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This video of white whores dancing at a gas station has exposed every single rightwing grifter     (
submitted by Bidenguy666 to TheGreatAwakening 3 months ago (+3/-3)
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The normies here in Alberta are now 50% awake!!! The awakening is at warp speed now!     (TheGreatAwakening)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 9 months ago (+7/-1)
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Two months ago we where at about a third of the population.

A year ago we where at about 10%.

I just had a conversation with a local who i redpilled two years ago. She was at a family gathering and all the millenials where awake to government attacking us all for the globalists.

Some of the boomers had woken up but most thought the truth was too insane to believe.

At the present rate which is accelerating fast we are gaining 10% per month. This would mean we are facing a massive majority within the next three months and the globalists will be hunted like animals.

The sheep that always go with the crowd are now having to join us or be left in the minority which is the most terrifying prospect they can imagine.

They will switch sides so fast it will make your head spin. And they will insist they have been awake for years and knew all along.

We will be bringing them up to speed only to hear them weeks later claiming they learned it from their own research.

At this point i expect to see lots of cops, judges, journalists and politicians resigning and distancing themselves from the system they protected.

We have reached the point where the militaries of the world will be forced to mass arrest the cabal or face a civil war. The generals will be forced to get ahead of this and start fighting for us.

The last gasp of the cabal is CBDC's which means the financial system will be crashed any day now. Possibly in the coming week. This will bring everything to a head and we will be distracted with every psyop and false flag they can throw at us.


We destroyed a monolithic army of satanists that had all the power, influence and wealth at their disposal and we fucked them.

Stand tall you glorious bastards. Future generations will talk of your victory for millennia.

Its been an honor frens!!!
Shabbos Goy (Official Clip)     (
submitted by Eliack to TheGreatAwakening 1 year ago (+5/-0)
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The Great White Awakening could come through Go Free     (
submitted by oppressed to TheGreatAwakening 1.3 years ago (+11/-0)
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World Bank president resigns!!! The rats are jumping ship in massive numbers this week.      (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.3 years ago (+6/-1)
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The number of prominent resignations that has happened over the last 24 hours is hard to miss.

Rumours are spreading that Trudeau will be the next to run for the hills.

But who else would we like to see quit?

Dan Andrews

Rishi Sunak

Christia Freeland

Joe Biden

Kamala Harris

King Charles



Christine Lagard

Don Lemmon

Adam Schiff


Lindsay Graham

Mitch McConnell

Jonathan Greenblatt

Jeff Bezos

Larry Fink

To name a few of my picks. But who do you want to see gone?
More UK politicians resigning!!!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.3 years ago (+1/-0)
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Two more conservative MP's announced they will not run at the next election bringing the total so far to 20!

The cabal can't compromise and train their replacements fast enough to retain control.

Only an idiot wants to be captain of a sinking ship.
King Charles will not be on Australian bank notes!!! Is he even King?     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.3 years ago (+6/-0)
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This just gets stranger with each new story.

Charles hasn't been given a coronation yet!

The new Police Act of Alberta Canada still had the pledge of allegiance to the Queen and not the King!

It's almost as if he isn't king at all.

Has anyone else seen more evidence of this?
Having our pedo elites control our money leaves us defenceless! That's why CBDC's are seen as a truly terrifying prospect!!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.4 years ago (+3/-0)

Abusers want absolute control.

Normal people that want you to be happy and free don't.
Ancient occult societies at the heart of intelligence agencies! EXPOSE NEWS     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.4 years ago (+4/-1)
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Is anyone here surprised by this?

I guess it's good that more people are figuring this out and producing materials that we can share.
Uncouth Philistines     (
submitted by UncleDoug to TheGreatAwakening 1.4 years ago (+36/-1)
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From a less "enlightened" time
CBDC's are a wet dream of psychopaths, narcissists, pedophiles, communists, tyrants and rapists! Micromanaging the victims finances is a priority to keep control!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.4 years ago (+9/-2)
13 comments last comment...,edges&auto=format

Just think about Brittany Speirs conservatory order that was recently ended after 13 years!

They controlled her money so they controlled her.

The first thing that happened when Kanye spoke out was he lost over a billion dollars and had his bank account closed.

