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submitted by doginventer to Pizzagate 5 months ago (+29/-2)
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On Dec. 20, the FDNY showed up at Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters in Brooklyn to conduct a surprise inspection after a homeowner on Union Street reportedly complained of hearing suspicious noises coming from underground for some period of time. There was also an anonymous complaint filed that the emergency exits at the headquarters were blocked. When the FDNY showed up, they were not immediately allowed in until the person “in charge” arrived. Video below.👇🏻 Once the FDNY were let in, they reportedly did not find the tunnel or any violations. However, I can’t imagine that the leadership at the headquarters did not know about the tunnel. So why weren’t they transparent with the FDNY? The next day, it was reported that construction workers had discovered the tunnel nearly three weeks prior! On Dec. 24, the first video of the tunnel was leaked from 1506 Union Street, a defunct mikvah, ritual bath center, that reportedly leads to headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway. On Jan. 3, interestingly, the headquarters welcomed 13 new NYPD officers for a tour as an “acclimation visit” to “understand” the community they’d be serving. On Jan. 8, all hell broke loose when there were attempts to fill in the tunnel with cement and the NYPD were called in. There were reportedly 9 arrested. Also, in-between the two locations where the tunnel connects there is the Jewish Children’s Museum. The media is claiming that the tunnel does not connect to the children’s museum. Who is to say there is not also an entrance from the tunnel into the children’s museum if there is no investigation? Last night contractors showed up with cement trucks to fill in the tunnels. NYPD showed up to prevent another disruption. As far as I’m concerned, none of this adds up. This whole story stinks and anyone who is claiming otherwise is disingenuous.
"Filling up the tunnels so soon is THE DEFINITION OF A COVER UP" / X ₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø ⛈️⛈️⛈️ɄⱠ₮Ɽ₳2ℚℚℚ🇺🇸 @KAGdrogo
Does anyone think there could have been a valid investigation in such a short time? Epstein filled his tunnels with cement too Must be powerful interests at work here
Pedo tries to meet 13yo girl, gets her Uncle instead.      (
submitted by ProudRebel to Pizzagate 5 months ago (+35/-16)
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Disney molested his adopted daughter?     (
submitted by didyouknow to Pizzagate 6 months ago (+1/-8)
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Pizzagate was and is real. Epstein’s clients are still doing exactly what they were doing before.     (
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to Pizzagate 6 months ago (+47/-1)
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It wasn't just ping pong on that corner. Bucks, Politics and prose, Hattian center, terra sol. Down the road was Pegasus museum where the basement actually was      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to Pizzagate 8 months ago (+20/-0)
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Tell how it is     (
submitted by correctness to Pizzagate 9 months ago (+59/-4)
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Angel Studios Directing People to Clinton-Podesta NGOs     (
submitted by mxcviel to Pizzagate 11 months ago (+7/-0)
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here is on Greg Reese channel

This report is not a critique of the film since is bringing awareness to a subject...


According to MK-Ultra whistle-blowers the CIA acquired children for Project Monarch by cataloging child pornography sent through the US mail.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children NCMEC went international in 1999, and was launched by Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair, with Richard Branson acting as a founding sponsor.

In 2009 the Clinton Global Initiative partnered with the Polaris Project and by 2014 they created a “Global Modern Day Slavery” database of organizations in 199 countries to monitor human trafficking. Also in 2009, Amber Ready, Inc., selected the Podesta Group to be their PR company.

Once this child database syndicate was launched, human trafficking increased. Nearly all child pornography is processed and stored within this framework on foreign servers in Sweden. In 2014 President Obama assigned the task of how to manage this gathered intelligence data to John Podesta.

Polaris, the ICMEC, and the NCMEC are the same groups that Angel Studios, producers of the Sound of Freedom, are directing people to as a way to combat child trafficking.

