A Critical Analysis of David Irving's Statement on the Holocaust by Hadding Scott     (codoh.com)
submitted by beece to History 11 months ago (+2/-0)
CODOH - Schindler's List was a work of fiction -- 30 minute interview with Ernst Zundel      (codoh.com)
submitted by Lost_In_The_Thinking to whatever 1.2 years ago (+32/-0)
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Ernst Zundel's biography is too long to give in a summary, but he was a German citizen to emigrated to Canada and spoke and wrote broadly about the "holocaust". He was jailed several times for this and at one point was deported to Germany and stood trial there for "holocaust denial".

Share this with your brainwashed friends, if you still have any who haven't cut off ties with you for your crimethink.

The 1999 Krege Report     (codoh.com)
submitted by ZyklonDryCleaners to History 2 years ago (+3/-0)
Revisited: A Prominent German Historian Takes a Critical Second Look at the Reality of the Holocaust, Jews, and Hitler.      (codoh.com)
submitted by beece to LyingNewsMedia 2 years ago (+3/-0)
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CODOH is the best resource for holohoax information I've found, and much of it is available for free     (codoh.com)
submitted by HughBriss to whatever 2.4 years ago (+32/-0)
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The post link is to the library page, where you will find a like to download their entirely catalog of Holocaust Handbooks. These are amazing. I provide a direct link to them below. At the bottom of the page, you can download a brochure that describes each volume.


If you click the Library tab at the top, you can search by author, title, or subject.


But that's not all they offer. They have a fantastic video collection that merits your attention. I know some of you aren't big readers, so this would be something you would benefit from. Please note that they have very little by jew "holocaust denier" David Cole, which should tell you something about that guy.

These folks are the real deal. They're very serious and have very valuable resources they want to share. Take advantage of it, and support them if you're able to.

Incidentally, if anyone is a Norm Macdonald fan and remembers him talking about aerial photography of the camps where the shadows of the chimneys are too short for them to be crematoria chimneys, this is probably where he found that information. That information is contained in volume #27 of the Holocaust Handbooks.
WEBSITE: "Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust to promote intellectual freedom regarding the "Holocaust" "     (codoh.com)
submitted by beece to Jews 2.6 years ago (+25/-0)
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