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Community for : 3.1 years

Long live Chairman CaptainMegaJew

Owner: Xigbar68


Ruqqus is dead officially! Literally closing down before the end of 2021 like I predicted.     (
submitted by Xigbar68 to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.6 years ago (+2/-0)
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Fuck that stupid site lmao
also this subverse is now effectively defunct
it's been a good run
major lulz

Eat shit cm4, slimy kike
> Without Censorship     (
submitted by MonkeysSmarterThanNiggers to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.7 years ago (+45/-0)
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To trigger a liberal, you must know their secrets. Most are racist as fuck deep down. When you throat punch them with truth, they clam up.      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.6 years ago (+37/-2)
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I posted this on Ruqqus and got a hit. I responded in kind.

A gay jew with admin protection was flaunting being gifted a right wing sub just to destroy it; he kicked all the content and banned all the users.      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.6 years ago (+37/-4)
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So I did my duty as a Nazi and triggered him out of his celebratory dance.

Looks like he said too much, someone had to (((shut it down))).
The great Ruqqus purge has begun. Any content criticizing jews will be removed under new Jewish anti free speech policy. The site has 503'd all day.      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.7 years ago (+33/-1)
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This is why I downloaded all my shit. Archive is okay but is also subject to deletion. If it comes back up, download everything.

Truth fears no investigation. They fear the truth.

Everything I said would happen is now a reality.

HitlerWasRight, Xigbar68 was right.

Some wisdom on why Ruqqus was doomed to fail     (
submitted by Xigbar68 to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.7 years ago (+31/-0)
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It's almost like I predicted this less than a year ago...     (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.7 years ago (+29/-0)
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So, hosting free speech isn't worth the risk to the longevity of your free speech site?

The kikery knows no bounds. Watch this be the excuse for shit canning the site. They're almost out of time for using the LLC as a write off anyways.
They've finally banned me and captured all my content. I've been systematically moving everything over here, time permitting, but they finally got me. And for no reason. The reason they gave me is just a blank space.     (
submitted by Strange_Coincidences to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.7 years ago (+28/-1)
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I don't think you can say "gas the jews" on Ruqqus now - Revision to Internal Policies Regarding Incitement to Violence     (
submitted by KCobain27 to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.8 years ago (+22/-0)
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Just checked out this shit site today. Thank goodness for Voat.
Ruqqus' Law (Updated Version)     (
submitted by Xigbar68 to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 3 years ago (+21/-0)
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It starts. Just got overthrown from +JewMedia. So much for the cooldown huh... Also @Ferry was my backup, she too was overthrown but wasn't banned.      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 3 years ago (+20/-0)
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Banned from (((Ruqqus))). Don't regret my comment though.     (
submitted by abc to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.7 years ago (+21/-2)
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Third time they changed my ban reason now lol. A nice and vague "ToS Violation" when there was nothing in it at the time covering admin criticism.      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.7 years ago (+18/-1)
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They are moving the goal posts even after the game ended lol. I'm starting to think they are seriously concerned about the Holocaust brand being threatened. Without it, there is no sympathy for them while they commit crimes against us. Keep an eye on this thread over the next week.

And this one:

Download all that you can in the meantime. If you're on pc you can save the webpage. In the meantime, post as much Holocaust debunking material as you can. Wake the sheep they're trying to retain.

How can you tell Ruqqus admins and their discord cabal are jews?      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.7 years ago (+17/-0)
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Now that they've silenced any opposition, they can continue their lies.
Even over a week post ban, I'm still pissing off jew faggots.      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 3 years ago (+15/-0)
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If there's anyone not yet banned, go into

Copy & paste some good material, and flood that big nose with National Socialist goodness. Watch him recoil.
Ruqqus 101     (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 3 years ago (+15/-0)
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Stop promoting Ruqqus     (
submitted by Xigbar68 to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 3 years ago (+15/-1)
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Did (((Adam Ladine))) finally pull the plug? It's been down all day.      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 3 years ago (+14/-0)
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And look at the traffic drop off lol

From Github

Edit: It's back up. People were left in the dark.

The "official" answer:

Had my hopes up for a minute.

Update: It's continually down and when it's up, it's extremely slow. The traffic stats are still dropping, (this after they just celebrated a new high water mark) and Adam is acting like he doesn't know how to fix it. I tend to think he's giving up on his little project. He even made a new splash page with an even faggier play on words.
I don't know how many times I predicted it, but man did it hit home when it happened.      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.6 years ago (+12/-1)
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Reading what George Lincoln Rockwell wrote about jews being parasites, he said they kill civilizations and in turn, themselves. Once the host is dead, they too will die. I applied that model to Ruqqus, and holy shit was it accurate!

