy and it's $20 for the antibiotics. Oh but they don't do any testing (they test for covid of course).

Instead I have to see a doctor, $100 more. Of course my doctor can't see me for days, I have to go to urgent care. That's $200

So if you're sick and in need of simple, 100+ year old medicine, you'll be paying $220 for that $20 medicine

Don't worry about whether or not you'll own or rent everything. Either way you're fucked goy. Either way you're going to be paying the jew all your shekels
What's a good replacement for Gillette?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to AskUpgoat 2.1 years ago


Fuck those kikes. I need a new razor blade that basically does what Gillette does. Don't want a subscription, I'd pay upfront for bulk (assuming I can test it first)

I already use a straight razor, I need both.
What do you get out of this site?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to AskUpgoat 2.1 years ago


Just wondering what others come here for

For me, it's mostly to have some people who can make sense and light of the obvious and nonstop gaslighting we have to suffer as a "free" people. Personally, I can't tolerate deceit and as I see it becoming more of our everyday lives, I feel some need to reflect and hopefully - prevent dystopia from becoming reality

Anyway, just wondering why others are here and what people want it to be
When you read replies you should be able to up vote the comment wo going to the thread      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 2.1 years ago


Just a recommendation, not sure where to put it.
Does anyone have a comprehensive quick guide about police brutality stats and race?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to AskUpgoat 2.1 years ago


I have an amazing opportunity to redpill a psych friend who's under the impression police shoot whites more than blacks.

Any additional stats are welcome
LR has a nice interface but it's filled with woke faggotry      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 2.1 years ago


Seriously do the Jews own it now?
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 2.1 years ago


If Elon pulls through and Twitter becomes voat manifest - this is it

Boys this is the best chance of reclaiming the web, reclaiming the narrative, reclaiming sanity.

We're but a few of so many nodes who will no doubt be working together. Hold your ground. Don't give an inch and battle for everything possible.

Imagine if the pendulum had swung the other way. This is a profound opportunity to seize that reality.
Imagine if comedy was funny      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by giantprick to whatever 2.2 years ago


Haven't watched SNL in a while but I think this is recent? Imagine if this is what you could tune in and see. It almost feels like it used to. Things were funny.

You weren't beat over the head with heavy handed propaganda. It wasn't a lecture. You watched comedy and laughed.

People wonder how revolutions happen because      (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 2.2 years ago


It occurs to me, to defeat the jew...     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to TellUpgoat 2.3 years ago


If you want to subvert a population you take angsty teens and give them easy dopamine cycles. In 20 years they're saying how ridiculous it was of their parents to dislike you

Maybe something that could be applied in the modern day
What are the best hypothetical ways to post anonymously in minecraft?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to AskUpgoat 2.3 years ago


If one wanted to submit things to the internet but remain anonymous, what are the best ways?

This is a purely academic question.
How did the daughter princess bullshit start?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by giantprick to AskUpgoat 2.4 years ago


Greetings all, instead of your run of the mill fed post, I figured I'd introduce myself with a bang. Before we get started - yes I'm a kike, im also glowing like Iran's 89.999% enriched uranium, and if you crack wise ima set Tyrone on your daughters and wives

To business, as the title asks - how did we get to the point where 3-18 year old legally owned daughters usurped the reigns and ended up with daddy's balls in their spending purse?

I see this all over. Grown men, sometimes my family, sometimes a friend. Their daughter comes up and demands something and they just say OK, yes, whatever you need, sweetheart. Like a total cuck. I'm always looking at the door to waiting for some nigger to walk in.

Is it declining testosterone? We know the jews play their part, but Holy shit. How did men become this? Why is this the norm? It won't be for me, but I feel like I'm climbing a waterfall to be honest. This is bad boys