Nothing suspicious here      (twitter.com)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 22 hours ago (+6/-2)
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TIL Tesla has the highest accident rate of any auto brand     (www.forbes.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to whatever 22 hours ago (+4/-4)
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Interesting poll.      (www.axios.com)
submitted by zongongo to whatever 1 day ago (+12/-2)
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Actually, the only thing that interests me is that Boomers are the most based generation in this poll.
All you Gen X, Milennials and Gen Z deserve all the blame for your demographic being largely stupid.
Why don't you fix those numbers ? Win over your demographic or you'll be ruled by boomers
BOOMERS are kicking your asses
Fury as ethnicity questions are scrapped from Australia’s next census: ‘Hiding uncomfortable truths’     (www.noticer.news)
submitted by dulcima to Australia 1 day ago (+32/-0)
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Dangus Admitting He's Vaxxed     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by BushChuck to BushCamp 1 day ago (+5/-1)
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Tucker      (www.unz.com)
submitted by Markshirley to whatever 1 day ago (+7/-1)
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@iSnark is a grade-A simp who white knights @Gowithit on the off chance he gets to lick her diseased vag. Very sad, many such cases     (whatever)
submitted by StabANazi to whatever 8 hours ago (+0/-12)
Another Soros goon     (archive.is)
submitted by ymihere to whatever 1 day ago (+9/-0)
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Nobody gets indicted or convicted unless they don’t have use for them any more.
The articles about paid actors in the gaza protests were put out so you would dismiss the protesters out-of-hand.     (whatever)
submitted by prototype to whatever 1 day ago (+10/-3)
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It is a variation of the "everyone is a fed" meme.

I think I seen someone call it "discredit through implication", sort of like guilt by association.

It's a semi-effective tactic for when an opposition group resorts to strategies which can't be immediately shut down because they're not violent (violence being something that alienates broader support. See israel bombing gaza, and losing international support for details).

The thinking is "if the grass on the otherside (political) is astroturf, is it really greener on the other side."

It's designed to keep you from uniting over issues rather than identity/ideology being used as lever to divide.

They'll bring out the violent regime supporters soon, when these other tactics fail. They'll dress like and look like the gaza/palestine protesters, but will do shit that alienates the public.

I don't really care either way, because all of it falls within the scope of things that accelerate the collapse, namely disgusting overreach that will fail, and backfire spectacularly sooner or later.
Power and control are a sort of currency. The gay, evil, stupid and cruel policies implemented in the west are a sort of tax. This is also subject to the laffer curve.     (whatever)
submitted by prototype to whatever 1 day ago (+20/-1)
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Eventually people stop cooperating with this 'tax' and start calling a spade a spade.
When I'm in this town I attend a thing I call the racial round table. I gave up 3 months sobriety at that table once but last night I did it sober and killed it thusly:      (whatever)
submitted by Dindu to whatever 1 day ago (+7/-0)
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It is 2 indians, an arab, mexican woman, black woman, columbian, old pervert jew, me and exmiltary jerry the rino cuck. There were a couple new people so I had to get them into my pocket with some softball hemingway stuff. They all had food and drinks. I just had an empty table in front of me and I knocked on it I say

"Oh! I ran into the director of the convention in the elevator and he gave me some inside information. He said (bend in and whisper) that it - is - going to be a GREAT convention!"

It doesn't sound like much but it knocked them dead and with everyone in my pocket i could start getting really racist.

Someone mentioned the pyramids and how they were built so i offered "egypt was built by blonde haired blue eyed supermen." I got really good at being silent between proclamations. No sputters or poor timings. Just wait for your gap. Briefly compare my phone to Jerry's to restore softball tone

The Indian goes off about Indian supremacy and how they run England, how Germans perverted the swastika, etc. He drew a swastika on the napkin to illustrate. I said

"If indians are so great then how do you explain Perkash (point at Perkash who is a hated man and we want him off the table. This one made people nervous and giddy it was damn explosive) I used this momentum to go on a barrage

"All that hindu stuff was started by blonde aryans. And if you really want to have fun, put the swastika over here between me and jerry for when the waitress comes back." I pulled the napkin over to our part. Jerry panicked at this. He was always distancing himself from anything I say so I ask "why do you sit next to me? I'm your only friend in this world jerry you are my passenger. Show some solidarity"

The Indian opened up the napkin and spread the swastika on the top of my head. So I went "time to do my stretches!" And started firing off Romans with both arms "I always stretch my arms before dinner!"

