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9 of the 12 people (mostly NYPD) who saw the contents of Anthony Wieners laptop were found dead shortly after     (
submitted by Conspirologist to conspiracy 1 month ago (+48/-2)
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Trump attempt: Emily thot makes the interesting point that CNN had never live streamed a trump rally until Butler Pennsylvania     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to conspiracy 1 month ago (+47/-1)
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I mean I don't even know what difference it makes. We don't ever know what the fuck is actually going on in the world and we never will.
"It Was Brutal": 2nd Boeing-Linked Whistleblower Dies     (
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to conspiracy 4 months ago (+44/-1)
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Nicholas Rockefeller admitted the elite's goal is a 100% microchipped and enslaved World population - Aaron Russo     (
submitted by doginventer to conspiracy 10 months ago (+43/-0)
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Michelle Obama drinking champagne on a riverboat watching Notre Dame burn. I did not know this. This makes me kind of angry     (
submitted by Dindu to conspiracy 5 months ago (+43/-0)
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Declassified documents prove U.S. DID help cover up 1940 Katyn massacre where Soviets slaughtered 22,000 Polish officers     (
submitted by knightwarrior41 to conspiracy 2.1 years ago (+42/-0)
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Newly released army documents prove that two American POWs wrote encoded messages to Army intelligence after their 1943 visit to Katyn, pointing to Soviet guilt for the 1940 massacre
Government cover up began during WWII when the U.S. needed the Soviets to defeat Germany and Japan
After decades of denial, Soviets confessed to the massacre in 1990
Those Crazy Right Wingers With Their Child Sacrifice Conspira- Oh, Wait     (
submitted by breh to conspiracy 2 years ago (+42/-0)
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How would you transplant a .5 inch heart into a full sized human?
Also, Cambridge scientists just announced they built a mouse embryo with stem cells in a "world first":
Israelis: "ya, we totally already did that, we just didn't tell anyone"
Little East Palestine (population 4,700) was at the centre of a pilot program to respond to emergency situations and free digital ID’s were given to residents to track long-term health problems like ‘difficulty breathing’     (
submitted by dulcima to conspiracy 1.6 years ago (+42/-0)
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Counting the president of Haiti, we are at 5 leaders now who have died after refusing the Holocough "vaccines"     (
submitted by KCobain27 to conspiracy 3.2 years ago (+41/-0)
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Sand People     (
submitted by FacelessOne to conspiracy 3 years ago (+42/-1)
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Johnson & Johnson knew for decades that asbestos lurked in its Baby Powder     (
submitted by Garrett to conspiracy 3 years ago (+40/-0)
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Replacement, one brick at a time     (
submitted by dontknowwhatiwant to conspiracy 2.6 years ago (+40/-0)
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Imagine, just ten years ago finding out niggers in new LOTR or replacing real historical figures.
So, so sick of this shit.
Axe company is promoting pedophilia     (
submitted by Conspirologist to conspiracy 2.2 years ago (+42/-2)
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I like my tin foil hat better than a normies blindfold.     (
submitted by UncleDoug to conspiracy 1.9 years ago (+40/-0)
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Was the Haitian President Murdered by the CIA Because Haiti Rejected the Holocough "Vaccine"? original content     (
submitted by KCobain27 to conspiracy 3.2 years ago (+39/-0)
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You can hear them announce they are DEA in this video ripped from twatter:

Also, check this out, about one of the "translators for the gunmen":

The 35-year-old Solages is native to Jacmel, Haiti, lived in (((Broward County))), Florida

Source links for your convenience:
Never trust your government     (
submitted by UncleDoug to conspiracy 2.8 years ago (+39/-0)
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Oil and Gas execs expect their ENTIRE "vaccinated" workforce to be dead/replaced within the next 3 years.     (
submitted by TheSimulacra to conspiracy 2.6 years ago (+39/-0)
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The mystery of the world expositions     (
submitted by Kozel to conspiracy 2 years ago (+40/-1)
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‘Inside Job’: CDC Changed Toxicity Info on Vinyl Chloride Days Before Derailment     (
submitted by Kozel to conspiracy 1.6 years ago (+40/-1)
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"The CDC update changed the lethal exposure from 100PPM to 100,000PPM. The lethal exposure level had remained the same for 17 years before the CDC decided to update the number just prior to the derailment, where highly toxic chemicals spilled or were burned off, leaving a chemical stench in the air nearly two weeks later."
they would willingly get on the train to the reeducation camp     (
submitted by con77 to conspiracy 11 months ago (+39/-0)
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(((Elon Musk))) is not our friend     (
submitted by Conspirologist to conspiracy 1.9 years ago (+47/-9)
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Archived 4Chan Pizzagate thread: A LOT of this was memory holed.     (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to conspiracy 1.2 years ago (+39/-1)
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A superstate is being created without any consent of the people, warns Polish MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski     (
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to conspiracy 10 months ago (+38/-0)
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GOP Rep. Clay Higgins BOMBSHELL: Over 200 FBI Agents/Assets 'Dressed as Trump Supporters' on Jan. 6     (
submitted by obvious to conspiracy 9 months ago (+39/-1)
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Derek Chauvin is doing 22 years sentence and was stabbed 22 times. Looks like kike Kabbalah is involved     (
submitted by Conspirologist to conspiracy 9 months ago (+40/-5)
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