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A photo taken yesterday in Brazil. The photographer said he waited 3 yrs to take it.      (
submitted by Centaurus to religion 10 months ago (+60/-0)
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What's your opinion?     (
submitted by Motorweed to religion 8 months ago (+61/-1)
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Do you know?     (
submitted by correctness to religion 7 months ago (+33/-0)
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Christ is King     (religion)
submitted by GrayDragon to religion 2.4 years ago (+39/-7)
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Fuck you faggot pagans.


Satan arrives at the gates of hell to welcome a new damned soul: "Congratulations!", he says, "You wasted your entire pitiful life!"      (religion)
submitted by Centaurus to religion 10 months ago (+31/-0)
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"Well," the man replies, "at least I'm not an adult living in my father's basement."
Sorry Christians, I know I make a lot of threads mocking you guys     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to religion 1.4 years ago (+36/-6)
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What atheism does to a society      (
submitted by Trumpman1488 to religion 2 years ago (+35/-7)
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Christcuck race traitors     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to religion 2 years ago (+42/-16)
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Adolf Hitler on Christianity in Mein Kampf     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to religion 1 year ago (+28/-3)
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Detroit riots, 1943, whites vs blacks.. of course it's all portrayed today as the white man's fault, except the arrests say otherwise     (religion)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to religion 1.9 years ago (+24/-0)
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On 22 June 1943, three days of racial violence come to an end in Detroit.
Earlier this month, we saw how the rapidly increasing population of U.S. Navy sailors went after the Latino youth of Los Angeles in the Zoot Suit Riots, during which the local police often sided with the rioters. Only after the servicemen were confined to barracks did the riots finally stop.
But Los Angeles is not the only place seeing a new rise in racial tensions in the rapidly changing war-time economy of the United States. The growing defense industry is pulling many workers from the south to the cities in the northeast. African Americans, in particular, are moving north, where new jobs have opened up for them following President Roosevelt's Executive Order 8802, which prohibited racial discrimination in the defense industry.
Detroit is one of those places that has seen an explosive growth of migrants. It does not take long for the fight for jobs and housing to become a racial conflict. In one instance, a housing project meant for black migrants met heavy protests from the local white community, who tried to bar families from moving in with violence. There have also been wild strikes in the factories when black employees were hired to work alongside white workers on the assembly line.
On June 20, a brawl between youths in Belle Isle Park grows into a confrontation between blacks and whites on the Belle Isle Bridge. The confrontation soon turns into a riot that reaches the black neighborhood of Paradise Valley in the city itself, where both sides burn, loot, and kill for three consecutive days.
By today, the riots have been suppressed with help from federal troops. Although both sides are to blame for the escalation of violence, the numbers reveal that the African American community has once again pulled on the shortest end. Of 34 people killed in the riots, 25 are black, of which the police have killed 17. And of the 1,800 people arrested, 85 percent are African American.

cause they're the ones doing the fucking rioting. yet somehow even that's twisted to make them out as the victims. sick of seeing this obvious bullshit.
The church that does not preach Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, is not the true church.     (religion)
submitted by Knoxville to religion 3 years ago (+22/-0)
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The church that does not preach against the pharisees or usury, is not the true church.

The church that does not preach of judas and his love of (((silver))) over The Gospel, is not the true church.

The church that does not preach explicitly against sodomy is not the true church.

The church that does not preach that 'a nation' means a people is not the true church.

The church that does not preach against those who would disarm christians, is not the true church.

The church that does not preach against the money changers, is not the true church.

The church that does not preach Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, is not the true church.

Likewise for leaders and politicians. Those who do not do these things are no leaders, but are appointed by our enemies who hate us, wish to persecute us, and wish to replace us, the Europeans and christian Europeans.
Almost every 'christian persecution' of the jews was about debt and usury. Christians actually went out of their way to protect the jews.     (religion)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to religion 2.0 years ago (+26/-4)
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The words sicut Judaeis ("As the Jews") were first used by Pope Gregory I (590-604) in a letter addressed to the Bishop of Naples. Around 598, in reaction to anti-Jewish attacks by Christians in Palermo, Pope Gregory brought Augustine's teachings into Roman Law. He published a bull which became the foundation of Catholic doctrine in relation to the Jews and specified that, although the Jews had not accepted salvation through Christ, and were therefore condemned by God until such time as they accept salvation, Christians were nevertheless duty-bound to protect the Jews as an important part of Christian civilization.

LOL!!! Mark my words, if Christianity didn't exist, Jews wouldn't exist. The people hated the jews, everywhere, all the time. The church always prevented the extermination of these goblins so they could wreak havoc constantly. Christianity was their great victory over us, offering them eternal protection and a monopoly on banking.

Without christianity stopping them, the people did what was natural, killed the aliens running the obvious scams on them:

The Rhineland communities were relatively wealthy, both due to their isolation, and because they were not restricted as Catholics were against moneylending. Many crusaders had to go into debt in order to purchase weaponry and equipment for the expedition; as Western Catholicism strictly forbade usury, many crusaders inevitably found themselves indebted to Jewish moneylenders. Having armed themselves by assuming the debt, the crusaders rationalized the killing of Jews as an extension of their Catholic mission.

