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CBDC's are a wet dream of psychopaths, narcissists, pedophiles, communists, tyrants and rapists! Micromanaging the victims finances is a priority to keep control!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to TheGreatAwakening 1.7 yearsDec 27, 2022 19:21:12 ago (+9/-2)     (thedrum-media.imgix.net)


Just think about Brittany Speirs conservatory order that was recently ended after 13 years!

They controlled her money so they controlled her.

The first thing that happened when Kanye spoke out was he lost over a billion dollars and had his bank account closed.

Why else would civil asset forfeiture be a thing without evidence, charges or trial?

So what hoops will we be made to jump through if we want to be able to simply buy food, gas or rights back through licensing?

They will be able to make a puppet out of most people. They will literally just do whatever they are told to do. But it seems that the majority instinctively knows this is a dangerous situation to allow. The idea of CBDC's isn't a popular one and the normies can see it will come eventually.

People are using cash much more in my town. The tellers have noticed much more cash payments.

And after the absolutely psychotic manipulation of the pandemic no one is keen on this.

13 comments block

You're high as fuck. The massive majority of bitcoin ownership is by boomer idiots trying to get rich from a bounce. Only the tiny fringe minority own bitcoin because of "muh decentralized platform". And that fringe minority are even dumber than the boomer trying to get rich quick.