Australia makes deepfake porn illegal     (www.abc.net.au)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 4 days ago (+1/-1)
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Willie Picton Dead - Robert William "Willy" Pickton b October 24, 1949 was convicted in a Canadian court of the second degree murder of six women in 2007, he was arrested in 2002 after being the subject of lengthy investigations that yielded evidence of numerous other murders     (www.abc.net.au)
submitted by MartinTimothy to RIP 1 hour ago (+0/-0)
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The Correctional Service of Canada said Robert Pickton, an inmate of Port-Cartier Institution in the province of Quebec, died in hospital following injuries incurred May 19, 2024, and that a 51-year-old inmate was in custody for an assault on Picton. ABC.net.

Sodom & Gomorrah Revisited, The Pickton Pig Farm Murders, Canada Overtaken by Anarchy.

Testimony from numerous sources says cannibalism and body dumping is protected at every level in Canadian policing and politics. StankMouth says, "the RCMP would take children and women to Robert Picktons pig farm & the political elites / government / celebs would be taking part in cannibal oath ceremonies that involved rape and murder.

Turitelle says, "nobody believed Pickton acted alone, cops and politicians who ignored the reports of missing women for years hung out at their party hall, Hell's Angles whose club house was just across the street frequented the Picktons' illicit nightclub, investigators searching the Pickton farm found 80 unidentified DNA profiles there approximately half of them male."

JumpinJack, "Canadian Privy Councilor Maurice Strong hired Crown Agents Sister Lena Trudeau in 1996 to set up Piggy’s Palace Good Times Society as a Federally registered charity, to procure film for use in the extortion of witnesses to or participants in pedophile oath taking ceremonies at a BC pig farm mortgaged by Linda Pickton at Port Coquitlam, in British Columbia..

Piggy Palace routinely attracted more than 2000 party goers including off duty police officers, city officials and was considerable association between Dave Pickton and the Hells Angels, the CIA drug smugglers sect. His brother Robert Picton was suspected of murdering over 100 women & children, and was dubbed Canada's biggest ever serial killer.

The entire city of Port Coquitlam pop. 53,000, it seemed was feeding on pigs that had been fed murder victims by the suspected serial killer Robert Pickton .. the waste pig material went by truck to a rendering plant near the DES called West Coast Reduction Ltd, many are certain that the partial remains of the murdered sex workers went to the same place."

Bklondike1412, "Robert Pickton took the fall for the Hells Angels .. he just released a book out of prison that was banned everywhere .. it's common knowledge in BC that Piggy Palace Good Times club was a Hell's Angels club, police were tipped off about Pickton for years even taking a stabbed woman from his property IIRC nothing was ever done." Piggy's Palace @ SearchVoat.

Justin Trudeau Link to Epstein and the Pickton Pig Farm.

In this video April LaJune provides additional testimony, she says if anything things are just as bad in the US with prominent ppl in show business and politics totally given over to Satanism and mass sacrificial murder.

Sometime in about the mid 1980's a pulp crime magazine of the kind banned in Australia turned up where I lived, it had a feature story re a farm boy who took a prostitute back to his farm and murdered her while his brother stood by .. that it mirrored the Pickton Farm Killings scenario perfectly, indicates the entire affair was common knowledge even by that time.