The source post was a dev leaving the site in protest of my ban.

I am not a troll. I always tried to stay positive and polite (I like non-pc/dank/dark/edgy memes and don't mind vulgarities, but I don't use them). It was very strange to find myself in a same team (pro free speech, and against manipulation and other shenanigans of admins) as, I think, a literal nazi and a progressive...
Press F to pay respects     (
submitted by Kozel to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.7 years ago (+10/-0)
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Retroactive rule enforcement using a time machine that skips 1 day ahead to the 8/12 deadline.
Check out Cuqqus Traffic stats in the last 90 days lol     (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.7 years ago (+10/-0)
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After some public shaming, Ruqqus (((admins))) are back pedaling. So once again I was unbanned, and rebanned with the original reason again. Weird.      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.8 years ago (+8/-0)
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I was originally banned for "long running harassment campaign"

Which was actually my calling out (((admin))) dishonesty (He banned Catbox citing they don't police CSM, @Xigbar68 found that to be a lie

The evidence that they were piles of kike shit was stacking up against them, so they had to silence dissent. But even afterwards they just couldn't let me go lol.

So they unbanned me & immediately rebanned me with a completely different and even more fraudulent reason...

Once this post

was posted on Ruqqus

They went back to the original reason again. Now, bear in mind this isn't some rinky-dink website as a college student's side gig. Ruqqus is an LLC which means the owners can write off expenses and call it a business loss. This covers everything from rent/mortgage, vehicle costs, internet service, and just about any tech device they buy from computers to video gaming systems, can be written off in taxes. They hated me before and always openly trolled me - but only after I exposed this fact did they outright ban me for a violation of rules that don't even exist in their ToS.

(((Adam Ladine))) said it was "just an accident" lol

Credibility is zilch, with zero fucks given.
Archive of the HittlerWasRight Megapost      (
submitted by oldblo to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.5 years ago (+8/-0)
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Formerly on Ruqqus.
I couldnt find it on this site so here it is. I guess the account that introduced it here to me is deleted.
Im looking for the Ruqqus post on various forum shill, psyops, and disruption tactics. A helping hand is always appreciated.
This is the "long standing harassment campaign" (((Adam Ladine))) was referring to.      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 3 years ago (+7/-0)
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My last comment, the one he removed, contained the same links illustrating admin interference with users subs.

I also told how carpfag made a post on discord to start reporting "miscategorized guilds" as a troll to Nazis, and he always got what he wanted. I said if he was seeing that on +JewishQuestion it's because (((Someone))) complained.

That's when my +HitlerWasRight sub got forcefully changed; (4 hours after I exiled Adam that is). I didn't even have an interaction with Captainmeta4 or kek, I just referred to them as kike admin, which I always had. The entire thing was sanctioned by the kike admins.

That's why they mass sieged my guilds

And that's why they keep "having bugs" to ensure it continues. There's substantial proof that the kike admins were taking part in brigading, troll, and censorship operations after advertising their Ruqqus LLC as "Awesome community without censorship".

They even had a hit list of users they wanted banned.

This came from an insider who was disgusted with their actions and leaked the details of their operation.

Note the bulk of commenters are now banned.

I've maintained that the admins are Jewish

ever since Carpfag/Tranny admitted that he & kek were Jewish

He answered "Yes." But, when I referenced it later he deleted the comment. Their actions are what gave them away. Adam (((Ladine))) being (((East Coast))) and using his site as a business allows for him to commit all kinds of (legal) tax fraud. I exposed how the site is for money laundering, as long as he can show he has a source for income (gold coins) he can fudge the numbers all he wants, meanwhile he gets to write off his car, gas, expenses even remotely related to the site, and even his rent.

That's why he doesn't give two shits about his image. That's why he's allowed this shit to happen. You have 3 years to write off business expenses without making any money at all, after that it will be considered a hobby. He might milk out more using the gold coin ruse, but it's nothing more than free money for him.

To understand what the jew does and why, you must think like a jew.

Ruqqus shilled on /g/     (
submitted by Xigbar68 to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 3 years ago (+7/-0)
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A month after being banned I noticed my account still gains rep, and I get notifications such as these     (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 3.0 years ago (+7/-0)
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