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Community for : 1.8 years

This was posted as the description sometime in late 2022: "post your flat retarded shit here and I'll eventually give the subverse to one of you."

After some thought I decided to not give it to any of you cunts since you are retarded.

This is the subverse for anything related to flat-tard/earth.

Owner: olinneserpona


But what about muh ice wall???     (
submitted by v0atmage to flatearth 1.2 years ago (+9/-3)
14 comments last comment...
Old British flat earth tv show     (flatearth)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to flatearth 1.2 years ago (+4/-1)
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The other day I was taking a break and flipping through local tv and some old show from the 70's or so was on. Don't know what it was but it was British--I think. They were investigating flat earth and how it sits on a turtle with elephants on its back. Their mission was to determine what sex the turtle was and they were arguing about why it matters. It was amusing.
Coriolis effect     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.2 years ago (+3/-1)
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Some of the flat-Earthers know enough physics to throw around the vocabulary, but they don’t actually understand enough physics to be compelled by the truth.
Stop falling for mainstream lies!!! Nasa doesn't want you to know this!     (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to flatearth 1.2 years ago (+7/-11)
23 comments last comment...
Cognitive Dissonance     (
submitted by GetFuckedCunt to flatearth 1.2 years ago (+4/-9)
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People genuinely researching and conducting scientific experiments determining the world is a level stationary plane are also completely aware of the kike problem


This is just a small list of the never ending threads which provide factual information to people on kikes.

Compare this to mainstream science. In which they all promote the holocaust, defend kikes and consider anyone that questions jewry as "antisemitic"

Talk about cognitive dissonance.

Thinking that you are against the jew when you do nothing but defend and promote kike heliocentric propaganda.
4d chess     (
submitted by GetFuckedCunt to flatearth 1.2 years ago (+4/-6)
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Hollywood sure loves space
Flatheads BTFO'd     (
submitted by NukeAmerica to flatearth 1.2 years ago (+5/-2)
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Artemis 1: Van Allen Belt Transit Radiation Measurement Results     (flatearth)
submitted by Thought_Criminal to flatearth 1.3 years ago (+2/-1)
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Projection     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+16/-4)
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Space is Crazy     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+23/-8)
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This will work on jews pretending to be white      (
submitted by Monica to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+5/-1)
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NoW fInD tHE CuRVe!     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+9/-4)
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Potato Theory     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+10/-5)
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Total Eclipse of the Mind     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+14/-9)
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Kiwi hippie fingerpaints the flat Earth     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+6/-2)
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500 B.C. Pythagoras first proposed a spherical Earth, over two millennia later some bong-smoking tent lifers say otherwise.

Thorntonbank offshore windpark     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+9/-5)
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Offshore wind farms consist of a series of large turbines having a similar shape and size. In some cases, they are spread over a very large area of water. They are suitable landmarks where we can easily observe the effect of the curvature of the Earth.

If the turbines are far enough, the bottom parts will not be visible and the blades can look as if they are submerged. The phenomenon is only possible if Earth is a sphere.
@UncleDoug in regards to your retarded wind turbine post     (
submitted by GetFuckedCunt to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+4/-9)
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If the Earth were actually a big ball 25,000 miles in circumference, the horizon would be noticeably curved even at sea-level, and everything on or approaching the horizon would appear to tilt backwards slightly from your perspective. Distant buildings along the horizon would all look like leaning towers of Piza falling away from the observer. A hot-air balloon taking off then drifting steadily away from you, on a ball-Earth would slowly and constantly appear to lean back more and more the farther away it flew, the bottom of the basket coming gradually into view as the top of the balloon disappears from sight. In reality, however, buildings, balloons, trees, people, anything and everything at right angles to the ground/horizon remains so regardless the distance or height of the observer.

Edit: why the fuck is the catbox link a direct download link?
Even light is punking flattards     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+9/-5)
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A picture of a water droplet in front of a map makes the droplet look exactly like the planet Earth.
Pigeon Chess     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+8/-2)
31 comments last comment...
Flattards getting punk'd, Daft punk     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.4 years ago (+3/-2)
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Confusion and Pain noises from flattards     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.5 years ago (+8/-1)
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The elephant in the room.     (
submitted by UncleDoug to flatearth 1.6 years ago (+20/-1)
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Look at all the triggered flatfucks     (flatearth)
submitted by olinneserpona to flatearth 1.8 years ago (+10/-3)
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The kvetching and appeal to kikeness is entertaining af, thank you all.
The 10 Things That All Flat Earthers Say     (
submitted by olinneserpona to flatearth 1.8 years ago (+13/-5)
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Response to Globebusters - The Earth Still Isn't Flat     (
submitted by olinneserpona to flatearth 1.8 years ago (+8/-0)
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