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2014 Crimean referendum ballot choices: YES or YES

submitted by mikenigger to History 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 17:53:31 ago (+4/-0)     (en.wikipedia.org)


Choice 1: Do you support the reunification of Crimea with Russia with all the rights of the federal subject of the Russian Federation?

Choice 2: Do you support the restoration of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea in 1992 and the status of the Crimea as part of Ukraine?

The referendum's available choices did not include keeping the status quo of retaining arrangements enacted by the 1998 Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Additionally, the second choice, is unclear because there were two revisions of the Crimean constitution in 1992. The original 1992 constitution was adopted together with a declaration of independence, but parliament then amended the constitution one day later to affirm that Crimea "was a part of Ukraine"

The voting boxes were transparent and the ballots were not placed in envelopes in such a way as to make the marked ballots visible through the box walls.

The referendum was to be decided by a simple majority with the choice with the most votes declared winner. The referendum rules did not state if there was a threshold number of votes needed for the result to be enacted.

9 comments block

[ - ] HeyJames 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 17:55:53 ago (+0/-0)

Cool but don't really give a shit. Slavs always try to kill each other. What they do is of no consequence to me when europe and America are conquered by kikes and being browned at record rates

[ - ] 3Whuurs 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 19:18:26 ago (+0/-0)

It’s the only non browned white lands left on the earth. It’s worth at least paying attention.
The odds are about 99% that the only white genes to survive in 120 years will be from their stock.

[ - ] Peleg 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 18:23:07 ago (+0/-0)

I like that idea of using transparent voting boxes. There would never be another woman cast a vote! They would All be too afraid of someone seeing them/their vote, and judging them! LOL.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 19:16:43 ago (+0/-0)

But If the vote count was almost absolute for one of those options, with near total turn out, isn’t it really of little consequence?
It’s hard to judge public opinion from that side of the world, and not that there was none, but I never seen any complaining about any of it by the locals.
It looked exactly like what Danzig Germans did after Hitler liberated them from the Poles.

[ - ] mikenigger [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 19:34:09 ago (+0/-0)*

The Monitoring Committee, in its report that was the basis for PACE resolution No. 1988 (2014) of April 9, 2014, questioned the official outcome of the referendum. Russians accounted for only 54% of the population and around 36% were Crimean Tatars and ethnic Ukrainians, who had announced a boycott of the referendum. The authors of the report argued that the combination of an 82% turnout and a 96% vote in favor of annexation was therefore implausible.

More importantly a local referendum is not legal under the constitution, it's a joke.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 21:12:20 ago (+0/-0)

Well I never followed those events closely at the time so my questions are naive.
But wouldn’t…

96% vote in favour

Simply mean 96% of the vote was in favour?
100 people voting can create those results exactly.

[ - ] mikenigger [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 21:39:59 ago (+0/-0)

Sure, with a <0.01% turnout.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 19:43:01 ago (+0/-0)

No one is invading the Ukraine.

The US is trying to push an invasion of Ukraine to go to war tho.

[ - ] mikenigger [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 15, 2022 20:18:26 ago (+0/-0)

And the 100 thousand troops at the border are on vacation.