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Owner: MrGoat


Copers: 'There Won't Be An Economic Collapse' | US Productivity Just Crashed By The Most Since 1947 As Labor Costs Explode     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2 years ago (+2/-0)
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Switch to all-organic farming is a disaster in Sri Lanka     (
submitted by shitface9000 to EconomicCollapse 2 years ago (+5/-0)
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...we are witnessing the end of four centuries of domination by Westerners and their empires...."     (
submitted by beece to EconomicCollapse 2.1 years ago (+16/-0)
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submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2 years ago (+5/-0)
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Over the next 18 months, we will see an unprecedented number of startups that will shutdown, conduct layoffs, and close down rounds.     (
submitted by shitface9000 to EconomicCollapse 2.1 years ago (+1/-0)
Black Swan Event? Top US Fertilizer Producer Hit With Rail Delays To Midwest     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.1 years ago (+5/-0)
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Paste of Atko's SHTF Advice     (EconomicCollapse)
submitted by taoV to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+30/-1)
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Since someone asked about it, here's a paste of the Goatfather's experience during civil war:

Archived: War - a few things from my own experience

submitted 4.2 years ago by Atko

A while ago someone asked if I could offer any advice on how to survive a war. I figured why not, and have been writing this on and off whenever I had time. So here yo go. I hope you never need this.

Nobody can tell you how to survive as war is chaotic and unpredictable and I sure hope you will never have to experience it as I have, but I can tell you what came in very handy during the 4 years of war through which I've been. To make matters worse, I was in an occupied city, fully surrounded by the enemy and on rare occasions, a corridor would open up and people could escape. I have been in countless situations where I escaped death thanks to nothing but luck (or god if you're a believer) which I could have avoided had I been wiser.

Anyways, here are some general tips that could hopefully prolong your life should you ever find yourself in a war as a civilian.

Curiousity kills. When you hear an explosion, do not go out to investigate. Do not even try to take a peak. Shrapnels kill and standing near doors and windows is not where you should be. Ever. Many people have lost their lives by not staying put and going out or just by trying to take a peak.

Avoid groups and especially avoid being in a group on open space. I survived a mortar shell explosion which was specifically targeting us because we were in a group of 10 or so people, eating apples out in the open, midday, near a UN base which was the safest place to be (towards the end of the war) and one woman was killed on the spot. I took cover behind one of the trees when I heard the mortar being fired somewhere in the distance. Avoid groups.

Get rid of things that burn easy. Incindiery ammo and hot shrapnels will set your place on fire, and if this happens, your instinct will be to try and put the fire out. Only do so if the fire is immediate danger to you.

Barricade your doors and windows. You want as few openings as possible. Filling up bags with dirt is probably the easiest way. We used potato bags and bags were scarce in general, so owning 50 or more sandbags can come in very handy should you ever find yourself in a war situation.

Food and water is #1 thing to keep in mind. There will be no electricity for years (4 years in my case) and no running water. Stock up on canned food and water. How much is enough? Think years worth of food. Food that does not spoil for years and which does not need to be refridgerated. You may need to fetch the water from a nearby well or river. Get water containers and make sure they are not white. Get them in dark green or black. White can be seen from a far and snipers will notice you a lot easier if you carry a 20L bright white water container and move slow... Also, never go to fetch the water in daylight. After midnight or before sunrise is your best bet. Stock up on water desinfection chemicals. You may have to drink water from a poluted source for years.

Cigarettes are priceless. Tobacco too. Stock up on that even if you don't smoke. You can always exchange cigarettes for anything. I have seen people collect cigarette butts and recover leftover tobacco from those and roll it out and smoke. I have seen people smoke toilet paper, coal+wood dust, tea... You'd be surprised just how valuable tobacco can be in a war. Stock up on tobacco seeds as well. You can always grow your own tobacco and trade the dried leaves.

Stock up on oil. Vegetable oil but also oil in general. Vegetable oil can be used as fuel in diesel cars and its value can be insane. Vegetable oil can be used to make light candles (with shoelaces) and while we're at it, stock up on this. Your shoelaces will thank you.

Light bulbs, flashlights and rechargeable batteries. All kinds of rechargeable batteries. Tiny, medium, large... one car battery can provide enough energy to listen to the news on radio (once a day) for months. Get a charging device. I used a bicycle and windshield motor from a damaged car to generate electricity, but solar cells or more efficient mechanical generators will make your life easier.

Amateur radios. The only way to send out a message or receive one in an occupied city, was via radio. 1 or 2 radio amateurs kept the hope for hundreds of families and if there was one thing I wish I had - it would be amateur radio scanner and a good antenna. Get two, just in case, and stock up on electrical components such as capacitors and fuses.

Soap. My mom used ashes from the fireplace to wash our clothes. Stock up on soap. Forget shampoos and other fancy stuff. Hard soap is your friend and it lasts forever.

Medicine. Antibiotics. Painkillers. Sedatives. Surgical equipment. You may have to remove a bullet and stitch someone up.

Tools - shovels, wire, nails, screws. You may have to construct a floating river electricity generator using parts from a washing mashine. Here is one on display:

Thats it for now. I'm on the road again but I'll try to update this if I remember something or if you ask for more specifics.

