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Community for : 3.3 years

Manned and unmanned spacecraft, including launchers, space stations, deep space probes, lunar and planetary landers, etc.

No astronomy, although spaceborne observatories are on topic.

No conspiracy theories, moon landing hoaxes, flat Earths, denial of space travel, electric universes, or other such fringe topics.

Owner: dominus_stercae


Multiple shots, angles, and speeds of Starship's launch on its third test flight (headphone warning)     (
submitted by dominus_stercae to spaceflight 3 months ago (+2/-0)
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Taken from multiple vantage points, some wide angle, some telescope, a few showing hot stage separation, some slow motion, a few with people in the foreground. Can be loud at times.
Private US spacecraft lands on moon, then falls over. Needs a cool nickname     (
submitted by Panic to spaceflight 3 months ago (+5/-1)
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India landed on the Moon for less than it cost to make Interstellar     (
submitted by Panic to spaceflight 9 months ago (+1/-1)
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Some houses cost less than Indian space agency spent on getting to the Moon.
Looks like the Space X rocket blew up.      (spaceflight)
submitted by germ22 to spaceflight 1.2 years ago (+8/-1)
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Tumbling through the air, and then exploded. Too bad for this expensive firework.
Mouse on the thruster at 4:30:02      (
submitted by GetFuckedCunt to spaceflight 1.3 years ago (+6/-3)
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Russia Test-Fires Satellite Thruster Powered by Krypton     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to spaceflight 1.3 years ago (+7/-0)
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Exploring China's space station (≖ ‿ ≖)     (
submitted by GetFuckedCunt to spaceflight 1.3 years ago (+2/-2)
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You can see it with your naked eye when it's flight path orbits over your nation. Isn't that amazing.
Artemis 1 launch to the moon     (
submitted by GetFuckedCunt to spaceflight 1.3 years ago (+3/-2)
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Just ignore the fact that it had completed its arc at an altitude lower than what commercial airplanes fly.
Elon pulled this Tesla out of the sales lot and strapped it to a space rocket!     (
submitted by GetFuckedCunt to spaceflight 1.3 years ago (+1/-3)
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Do you want to see it with a telescope? No problems.

Just build one with the diameter of 50,000ft but until then you will have to trust the mainstream media that it's actually in space.
Filthy chink "astronauts" take their 1st "spacewalk"     (
submitted by GetFuckedCunt to spaceflight 1.3 years ago (+1/-3)

The filthy chinks sure find it difficult to fake the ball without help from NASA and other government agencies.
Do you really believe that a bunch of street shitters can get into Space?      (
submitted by GetFuckedCunt to spaceflight 1.3 years ago (+3/-3)
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This footage is identical to any NASA or Space X launch.

Space is fake and gay.
Spectacular views of Falcon Heavy's boosters landing after the launch of USSF 44 payload.     (
submitted by dominus_stercae to spaceflight 1.6 years ago (+9/-0)
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Some decent phone video of the boosters' return:
Do launched rockets ever go UP?      (
submitted by Panic to spaceflight 1.7 years ago (+7/-0)
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For 19 years, I lived in Florida and could watch launches including Space Shuttle launches. They always went straight up for a ways then curved off. Never straight up.

In this linked video, a Florida launch is seen going sideways over Pennsylvania. Doesn't look all that high in the sky. Can anybody explain this?
Space Shuttle entering the atmosphere (fluid dynamics simulation)     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to spaceflight 1.7 years ago (+4/-0)
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Spacecraft atmospheric re-entry compilation - Imagine seeing this in person      (
submitted by Boardallday3 to spaceflight 1.8 years ago (+1/-1)
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Spacecraft that are de-orbited (sent back into the earth's atmosphere to burn up at over 25,000mph) are usually aimed at a point in the South Pacific called Point Nemo. It's the most uninhabited area of our world being the furthest place from any land and not a part of any common shipping route

Satellites and space debris sometimes break up over populated areas.

Spacecraft parts like Soviet satellites with nuclear reactors have fallen on places like Canada:
MaxQ Abort -- Jew Origin's little suborbital dildo rocket "New Shepard" suffered a fiery engine failure in flight     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to spaceflight 1.8 years ago (+4/-0)
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Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch Camera E-8 (Engineering Camera 8)     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to spaceflight 1.8 years ago (+2/-1)
Apollo Comms Part 21: TV from the Moon     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to spaceflight 1.8 years ago (+2/-1)
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Saturn V Fuel Consumption in Elephants (Simulation)     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to spaceflight 1.8 years ago (+1/-1)
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Voyager 1 - Saturn approach timelapse (1980)      (
submitted by Boardallday3 to spaceflight 1.8 years ago (+2/-0)
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SLS launch abort system test (2019) - NASA's new SLS, Artemis I is scheduled to launch this morning.     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to spaceflight 1.8 years ago (+4/-0)
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Launch was scrubbed.
Next date is Sep. 2nd or 3rd that, or October.
NASA Orion Launch Abort System Attitude Control Test - It's a solid rocket motor with valves (somehow) that open and close very quickly.     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to spaceflight 1.8 years ago (+2/-1)
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Onboard camera view of the Soyuz MS-10 launch failure and in-flight abort. Abnormal booster separation caused the rocket to spin out of control.     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to spaceflight 1.8 years ago (+9/-0)
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Onboard camera view of the Soyuz MS-10 launch and in-flight abort on 11 October 2018. According to the commission that investigated the incident, a faulty sensor damaged during assembly caused the abnormal separation of one of the side boosters, that hit the central booster. This led to depressurization of the central booster and the loss of stabilization of the rocket. The Soyuz MS-10 capsule returned in a ballistic decent mode and the crew members, NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin, were safely recovered.
A 21-ton Chinese rocket stage is falling from space — and scientists cannot predict where it will land next week     (
submitted by Spaceman84 to spaceflight 1.9 years ago (+3/-0)
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Explosion at Chinese space launch center revealed by satellite imagery     (
submitted by Spaceman84 to spaceflight 2 years ago (+1/-0)
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