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She Is Saying What They Are Planning: Still a Conspiracy Theory? (2mins 40sec)     (
submitted by Scyber to WorldPolitics 3 months ago (+16/-0)
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Only poor and destablized countries can be near Israel: The GDP per capita of Syria was three times higher than Ukraine before the Syrian Civil War     (
submitted by x0x7 to WorldPolitics 3 months ago (+10/-0)
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The Duran: Munich in despair as EU sinks, Russia surges and Trump looms     (
submitted by Sector2 to WorldPolitics 3 months ago (+3/-0)
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can we have an update please @boekanier - mayhem erupts in Hague as brawling 'migrants' torch cars, trash buildings and hurl bricks at riot cops - turning Dutch city into a WARZONE     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 4 months ago (+3/-2)
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right-wing extremism was the biggest threat facing German society     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 4 months ago (+3/-2)
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Far-right AfD leader vows to campaign for Brexit-style EU exit vote in Germany     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 4 months ago (+16/-0)
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RT EDITORIAL : Here’s why the signs of((( a new world order))) are becoming increasingly obvious     (
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to WorldPolitics 5 months ago (+4/-2)
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The main events of international politics in 2023 have shown that the origin of the current fundamental changes is natural, and the main processes are constructive.

this is a LIE

In the case of the forces of progress, led by the BRICS group, the struggle for change is also characterized by hopes for revision of the international order, but not its decisive destruction. This allows the observer to be cautiously optimistic about our common future.

so the whole BRICS thing is to maintain globalism alive, gotcha

What is important is how BRICS, with its new membership and evolving partnerships with other powers, will move towards its main objective in the global economy – to provide a safety net to keep globalization afloat at a time when its former leaders in the West can no longer fully perform these functions.

alright, contrary to some fafo idiots the above quote proves that the brics is nothing more than globalization 2.0

This will preserve the most important achievements of globalization – universal market openness, free trade, and technological exchange

again, this is a LIE

These countries are not setting themselves the task of overturning the existing international order and destroying globalization

interesting that he needs to repeats this again.

NATO state won't let UK send minesweepers to Ukraine - It's "Türkiye" reacting to NATO disgracing and weakening itself.      (
submitted by Sector2 to WorldPolitics 5 months ago (+4/-1)
On last Sunday, December 31, 2023, the Argentine government stopped paying wages to Catholic priests.     (
submitted by x0x7 to WorldPolitics 5 months ago (+1/-0)
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The Lord of the Rings has been embraced by the Italian far right      (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 5 months ago (+2/-1)
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Unions are mad in Argentina     (
submitted by x0x7 to WorldPolitics 5 months ago (+9/-0)
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Why US double standards on Israel and Russia play into a dangerous game     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 5 months ago (+2/-2)
France passes controversial immigration bill     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+4/-1)
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Is American democracy safe? These historians say the US may be slipping toward fascism      (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 5 months ago (+1/-5)
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Who could have forseen this coming? hehehehehe!      (
submitted by NukeAmerica to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+43/-0)
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"Noticing Will Now Be Punished As A Terrorism!"     (
submitted by BulletStopper to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+9/-0)

"Report your family and friends to The Ministry Of Truth immediately, or risk being punished right along beside them."
(Just kidding. You'll be shot too anyway, because we can't trust anyone that would betray their own family. But thanks anyway.)
Benjamin Fulford Nov. 2023: The US & Israel Headed for Some Sort of Mega Black Swan Event - Which will result in both countries ceasing to exist in their current form because the FRB their source of power is on the verge of collapse, which will bring the IMF and the World Bank down with it     (
submitted by RexYehudi to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+0/-4)
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Fake deposits endorsed by the Federal Reserve Board have been used to secure 168 trillion$ worth of "financial instruments," thus the entire financial house of cards rests on fraud whence yr bank accounts will disappear .. the same is happening in Australia and other countries controlled by the Khazar group .. the Chinese are growing tired of the circus .. in response to these financial difficulties "a mega event of a political or military nature is quite likely."

Historically the FRB has responded to crises of this kind with such events as Fukushima and more recently with an attempt at global genocide [Covid??] .. one possibility is that a "kind of holocaust or mass sacrifice is planned for Israel," while most of the country is said to have been evacuated to Ukraine, consistent with reports from Russia that checkpoints have been "set up" in Ukraine, whereas only ppl who can prove they are Jews can pass.

Mossad sources claim that Israel ceased to exist as an organization on Oct. 31 this year while China has erased Israel from its maps .. the last thing Israel can do is start a big war .. it is better to call them a "cancerous tumor on planet Earth" says a Mossad source .. another sign that Jews in Israel are preparing for another holcaust, is that thugs in Israel are brutally attacking real Jews protesting against the actions of their government.

Ok yr getting the drift there is a lot more where that came from, the tract goes on to say the J's intend to nuke Gaza .. Benjamin Fulford is one of the premier intellects alive today.
The Worst Form Of Government?     (
submitted by BulletStopper to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+2/-1)
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The worst part is that, for all of the objections to "citizen referendums", "direct democracy" or so-called "true democracy", as "mob rule", in the end it still seems to be a better choice (from a menu of bad ones) than the various types of representative systems that were supposed to "fix" it, and protect us all from "mob rule". They all just succeeded in making it worse.

(TLDR? Short answer: Uses a variety of the usual euphamisms to say: "It's the jews". Again.)
Why are younger voters flocking to the far right in parts of Europe?     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+2/-4)
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In several European countries, support for the far right is growing fastest among younger voters
Douglas Murray On “Gays For Gaza”     (
submitted by BulletStopper to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+3/-0)

"There aren't enough tall buildings in gaza to throw gays for gaza off."

If He Also Tries To Return Argentina To The Gold Standard...     (
submitted by BulletStopper to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+3/-0)
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...and if it's not all just so much empty rhetoric, then he's a dead man walking.
There's a lot of shit that the Rothschilds are willing to tolerate for the sake of political theatre in order to keep the goyim distracted, but not that. Ever.
China has first refusal on all oil, gas, and petrochemicals projects that come up in Iraq for [the next 23 years]     (
submitted by MichelleObamasPenis to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+7/-0)
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Article title "Russia Takes Control of Iraq’s Biggest Oil Discovery for 20 Years" which is, let's say, correct. China (and, by letting itself be excluded, Japan) let them, Russia, contol the Eridu field in independent/not-independent Iraqi Kurdistan / Northern Iraq.

Team America: Fuck Yeah.
Dublin riots: Immigration's complicated role in growing Ireland's far right     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+4/-6)
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How Geert Wilders' sweeping victory in the Netherlands is just the latest example of the continent turning to 'populist' parties to tackle social issues     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+3/-3)
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European far-right leaders celebrate Geert Wilders’ party leading exit polls in Dutch elections     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 6 months ago (+2/-4)