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Community for : 1.3 years

Aka the Jewish Question.

Discuss the problematic people that are the Jews.

Whites only. No Jews allowed.

Owner: iThinkiShitYourself


Laura Loomer      (
submitted by Bidenguy666 to TheJewishProblem 3 weeks ago (+10/-0)
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We've done a really good job moving the overton window regarding the JQ. I keep seeing more and more videos and mainstream social media posts like this.     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TheJewishProblem 1 month ago (+4/-1)
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Call it the Gaza holocaust     (TheJewishProblem)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to TheJewishProblem 1 month ago (+10/-0)
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Calling it a genocide is good, but calling it a holocaust would really shove it in their faces, because then we can call them holocaust deniers when they deny a genocide is happening.

The holocaust is the most weaponized event in all of history and it's being used by jews. But they are not special, these kinds of genocides have happened throughout history to almost every race.

They point to the holocaust to deplatform their critics and criminalise speech worldwide, they say "never again" while they are actively committing another holocaust themselves.

Everyone should call it the Gaza holocaust.
I hate Jews so much it's unreal. And tomorrow they will know their citizenship from the United States has been revoked.      (
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to TheJewishProblem 1 month ago (+0/-1)
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Bonus footage of libtards joining the fight against the terrorist state of Israel and cheering for the Iranian expulsion of Jews from Occupied Palestine.
Israel carries out *another* terrorist attack in Europe. — 🇮🇷/🇫🇷 BREAKING: A man wearing a bomb vest has barricaded himself in the Iranian embassy in Paris, and is threatening to blow himself up     (TheJewishProblem)
submitted by osomperne to TheJewishProblem 1 month ago (+3/-0)
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Get these Jews out or ban them from Minecraft
I...honestly can't believe this conversation is still up on YouTube: a frank discussion about jews and race replacement.     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TheJewishProblem 2 months ago (+21/-0)
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It probably isn't allowed to trend or anything, but both the actual conversation they have and the fact it hasn't "violated terms of service" is actually quite amazing.
A good rundown of more Jewish Mafia pedophile rings, sexual blackmail and other Jewish Mafia criminal activity in the rap industry     (
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to TheJewishProblem 2 months ago (+43/-1)
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Our education system was all by (((design)))      (
submitted by Bidenguy666 to TheJewishProblem 3 months ago (+10/-0)
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Amnesty International upsetting some yids     (
submitted by UncleDoug to TheJewishProblem 3 months ago (+3/-0)
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Rolling in, hella fash, headed for the Democrats     (
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to TheJewishProblem 4 months ago (+10/-1)
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Lyndon Johnson lying his ass off about the jewish 1965 immigration act.     (
submitted by allAheadFull to TheJewishProblem 4 months ago (+25/-0)
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It's not revolutionary... it won't change anything.

Then why would (((they))) spend so much effort getting it passed?
Israel is trying to weasel their way out of genocide charges by saying "we failed miserably in Gaza. They're stronger than ever and we haven't scratched the surface of destroying their military infrastructure", and they're saying they've killed only 20k people which was the body count in November...     (TheJewishProblem)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to TheJewishProblem 4 months ago (+27/-0)
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Don't believe any of that crap about them failing. They're trying to get people to eat that up so they can say "welp, we must have not done much if this is the final outcome, therefore no genocide happened."
Israel is being brought up on charges of genocide in the Netherlands thanks to South Africa producing evidence.     (TheJewishProblem)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to TheJewishProblem 4 months ago (+11/-2)
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— 🇳🇱/🇿🇦/🇮🇱 BREAKING: The International Criminal Court in The Hague states that South Africa has shown enough evidence that the case against Israel is valid, that genocide is possibly being comitted, and that provisional measures will be taken


— 🇳🇱/🇿🇦/🇮🇱 International Criminal Court: 'Israel's actions in Gaza following October 7 may constitute genocide, with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a particular ethnic group, the Palestinians'


— 🇳🇱/🇿🇦/🇮🇱 International Criminal Court: 'There is an immediate risk of irrepairable harm to the Palestinians as an ethnic group'


— 🇳🇱/🇿🇦/🇮🇱 NEW: International Criminal Court announces provisional measures

Israel must immediately cease:

1. Killing members of the ethnic group (Palestinians).
2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.
3. Deliberately inflicting measures upon the group that could indirectly result in harm.
4. Preventing births from happening within the group.

The court orders Israel to report to the ICC within one month, to submit proof that it has taken the necessary action to abide by the measures as ordered by the court.


— 🇳🇱/🇿🇦/🇮🇱 International Criminal Court in The Hague:

– The court has ruled 15 to 2, that the State of Israel must immediately abide by all the provisional measures as ordered by the court.