The pleas of the clergy were ignored on similar grounds (no cases against individuals were brought forward for excommunication) and the mob believed that anyone preaching mercy to the Jews was doing so only because they had succumbed to Jewish bribery.

Albert of Aachen's view was that the People's Crusaders were uncontrollable semi-Catholicized country-folk (citing the "goose incident," which Hebrew chronicles corroborate)... aka regular people who didn't really believe in christianity and so dgaf what the clergy preached and did instead what they knew was right, to kill the scammers milking them dry.
Trailer with hundreds of bibles inside are set on fire and left outside Tennessee church on Easter Sunday     (
submitted by Rob3122 to religion 1 month ago (+20/-0)
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Pastor Greg Locke had just gotten back from Israel was shocked when he learned what happened at his church on the Holy Day of Resurrection
Make up your mind     (
submitted by correctness to religion 7 months ago (+17/-0)
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Glorify God in His name     (
submitted by ymihere to religion 2.8 years ago (+20/-4)
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If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory, and of God, rests upon you. Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler; but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name.
1 Peter 4:14-16 -
Based christians have always been mobbed by judeo christians     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to religion 2.0 years ago (+21/-5)
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i've raised the same question multiple times.. how can you possibly conflate the OT god with the NT jesus? they're total opposites. not a single faggot christian, even the 'based' ones, can answer this question properly.

usually the 'based' ones just pretend their non-answer is a sufficient answer and when told that historically christians have always wrangled over this question, they plead total denial and pretend otherwise, showing their total lack of knowledge.. or maybe just cowardice, cause these types of christians, like freeintx on here, always perform this same tactic of total denial of historical facts and just lie when confronted with difficult questions. luckily for them their jewish god isn't real, cause they'd all be going to hell with the master of lies otherwise. i'm certain they're not 'self aware' when they do it, and their mind purposely just dismisses it to avoid it, but jesus wouldn't excuse you for that, and nor do i.
The Jewish religion and its attitude to non-Jews, Maimonides: ‘it is permissible to try out a drug on a heathen, if this serves a purpose’     (
submitted by mememeyou to religion 3 years ago (+15/-0)
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Christianity is now ruled by Satan      (
submitted by fritz_maurentod to religion 9 months ago (+20/-6)
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Church decorations for the school service in the city of Nuremberg, Germany.
What do you guys think of the prison planet theory?     (religion)
submitted by VicariousJambi to religion 2.2 years ago (+13/-0)
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If you're not sure what the prison planet theory is, its the theory that this physical reality is not a school of learning like a lot of new age stuff teaches, and is actually a prison. Much like public school in real life.

Near Death Experiences and children who can remember their past lives have been found to have some commonalities with themselves and each other. Theres also commonalities with a lot of different religions, too.

In general when you die you find yourself in your "astral" body floating around. You can think more clearly, remember better, have telepathy, teleportation, can see through the eyes as if you were another animal, person (entity). It's basically like a lucid dream. Then you get sucked through a tunnel, and then enter "heaven". There its a world of pure bliss with all of your dead relatives.

In heaven, there are these "light beings" or "angels" that take you through a life review and show you all of your choices and how your choices affected others, through their eyes. How they felt, what they thought. You basically re live your life and the lives of anyone you ever had contact with. The light beings then either convince you to go back to your body or convince you to plan your next incarnation with them in order to improve yourself, correct your choices, that sort of thing. Like the person you bullied is going to be your best friend in the next life sort of stuff. Righting "wrongs".
The Prison Planet theory is basically the thought that these light beings are the prison wardens that will show you anything or anyone to convince you to reincarnate into this physical reality. Much like we are learning in this reality, they are "evil" pretending to be good, but on the highest order imaginable.

Why they do this only has a few theories, the main one being that they feed off of your energy. In my opinion that doesn't really make sense because the same people that talk about prison planet theory also talk about how we're infinitely powerful beings being tricked into thinking we're not infinitely powerful. There wouldn't really be a reason to need to feed off of us if they are infinitely powerful as well, you know? Well, other than something like "they like the taste".

I wonder if this really is a school, but the test is actually to not trust those light beings because you have no idea who or what they are, really.

One big point on how the "reality is a school of learning" doesn't make sense is that in a school, you remember your previous classes and schools and different years and they all build up upon each other. I don't remember my previous school, class, or anything. Only the now.

So basically just the title. What do you guys think of the prison planet theory?
Antichrist Is The Entire Office Of The Papacy [1.14]     (
submitted by doginventer to religion 9 months ago (+15/-2)
Polish Priest Jailed for Throwing Wild Orgy Where Male Prostitute Died After Overdosing on Erectile Dysfunction Pills     (
submitted by Rob3122 to religion 1 month ago (+14/-1)
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Daily Verse and Comment for 1 John 4:8     (
submitted by doginventer to religion 2.4 years ago (+12/-0)
If you love your enemies and serve them, and let them persecute you, then you win     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to religion 2 years ago (+18/-6)
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Can one be both a christian and a nationalist?     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to religion 2 years ago (+16/-4)
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See Christians, jews love your passivity     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to religion 1.6 years ago (+16/-4)
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it enables them to walk all over you. they'd be still licking our heels just as they were before christianity, or non-existent, if it wasn't for you brainwashed cuckolds.