The billionaire who has been funding Tim Ballard’s operation is Carlos Slim. Who has also funded Hillary Clinton and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Perhaps Angel Studios is unaware of who they are promoting. But if we think that the same NGOs whose efforts increased the child sex trade by 500% will somehow end child sex slavery, then maybe we are too emotional to think clearly.

Kind of funny with the "Sounds of Freedom" out, will there be a HolyWood ? ~ Hollywood Pedophiles Have ‘Nowhere Left To Hide’     (Pizzagate)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Pizzagate 11 months ago (+22/-2)
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With "Sounds of Freedom" out now, seems like they are focusing attention on the (((pedo cabals))) lately.

This was a somewhat interesting article about "Markie Mark/ Walhberg", stating how the Hollywood pedophiles are going to go down relatively soon:

But, just reading the regular bullshit over the last few weeks, and with the release of "Sounds of Freedom", before that you had Uncle Mel with Tim Ballard over in the Ukraine, which could have been a promo to "Sounds of Freedom":

But, it seems like this is starting to get more attention hopefully. Hopefully you will start seeing some of these (((adenochrome freaks))) being brought before the gallows in a public way.
Meta's Instagram Facilitated Massive Pedophile Network     (
submitted by Scyber to Pizzagate 1 year ago (+10/-1)

A comprehensive investigation by the Wall Street Journal and the Stanford Internet Observatory reveals that Meta-owned Instagram has been home to an organized and massive network of pedophiles.
Billionaire Investor Buys Epstein’s Private Islands for $60 Million [N Y Times)     (
submitted by LiberalsAreMental to Pizzagate 1.1 years ago (+0/-0)
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I wonder if he's a pervert wanting to relive old times, or a good guy looking for evidence, or a patsy who is set up?
#PizzaGate: EXPOSED! - Johnny Cirucci [42.11]     (
submitted by doginventer to Pizzagate 1.1 years ago (+0/-0)
What kind of code is this?...     (
submitted by Thought_Criminal to Pizzagate 1.3 years ago (+1/-0)
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It's no coincidence the FBI colours are blue and yellow just like the masons!      (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 1.5 years ago (+1/-1)

They also engage in blackmailing, child trafficking, racketeering, character assassination, inverted justice, gaslighting, gatekeeping, perception engineering and attacking the victims of crime!

Funny how they use this colour scheme so often to mark the organizations they have subverted!

How many can we name that use these colours?

Ukrainian flag

Best Buy

LA Rams

Got anymore?!
NYPD evidence warehouse in Redhook NY on fire. This looks like an Epstein related event. He owned the Redhook Marina on St Thomas and his JE symbol looked like a red hook!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 1.5 years ago (+2/-2)
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This all comes after another victim has claimed she has video Epstein took of his friends having sex with a young girl for blackmail!

Am I going crazy or is this connected?

This is all starting to look like comms to me. And at a time when we are supposed to be seeing the names of eight clients redacted soon.

Epstein had connections to red hook ny too. I can't remember or find it just now but something is up with this story of evidence getting burned.

Balenciaga in the news in the UK! Rachel Chandler recruited all their models in 2016!!! They cover it all.      (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 1.6 years ago (+5/-0)
Adam Schiff     (
submitted by Hall_of_Cost to Pizzagate 1.6 years ago (+34/-0)
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Adam Schiff just hanging out with a very young black boy. I wonder who the boy was, and when he was determined missing.
Balenciaga gets called out for synagogue of satan pedo symbology     (
submitted by Cunt to Pizzagate 1.6 years ago (+59/-3)
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Another tiktok, some overlap, some different

NSFL Panda Eyes symbology explaination

Balenciaga homepage archive and extracted images: 1 2 3

Free Speech Coalition: About us

Supreme Court v
VS. Williams (2008)
Files are being unsealed in the Jeffrey Epstein case!!!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 1.6 years ago (+24/-1)
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Only eight to start with.

This could be delayed by a legal fight so it's no guarantee they will be out this month.

But the timing is amazing since Hunter Biden is being accused of sex trafficking!