Why else would civil asset forfeiture be a thing without evidence, charges or trial?

So what hoops will we be made to jump through if we want to be able to simply buy food, gas or rights back through licensing?

They will be able to make a puppet out of most people. They will literally just do whatever they are told to do. But it seems that the majority instinctively knows this is a dangerous situation to allow. The idea of CBDC's isn't a popular one and the normies can see it will come eventually.

People are using cash much more in my town. The tellers have noticed much more cash payments.

And after the absolutely psychotic manipulation of the pandemic no one is keen on this.
My prediction for 2023! The masons lose their power.      (TheGreatAwakening)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.4 years ago (+3/-4)
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At present I'm seeing more and more stories that sound like the masons have lost some control over the judicial systems of the west!

Prosecutors and judges are taking on the police corruption on a scale I have never seen. This looks like they have had enough masons quit or retire from these gatekeeping jobs to allow some of the rapist cops to actually be charged.

Further reducing the number of satanists gaming the system.

If this trend continues it will result in the mass arrests of masons in at least one country in the coming year.

We know they are traitors and enemy combatants and should be treated as such. But the power structure was so infiltrated that it was impossible to imagine this.

But now it's becoming much more likely. Especially since the cops, prosecutors and judges left are holding the bag for a system that has openly conducted a genocide for foreign powers.

This is coming after the leading family of UK royals have been severely disempowered with the removal of the queen and Andrew being branded openly as a pedo.

Once one country rounds the masons up it will spread.

This is what them being exposed leads too.
Some of my unorganized thoughts on tv or youtube being required to save the west original content     (TheGreatAwakening)
submitted by oppressed to TheGreatAwakening 1.5 years ago (+4/-0)
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The only way to convert the world to a forbidden idea is to reach millions of them consistently.

We have to wake up enough Whites so that they will bring White ethnostates into being. You need access to the mainstream masses to wake them. That means you need television or youtube platforms. Nothing less will suffice.

Nothing less will recapture White's destiny.

Convincing the world to accept taboo ideas like racial separation would require having a regular platform on either television or youtube to debrainwash them with. Those are the only two platforms that can consistently reach and awaken the mainstream normie masses easily, with a number of new tv personalities: television and youtube.

The whole problem facing the west is that no white positive voices are reaching the mainstream masses. White people dont visit white nationalist websites on their own in large enough numbers to effect a great awakening.

White people need to go from being anti-racist to anti-diversity. The only practical way to convert the world to a forbidden idea is to reach millions of them consistently.

We need a widespread cultural shift in the way people think about race realism and White Advocacy, and we can't get that unless we have tv or youtube access to reach our people.

TV and Youtube reaches millions of normie masses with ideas they don't seek out. Social media does not have as much potential in reaching normies and educating them as tv and youtube has.

Anti-Whites tightly restrict who can speak to mainstream White normies on tv and youtube so that the White race will die. Whites never hear voices that care about their genotype.

The only reason White Nationalism is hated is because access to the mainstream masses on television and youtube is restricted to "colorblind" anti-Whiteism. Television and youtube determine what people think and say more than anything.

Every mainstream public figure on tv and youtube thinks White Replacement is good and that any objection to it is supremacism and racism. That's all normies see is support for White Genocide. If we can change their daily content they will awake, become White Nationalists, and save the West.

Television and youtube desperately need White Sympathetic public figures.

Changing what the world thinks depends on having a regular presence on television or youtube because those are the only ways to reach the millions of normies in the world.

Whites aren't smart enough to see anti-racism is anti-White on their own, or to care about their genotypic interests, so they would need constant mainstream media guidance/pressure.
How to eliminate Jeffrey Epstein's clients from government, judiciary, FBI and more!!!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.5 years ago (+1/-1)
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We can easily tell who is psychotic from brain scans!

So why not use brain scans to determine who has been compromised and bar them from holding the gatekeeping jobs these cults need for protection?

Epstein specifically targeted these powerful people and that's why he was protected by the FBI rather than hunted by them.

Brain scans is the ivermectin of corruption!

Just one application would end all the bullshit we are going through.

