Biden shot down a kid's science project     (aviationweek.com)
submitted by Kung_Flu to anything 1.3 years ago (+17/-0)
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AI-Piloted Concepts Emerge As U.S. Air Force Ponders Options     (aviationweek.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to Aircraft 1.7 years ago (+1/-0)
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We now know what it was that evaded one of our $400,000 sidewinder missles and was subsequently shot out of the sky. Thank god for our highly trained and equipped military and the absolutely competent leadership. YOU BETTER BE AFRAID VLAD AND XI. VERY AFRAID!!!     (aviationweek.com)
submitted by Steelerfish to ClownWorld 1.3 years ago (+3/-3)
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Upon reading more, I think this one was over Alaska and not the poor balloon killed over Lake Huron….
I do feel safer, though.
Thanks Joe!