Some also believe Sam Bankman Fried was involved in money laundering for sex trafficking too. And this collapse was very coincidental too!!

Peter Nygard, the Canadian Jeffrey Epstein.      (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 1.8 years ago (+2/-0)
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The USA had Epstein!

Canada had Nygard!

The UK had Jimmy Saville!

Who is running these operations in all the other countries?

Where are they hiding their blackmail material? Lawyer's office?!, blockchain?!!

Celebrity Frontmen For Global Trafficking - Amazing Polly [51.12]     (
submitted by doginventer to Pizzagate 1.9 years ago (+0/-0)
Guislane Maxwell just got twenty years!!!     (Pizzagate)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.0 years ago (+8/-0)
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Still very lenient considering what she did but it's a start.

Plus a $750 k fine.

She will be leaving prison in her late seventies if she isn't charged with more crimes.
Guislane Maxwell will be sentenced today!!! But will she drop her deadmans switch with all the blackmail like she threatened before the trial?     (Pizzagate)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.0 years ago (+17/-0)
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She made it very clear that she has tons of shit on the rich and powerful and if she goes down she will fuck them all and expose everything.

This was supposed to get everyone rallying behind her to keep her out of prison. But she got found guilty and is now facing up to 65 years and potentially more charges.

I think she will go absolutely fucking crazy if they give her more than ten years. She may even yell out that her treasure trove of blackmail will now be released. Signalling those holding it to dump it online.

Or she could just hand it all over to the court right then. But I would guess she knows she can't trust the courts to do anything other than seal it all and prevent any consequences. So it makes more sense that she would have it dumped on the chans.

Either way I honestly think she is a rage filled vindictive bitch that would happily destroy as many people as she could if her life will end in prison anyway.

I would bet that Epstein's friends didn't sleep to well last night.

My bet is she will go full scorched earth on everyone of them for not digging her out of the hole she dug for herself. This could be very entertaining and productive for us today.

Hollywood, Clinton's, FBI, doj, news pundits and judges all facing life ending exposure if she takes them all down with her.

I'm just hoping that cunt can do one good thing with her life before she kills herself with two shots to the back of the head.
Virginia Guffrey is now facing allegations she recruited and sexually abused young women with Epstein! HER CASE WAS ALL ABOUT GATEKEEPING AND SILENCING THE MULTITUDES COMING FORWARD!!!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2 years ago (+5/-0)
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Guffrey's lawyer was none other than Harvey Weinstein's lawyer of ten years David Boise who threatened and silenced his victims with another female lawyer Bloom!

One victim that was at Epstein island said she saw about 60 girls come through the island in the one month she was there! So where are all these victims?

David Boise and Virginia Guffrey silenced them all and turned the case into a she said he said event that heaped all the blame on Maxwell!

This is why Boise law firm has had over a hundred lawyer quit while the case was ongoing. He shredded the testimony of all the victims and built a list to attack for the pedo elites.

None of this is in this report but you can confirm this from what came out.

Guffrey was the Alison Mack of the Epstein operation!!!

And she got paid $12 million to screw all the victims over and protect the elites caught on video.

Will this case expose this? Will her lawyer get sent all these testimonies and proof that Boise hid them from the courts?!

Or is her lawyer another pedo fixer making millions protecting these rapists?

Either way this case is too big to shut down. Guffrey is fucked imho.
UK seeking return of Kevin Spacey from US to face sexual assault charges | UK news | The Guardian     (
submitted by doginventer to Pizzagate 2 years ago (+3/-1)
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DOD civilian and army Sargent busted for pedo ring; national security risk     (Pizzagate)
submitted by Literallyhitler to Pizzagate 2.2 years ago (+20/-0)
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This sicko used his position of power to abuse foster kids and the state of AZ ignored his behavior. He might be in jail but his wife still walks free and has access to children. Their bio son also walks free, but he's following his father and was a physical abuser to his now ex-wife.

Sorry can't post link as I don't have enough points