It also works as a preventive measure. We should have the right to vote for this for judges, politicians, generals and officials at anytime without their agreement. They take the scan or resign their power.

Both the Chinese and U.K. Governments are facing collapse!     (TheGreatAwakening)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.5 years ago (+7/-1)
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The Chinese are protesting in all major cities right now. They are chanting "it started in Wuhan!, it ends in Wuhan!."

They are tearing down all the covid barriers and attacking the riot police. The least revolutionary people on earth are at the crossroads. Either their government starts shooting or they face an internal coup. The later being far more likely.

The uk establishment has been devastated in the last five months.

Queen dead!

Two PM's resigned.

Three chancellors down.

Four home office ministers down.

The head of the Rothschild's Evelyn De Rothschild is dead.

And now the ruling Conservative party have hundreds of MP's resigning at the next election or switching parties to the UK Reform party. Absolutely gutting the UK parliament. It's over for Rishi Sunak and the conservatives.

This could be the NWO rats jumping ship. Making way for people that aren't controlled by blackmail.

This system of control was never built to replace attrition levels like this. They don't have enough honeypots to replace all the positions with compromised clowns. This looks like a massive shift to me. Like the traitors realize the gig is up and the revolt has begun.

The UK and china being out of cabal control would kill the great reset in its tracks.

And coincidentally the USA navy have doubled their warships in uk waters. They see a strategic reason to be there. To restrain them from escalating the Russia Ukraine conflict.

Both governments are trapped.

The cabal are fucked everywhere now.

If the truth gets out in one of these countries it will spread in an instant.

Why else would Israel do the go go gadget meatshields play of scapegoating the Jews as a whole with a constant manufactured controversy where Hollywood satanists openly destroy people's lives for saying things they don't like.

And General Flynn's fifth generation warfare book is now at #49 on amazon books and it's not even released yet. That's just pre orders. Explaining how this warfare is used to destroy people's lives by cancelling their rights and basic needs.

The book comes out in three days.

Shit is getting real for the satanists.
Neil Oliver sounding the battle cry! Inspiration from Scotland!!!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.5 years ago (+7/-0)
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Words that every man, women and child should heed and aspire too.

Our malevolent governments are at war with us and we need to take a stand now.
Trump is a narcissistic pedo enabling fucking traitor!!!     (TheGreatAwakening)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.5 years ago (+19/-7)
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This cunt allowed six years of genocide by countless means to continue under his presidency and since.

But he claimed this announcement tonight was the most important in the nations history. Him running for president again in two years!!!

Honestly this guy is more fucked in the head than Biden.

The USA is facing 100k fentanyl deaths per year under Biden. Trump didn't stop it while he was president. A literal genocide that should have seen everyone from the street peddlers up charged with genocide and executed.

But no. He not only let them continue but he pushed the even more deadly vax shot.

Who the hell trusts this wanker at this point.

Face it. He is one of them.
General Michael Flynn - Citizens Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (preorders started Nov 4th) THIS WILL EXPOSE TREASON ON AN INTERNATIONAL SCALE     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.6 years ago (+16/-1)
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This is a book that can be purchased on his website that comes with further updates that are free online.

The introduction explains that we are being subjected to a massive psychological warfare campaign that includes msm and big tech.

This will put all the traitors in plain view of everyone. It will expose our own governments, law enforcement, courts, medical and educational systems being engaged in a horrific war against us all in every NATO country.

And it's written by people that have expertise in these tactics and understanding how deadly it can be.

This book could very well cause massive internal wars in all the government and corporate entities engaged in this.

I'm sure many people are kept in the dark about their role in this and they would be horrified, shocked and terrified of the liability they have in carrying out these crimes.

If this is detailed and honest about the scale of the crimes it would inevitably include the gangstalking, psychotronic weapons and directed energy weapons used against targeted individuals too.

It would expose an international genocide of political dissidents and the psychopaths running it all.


The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare

Session I | Introduction to 5GW

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. General Flynn rose to the highest levels of the intelligence community and served as the National Security Advisor to the 45th POTUS. Sergeant Boone Cutler ran the ground game as a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army. Together, these two combat veterans put their combined experience and expertise into an illuminating fifth-generation warfare information series called The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare. Introduction to 5GW is the first session of the multipart series. The series, complete with easy-to-understand diagrams, is written for all of humanity in every freedom loving country.