The columbian fell out at this and never recovered and I used his conniption as a chance to excuse myself.
Three Bastard Badgeniggers Blown To Bits! This is funny. Fucking pigs getting shot while trying to go after a felon with a firearm. You can’t even write this stuff. The irony. Poetic justice     (archive.ph)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 1 day ago (+5/-5)
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Let’s just assume the “felon” with a firearm was a felon because of some mundane and victimless crime. Maybe he took a deal from the jewish DA when he should have gone to trial. Why won’t they say who he was and what he was convicted of. Either way, when badgeniggers lose at ‘cops and robbers’, it’s kinda funny.
Tor catbox     (whatever)
submitted by Monica to whatever 1 day ago (+3/-0)
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Anyone know how to get tor to load up catbox? Ive tried using bridges included in tor browser but catbox wont load up.
Why Building a Business Solely on Etsy is a Bad Idea (And What to Do Instead)     (www.unsettle.org)
submitted by Rastafoo to whatever 1 day ago (+1/-0)
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90% of convicted communist traitors and spies have been ____     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Reisk to whatever 2 days ago (+51/-1)
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All the recent news personalities claiming "x amount of states ban private military organizations such as militias." Until less than a year ago I'd never heard anything like it.     (whatever)
submitted by prototype to whatever 1 day ago (+12/-1)
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Is this a new thing? Is it a complete fabrication? Or have these policies actually been on the books for a while now?
Did Sector2 accidentally out himself as a loxist kikeniggerfaggot?     (whatever)
submitted by SumerBreeze to whatever 1 day ago (+2/-3)
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He seems to support Dugin - a fervent anti-white-nationalist.
Didn't see that coming     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 2 days ago (+44/-0)
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Sephora is FED UP with Gen Alpha. They finally clap back.     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by DanielR to whatever 1 day ago (+0/-0)
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TOTAL. JEWISH. VICTORY!      (whatever)
submitted by IsraelRespecter to whatever 22 hours ago (+1/-8)
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Gospel rapper WestEndShawty performs his Christian song 'Dance' at his mother's funeral Shirtless     (youtube.com)
submitted by johnsmith315 to whatever 1 day ago (+2/-3)
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Those who support Violence? Nah. Heres an alternative     (whatever)
submitted by prototype to whatever 1 day ago (+4/-3)
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We don't need any of that.

Push pacifism. Speak softly while carrying a big stick.

Other people will get the message.

Everyone shouts "molon labe", and those are the ones also making jokes about "I lost my guns in a boating accident."
Because they don't have the backbone to use them in the event of an upscaled version of the 2020 riots or invasion or mass confiscation.

The subculture itself must create an atmosphere and perception that people are peaceful, but that the armed public writ large should not be fucked with.

FAFO taken to the level of religious fervor, or political ideology.

Do it right, and the message is written on the wall for the regime and they start walking back a lot of the bullshit policies. Career politicians, the selectees, start seeing what they have to support in word and policy action, in order to keep the public complacent and docile.

It sets the stage for mass refusals to comply.
Catbox Status- Planned Datacenter Maintenance due to finish in about 1 hour     (status.catbox.moe)
submitted by RMGoetbbels to whatever 2 days ago (+15/-0)
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You'll all just have to chill out for an hour or so before you get your fix of spicey memes and dangus' toxic masculinity.
Bishop attack by knife welding muslim, held up cross as protection. The knife failed to open - he's back preaching      (youtu.be)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 2 days ago (+5/-0)
Racial vilification laws in Ausfalia are a one way street.     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by UncleDoug to Australia 1 day ago (+2/-0)
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Disgusting Fat Black commie/Green (teal party) Paki cunt: "In a post following the Queen's death, Faruqi wrote she could not mourn the passing of the leader of a "racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples"."

Based Ginger Senator Hanson: "At the time, Hanson wrote that she was appalled and disgusted with Faruqi's comments, telling her to "pack (her) bags and piss off back to Pakistan"."

Hanson's 'dogwhistle' led to racist barrage, judge told