– The court has ruled 16 to 1 that anyone who incites genocide against the Palestinian people must face immediate punishment by the Israeli authorities.

– The court has ruled 15 to 2 that the State of Israel must prevent the destruction, and commit to the preservation, of any evidence of its crimes against the Palestinians.

– The court had ruled 15 to 2 that the State of Israel must immediately stop any action that could possibly fall under the scope of genocide.


It's Fuhrer Friday. Let's spread some more folk music and see those Romans \O     (
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to TheJewishProblem 4 months ago (+31/-1)
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Mohel tunnels     (
submitted by UncleDoug to TheJewishProblem 5 months ago (+51/-0)
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If I were a New Yorker I would be America’s most wanted man by now     (
submitted by NukeAmerica to TheJewishProblem 5 months ago (+8/-1)
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The Glory of Rome     (
submitted by UncleDoug to TheJewishProblem 5 months ago (+23/-0)
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The National Association of Realtors is the enemy of White people     (TheJewishProblem)
submitted by Inward to TheJewishProblem 6 months ago (+10/-0)
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The following is a link to aggregated research and questions they asked buyers and sellers. Note that over 90% of their customers are White heterosexuals and yet the document is filled with pictures of niggers, faggots, dykes, and miscegenationists.

I don't need to do any research to know that jews run the home buying/selling racket.
TheBigGuyFromQueens has an assistant     (
submitted by Panic to TheJewishProblem 7 months ago (+7/-1)
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I got the police called on me for informing someone in the parking lot today about Israel being a terrorist state and I have videos of them using chemical weapons and killing children and that they're the children of satan     (TheJewishProblem)
submitted by osomperne to TheJewishProblem 7 months ago (+17/-1)
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I was coming out of the store with my Army veterans hat on to my vehicle parked in a vets-only parking space. and this old timer was waiting by my car and asked if I was in the army. we got to talking and he just started talking about Israel and how the syrians didn't note wear they put these mines and there was a sign up in 3 languages (english, hebrew and arabic) and yadda yadda yadda. I told him how Israel is a terrorist nation and he got all uppity with me. as uppity as an elderly man can get anyways. and he kept saying one thing after another that was incorrect, and it became obvious he was trying to drum up support for israel's genocide in Palestine. So i asked him if he had seen the videos of the chemical weapons attacks and the arab children dying, the schools that were bombed and the christian churches that were bombed, and he said "you have videos of that? they don't exist". and I told him I could show him the videos if he pulled out his phone. he then asks where I heard about these attacks, and I said i sure didn't hear it from the jew media. then a person overhearing our conversation interjected to say that george soros was causing all kinds of problems in the media. and then I said that's right and told the old timer that soros is jewish too, and he asked me why that was a problem. i then asked him if he read his bible John 8:43 and how it talks about how jesus said jews are the sons of satan, and I told him he'd better keep and eye on the synagouges because these jews might try to carry out a terrorist attack on us. he then said he was jewish and proud of it. i got in the car and left.

i don't think that guy was a vet based on all my past experiences at the VA and he had that story and information all too ready. i think jews are going around trying to drum up support for isreal.

about 45 minutes later I get a call from the police department on my phone, and here's the kicker - i have never used that phone number for anything except my job. not a single person I know has that phone number. how are the police getting these phone numbers? I answered the call and they said my name straight away.... I just hung up, since there is no need to talk to police.

anyway, I want to tell you guys that you'd better start making your moves. we have to practice civil disobedience and getting the word out about the Jewish Problem in little chunks while you're out in public is a great way to do a lot of good. I'm out here on the record now, so I'm going to keep going, but don't dial back your efforts because that will guarantee defeat. victory will not come for free.

get out there in front of the synagouges and protest the blatant terrorist genocide going on in occupied palestine. Let them know that you know, and let them know you're prepared in case any of them decide to carry out a terrorist attack on your own soil. this is it! we have an opening like we've never had before. Get signs that say to free palestine and let them know that you're absolutely not on their side.
Jews hate the natural order because its pure & beautiful     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TheJewishProblem 7 months ago (+8/-0)
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Thomas Jefferson DID NOT have children with slaves     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TheJewishProblem 8 months ago (+18/-1)
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Professional noticer     (
submitted by UncleDoug to TheJewishProblem 8 months ago (+1/-1)
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Fuck. Jews.      (
submitted by NukeAmerica to TheJewishProblem 8 months ago (+4/-0)
The Satanic Morality (No wonder they hate God.)     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to TheJewishProblem 8 months ago (+11/-0)
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