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Member for: 2.4 years

scp: 252 (+270/-18)
ccp: 2414 (+2637/-223)
votes given: 329 (+308/-21)
score: 2666


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As usual the christian has the low IQ take where he couldn’t even bother to understand what was said

Tbh it’s hilarious your religion is crumbling. You and most of its followers are weak minded simpletons. Keep your pedo religion faggot.

/v/Christian viewpost?postid=648185f103774

Boomers are not the same. Talk to a boomer.

Watch as they condescendingly talk down to anyone younger. Watch as they ignore everything bad, ignore their contribution, then get angry and tell you to leave them alone and let them have piece.

Stop simping for boomers, start identifying problems. Otherwise you’re the low IQ

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=646def8b02c0c

“pEoPlE aRe stAnDinG uP!!!”

Trannies are everywhere and you’ll be arrested for not liking it. Your civil liberties can and will be taken from you when the govt feels like it. 80%+ of the population took a poison shot because they were gaslit by the medical institutions.

No one’s fucking standing up to shit, stfu boomer and stop making other boomers optimistic for no reason

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=648339aa59d5d

I’m not even surprised anymore

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6480eaf9c94c1

No we need to identify problematic behavior and make it unacceptable to continue or repeat.

Boomer behavior led to where we are today. We have to analyze and grow from it, not hold hands and still give them a say at the table

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=646def8b02c0c

You’re right and you’re a product of boomer incompetence. You’re not a boomer, your hardships are the products of their failures

Here’s the thing though, more and more white people will grow up like this. More and more of them will be forced to be strong.

It’s just shitty we have to go back through this after we got out.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=646def8b02c0c

Well partially true.

Christianity was a co-opting of white europeans advanced way of living. Jews (or whatever preceded them) latched onto those, wrote some books, made some pagan (and other proto religion) holidays into christian holidays (ex christmas), which effectively allowed them to subvert and control the people.

It’s similar to running banks but on an idealistic/morality level.

This is ofc how usury became a nonwhite-jew only game. How else did nation after nation succumb to it while being deprived of using it themselves?

To add in, consider the infiltration of the papal body with pedophiles and gays. Would this really have come about from such a pious group of people without infiltration?

So the customs were white, but the religion(cr) itself was created as a tool of control and subversion.

/v/Christian viewpost?postid=648185f103774

I don’t believe gen x is this retarded.

You know why kids aren’t outside now? Cuz boomer faggots sold out our society for “a peaceful retirement” to niggers and kikes

Yeah cool story about being outside all day Billy, kids these days have to worry about niggers on fentanyl or a tranny abducting them

But yeah, let’s hear more about how fucked kids are and how amazing the old people who led to their demise are

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=646def8b02c0c

“it’s incorrect to say chinese commit the most violent crime in america. in fact, heterosexual cisgender white males commit the most violent crime in america. it’s important to understand how white supremacy is the greatest threat to our homeland. to opt out of automatic payments to the ruling elite, please kill yourself”

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=6466e2c93d47c

Nah the best way is to act like a moron boomer and hold up the line for 15 minutes with inane questions while refusing to pay until someone responds

Modern problems…

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6466d83f4d596

On top of the space conspiracies being retarded as fuck, what’s even the point?

The govt created 9/11 directly or indirectly, killed or upended many millions of lives in war and covid, and constantly gaslights us all into losing rights and letting them do evil shit

So who tf really honestly cares about whether or not we went to space 60 years ago?

On a relative scale it’s really not even worth thinking about. Which is why you should see the whole thing as a psyop to get you to believe in and waste your life force on idiotic tangential shit so you don’t do anything about the real conspiracies…

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64652f29b2099

“Men are never allowed on the second floor of our house apart from moving in and moving out.”

No feminists around on moving day.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6463d5ba625a9

wow that’s an ugly skank

/v/funny viewpost?postid=645357e4c5b1d

Is this show as subverted as the vibes it’s giving or is it one of those “we’re actually making fun of black degeneracy”?

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6452621b11a1a

Nah this is hilarious. Women get what they deserve for being full supporters of all the commie degeneracy and it’s hilarious

/v/Troons viewpost?postid=6451d98a7ddbf

85% of black students lack proficiency in reading skills

They say they need money. Really fucker?

My parents taught me to read when I was a child. They weren’t rich, they sometimes had to work late. They still managed to squeeze 15 minutes in a day for a couple years to show me $2 flash cards and read me $5 childrens books

At what point can you just expect black people to do basic parenting things? I mean this isn’t a white only thing - most races seem to be able to make their children literate

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6445d4f5f1604

However that was very niggerlike

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6441cb2d19207

Sepultura is good but definitely boomer tier.

Nothing wrong with that but can you also respect modern metal?

Probably not. Which is why boomers get so much shit.

/v/music viewpost?postid=6424fbddd12a2

Lol of course not it’s bullshit

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=641e8fedebfa9

Somewhere in the world in that moment a bald eagle was born

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6414a84bd4d7f

This is some facebook boomer tier dialogue

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63e997beb28f8

Lmao sure “more than prevailing wage”

That’s kike talk. Get more angry you can’t jew your way into wealth faggot

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=63daf443cba34

Who’s the bigger nigger?

The nigger who steals from the walton’s or the nigger walton family for making you work for them for free?

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=63e87bf1182f7

lol hey dipshit i’m not trying to hire minimum or close to wage employees and then bitching when they don’t automate my life for me

I make more money than you and I do it by being skilled. you’re being a nigger hoping to enslave someone else to skim profit

get fucked kike

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=63daf443cba34