@boekanier is inspired because a nigger in africa wants to kill the gays     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to WhitesInspiredBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 5 months ago (+0/-3)
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The jealousy and seething I got in this post was unexpected. get a wife happy degenerates.     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 5 months ago (+0/-3)
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I haven't heard of or seen any of these people, and here voat has somehow compiled all their faces and names and showed them here. Either a jewish hollywood infiltrator or baby boomer     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by osomperne to TalkPropagatesTheEnemysMessage 5 months ago (+0/-3)

gen x, you're baby boomers now too, don't kid yourself.

again, nowhere else anywhere IRL, TV or on the internet have I heard if or seen these jew-approved acters..... and here we are on a "conservative" website with propagation of the enemy's message going full bore all day, every day.

This website's userbase in a nutshell
@con77 feels the need to prove to everyone here that he's not only not racist, but he's also a baby boomer for posting nigger twats from twatter     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by osomperne to ImNotRacist 5 months ago (+0/-6)

congratulations on being not racist @con77, get the fuck out and don't come back. you're not on our team.
@cunt77 is feels validation because a nigger said something he said 3 years ago. Let's all pile on the credibility and praise for @cunt77 everyone.      (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by osomperne to WhitesInspiredBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 5 months ago (+1/-8)

thank you so much for being here @cunt77. what would we do without your nigger loving boomer ass posting legacy media links and vulgar nigger-tier "memes" here.

and thanks for making us look at another nigger; we can't thank you enough. you're not racist now and are going to athiest heaven for sure.

thank you so much

(said no one ever)
Remember that time the Zion Don egrigiously fought for Israel as president of the USA and repeatedly subverted and undermined the 2nd & 1st amendment?      (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers to PepperidgeFarmRemembers 5 months ago (+1/-1)
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Being that hes a life long democrat, Ammo and gun shortages happened *under his watch*.

Pepe Farm Remembers

israelrespector busted. loney jew or cuckold?     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by observation1 to whatever 6 months ago (+16/-0)
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Israelrespector boasts dating an "aryan" woman, here:


Links to this photo:

Actually it's just a photo of two twitch streamers together. Pictured below is Melina Goransson, some instagram model with 900k followers.



(Less make-up)

The jew, Steven "Destiny," in this photo is a streamer currently going through a divorce after being in an open relationship marriage. When asked about the open relationship marriage, the instagram "wife" (if you would call her that) says "I've been in open relationships since high school"
Full quote: https://pic8.co/sh/VA1DAW.jpg

So is israelrespector a lonely jew or a cuckold?


It actually gets more embarassing than this.

The jew pictured above isn't even dating or married to the insta-ho.

He's paid her off for clicks in a fake affair.

Here is the same photo of them:


Notice anything different?

Oops. They're not in rome, after all.

So it's the movie inception. Multiple layers jew deep in deception.
White people of voat once again inspired because someone is brown.      (www.voat.xyz)
7 comments last comment...

I have seen this trend among millennials under the influence of baby boomers and baby boomers.
Daily reminder: AryanPrime is IsraelRespecter     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by bobdole9 to TellUpgoat 7 months ago (+29/-1)
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You will pay     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by osomperne to videos 6 months ago (+2/-1)
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If they could pull off the same thing with muslims in china (converting to islamic marxism) they could basically socially blow up all of asia as a consequence.     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by prototype to whatever 7 months ago (+1/-1)

Probably why they come down so hard on the uyghurs, because the chinese see exactly what can happen if they allow it to.
inb4 portmanure hasn't posted in over a week. Robert Card's massacre was a week ago. COINCIDENCE?!?!?!     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 7 months ago (+3/-0)
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New subverse in dedication to Hamas. Post here for all your pro-Hamas posts.     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by NukeAmerica to Hamas 8 months ago (+4/-2)
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Inshallah and death to Pissrael!
"Now try it but in English this time" -bigfatdangus     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 8 months ago (+1/-0)
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✅ "Try it now, but in English"
✅ "This time try it in English"
✅ "Try it again, but this time, in English"
✅ "Now, try it in English, this time"
❌ "Now try it but in English this time" -bigfatdangus
Requesting v/ThankHitlerEveryday     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by Fascinus to subrequest 8 months ago (+20/-0)
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It's long past time to remove the taint of FightKikeHERO from a sub dedicated to honoring dear uncle A.
The Ghost of Gaza - armed with just a sling, halitosis, and gefilte fish - this woman down many armed wingsuited Hamas - flying over the walls and past the auto-turrets     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 8 months ago (+1/-0)
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another one bites the dust      (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 8 months ago (+10/-0)
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@kosherhivekicker has joined this crew     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 8 months ago (+0/-2)
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Resident kike @HeyJames posts a copypasta claiming to be his own, gets called out, kvetches oyvey-ly and then deletes it.     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by Rotteuxx to whatever 9 months ago (+24/-5)
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I had read this story before, it's about a young guy getting trained as a mechanic and being told not to touch the seized flare nut. Kid does it anyways, breaks the brake line and gets scolded for it. The specific sentence about him not being able to replicate the complex bends in the line is what stood out to me, definitely something I had read before.... maybe on here or somewhere else... I think it might have been posted by ADHDFerret but not sure.

Anyways, as always the kike kvetched when called out, tried using a miror to call me a kike and when that didn't work, he deleted the evidence.
@GreyDragon Is Some Pansy Wimp Trying To Besmirch My Impeccable Good Name     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by GrayDragon to TellUpgoat 9 months ago (+30/-3)
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Okay, maybe my honor is not so impeccable ...
Passive christcuck loser on here wants former white lands to remain non-white because 'they have some christians'     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to religion 9 months ago (+2/-6)
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these christcuck losers think they're 'alpha' for wanting to keep europe white, no you're a trained passive loser. everyone else is trying to conquer the world while you're desperately begging to keep the scraps you keep handing away with your passivity. their jew religion literally teaches them to hate on Rome aka a white conquering system and to maintain a white passive system.
Genius     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by GrayDragon to PostOfTheDay 9 months ago (+1/-4)
the mageneisum glyicnate really makes me constipated and gives me stomach cramps upon waking up      (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 9 months ago (+0/-2)
Clean it up, jannie     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Reportblumenthepedophile 9 months ago (+7/-2)

@lord_nougat what would you say it is you....do, here?
SumerBreeze exposes himself as an anti-white disinfo agent     (www.voat.xyz)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to TellUpgoat 9 months ago (+2/-3)
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