Information regarding the war of narratives and perception being waged on our minds doesn’t stop with The Guide. Inside The Guide is a special QR code that takes the reader to a link that is continually updated so that the reader can get up-to-date perspectives on fifth generation warfare related to current news topics in our communities, Big Tech-titans, social media tactics, artificial intelligence manipulation, and national and international political events. The up-to-date information provided via the special QR code inside The Guide comes from Flynn and Cutler at NO COST to those who purchase it.

The Guide is five by five, easy to carry, and written in a way the average person can understand. Buy The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare and get the FREE UPDATES now so that you can understand the manipulation happening around you and explain why you feel the way you do.
#NameTheHandlers     (TheGreatAwakening)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.6 years ago (+7/-0)
It's time we take to twatter and offer the celebrities that have malicious psychotic handlers the chance to free themselves and out these monsters!

Tell them to name them publicly and tell their story.

We could organize anons to guard them from outside their homes and record any harassment and state sponsored terrorism to keep them in line.

We could start a flood of celebs desperate to be free of this violence. Free to live their own lives and speak their own minds.

This would also give us names to research and connect to those giving the orders.

We could start with Pasternacks client list.

This could start an avalanche that would destroy the democratic plantation that uses terrorism to create an illusion of support the day before the election.

What do you guys say to this?

How can we make this happen and cause maximum impact?!
Remember when George W Bush passed a law that made all Diesel engines built to run exclusively on diesel?     (TheGreatAwakening)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.6 years ago (+13/-0)
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Well now we are running out of diesel when we could have supplemented with vegetable oil!

Older engines can burn vegetable oil and still produce 90% power. But now we have shit that will break if you put vegetable oil in your tank. Plus the bullshit exhaust fluid that is needed in modern engines.

These sick fucks have done everything possible to make our supply chains vulnerable.

Old diesel cars and trucks pre 2000 will be going up in price soon.

I would recommend an 80's Mercedes 300 W123 if you can find one in good condition. It will be a great investment.

What other vehicles are a good bet for these trying times goats?
Redditors note Kanye was thrown out of Sketchers office which is owned by Jews too without noting the irony.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to TheGreatAwakening 1.6 years ago (+7/-0)
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Russia Today: Secret Societies just a private club or a threat to democracy?     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.6 years ago (+3/-2)
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Worth a read.

Interesting timing for this.
schoolboards like that should be slave whipped then hanged.     (
submitted by con77 to TheGreatAwakening 1.7 years ago (+58/-0)
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look at their faces. theyre pissing themselves
(((theyre))) implementing the final stages of (((their plan))) now     (
submitted by con77 to TheGreatAwakening 1.7 years ago (+31/-0)
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another plandemic, food shortages, energy shortages, international banking failure, WWIII.
General Flynn has announced a citizens guide to Fith Generation Warfare (5GW) will be available soon for everyone! THE GANGSTALKERS ARE GETTING EXPOSED NOW!!!     (TheGreatAwakening)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.7 years ago (+8/-2)
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It's about time these fucktards did something about the mass torture, robbery, blacklisting and much worse being done to millions in the USA and in all NATO countries!

This has been a silent genocide of truth tellers using narcissistic abuse tactics and silent weapons such as 5G and psychotronic weapons.

This comes at a time when Russia is in a proxy war with NATO and Putin has threatened to expose these crimes.

The pentagon has ordered a full listing of all the psychological operations being conducted by the military.

The UK government has started an investigation into counterinsurgency programs that have been completely inverted in favour of the terrorists.



They have been killing the people that tried to warn everyone about the nwo, masons, covid hoax, cbdc's and the world of lies we live in.

The masons did this before it became a government operation so many of them became key managers and handlers. This will get the lot of them hanged.


Thanks for playing pedo cult scum. But it's your victims turn to be empowered by the government and courts who will hold you down for us to exact our revenge on you.

Times up pedos. Did you think you where protected? Untouchable?! Invulnerable?!!

We will be as merciless with you all as you have been with us. It's our turn pedos. I hope you are ready for justice.