Selco Begovic | How I Survived A Year of SHTF in 90s Bosnia     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+20/-0)
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It occurred to me that most people probably have never heard of this guy or his story.
Our leaders are paving the way for the reign of the antichrist     (
submitted by con77 to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+16/-1)
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Romanian shares his memories of living through hyperinflation and what people did to get through it     (
submitted by Broc_Liath to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+9/-0)
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UK can’t pay for Russian gas they require      (
submitted by shitface9000 to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+9/-1)
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German Retailers To Increase Food Prices By 20-50% On Monday     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+23/-1)
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Famine: USA     (EconomicCollapse)
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+37/-3)
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I know a family who owns a restaurant, and I stopped by today for a visit. They have been dealing with erratic deliveries of food supplies since the Notsogreat Reset began. Things have been steadily deteriorating and now there are certain items that they can’t get from any of their suppliers.

They informed me that a few days ago one of the salesmen from their largest food suppler came by and told them to prepare for the worst. He said the distributor is no longer able to source certain items and he doesn’t think they will ever be able to get these items again. I’m not talking about being unable to get a certain brand of ice cream or peaches, for example; I’m talking about not being able to get ice cream or peaches period.

The board of directors for the corporation has been having emergency meetings and are voicing concerns about how long the company will be able to remain in business since they can’t source product. And more interestingly, the board also discussed how the shortage of food will eventually lead to a famine in the United States in the not-to-distant future.

This information was not for public consumption, but the salesman has been working for the company for decades and has connections in the higher echelons of management. Somebody gave him a head’s-up so that he can plan accordingly. Apparently the salesmen was pretty shook-up when relaying this information.

Close to half of Americans can’t afford a one-bedroom rental: report     (
submitted by Garrett to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+22/-0)
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IMF Warns That Sanctions Against Russia Threaten To Weaken The Dominance Of The Dollar     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+9/-1)
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Omnibus Bill 2022 (Continuing Appropriations Act) | Breakdown Of The $1.5T Not Going In Your Pocket     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+5/-0)
Goodbye Federal Reserve? | ECASH & Biden's attack on the financial markets     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+4/-0)
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Reps. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.), Jesús Chuy Garcia (D-Ill.), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), all Democrats, have introduced the “Electronic Currency And Secure Hardware Act” (ECASH Act) that does far more than just creating a digital currency. This Act cleverly strips the Federal Reserve of its authority to create the money.

There will be no centralized ledger or distributed ledger for it will be non-traceable thereby better than crypto. It is to utilize secured hardware software and it’s issued by the Treasury which eliminates the Federal reserve putting the creation of money in the hands of the White House. They are clever for this will be fully anonymous transactions just like paper money today rather than Blockchains that are designed to track every transaction, which means the government can therefore tie every transaction to the sender and receiver.**
Sanctions Are Really     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+16/-0)
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Repeat After Me: 'This Isn't UBI' | House Dems Want To Stop Oil Inflation By Creating Money Out Of Thin Air, Offering Americans "Direct Payments"     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+17/-0)
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UBI = Universal Basic Income

Reps. Mike Thompson of California, John Larson of Connecticut and Lauren Underwood of Illinois are proposing the idea of an "energy rebate" equating to $100 per month for individuals or $200 for couples with an additional $100 per dependent, according to KSDK.

In keeping with brilliant ideas, Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore, also introduce the Stop Gas Price Gouging Tax and Rebate Act, which calls for households to receive a monthly tax credit that would come from taxing oil companies for "excessive corporate profits".
"Gas Stations Will Run Dry": Catastrophic Scenario For Diesel Emerging According To World's Biggest Energy Traders     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+6/-0)
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The corporate leaders estimated that as much as 3 million barrels of oil and its products a day could be lost from Russia as a result of sanctions, in line with previous estimates, and warned that global markets face a squeeze on diesel with Europe most at risk of a “systemic” shortage that could lead to fuel rationing.

"The thing that everybody’s concerned about will be diesel supplies. Europe imports about half of its diesel from Russia and about half of its diesel from the Middle East,” said Russell Hardy, chief of Switzerland-based oil trader Vitol. “That systemic shortfall of diesel is there.”
House Passes $1.5 Trillion Spending Bill With $13.6 Billion For Ukrain     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+18/-0)
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The Great Reset: Volkswagen CEO Warns Ukrainian War Could Be Worse For Europe Than COVID     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+9/-0)
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In Hilarious Reversal, Biden Admin Now Slams Shale For Not Raising Output     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+9/-0)
Brace for Impact     (
submitted by beece to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+12/-0)
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Projections are that due to fertilizer costs over doubling, corn prices will skyrocket in the US. So that's something to add to the price of gas in addition to the stupid Biden administrations earlier moves to close the Keystone pipeline, Stop Fracking, and stop federal oil and gas leases.

We'll get through it, but it will be like the dog says when he wiped his ass with sandpaper: ROUGH.
US Gas Prices Just Smashed The All-Time Record High     (
submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.2 years ago (+6/-0)
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Oil Price Information Service (OPIS), the firm that collects and calculates prices for the American Automobile Association (AAA), released new data Monday evening that shows the national average for a gallon of gas at the pump hit a record high, according to CNN.

OPIS monitors the pricing data of 140,000 US gas stations and found that at the close of business on the East Coast, gas prices on average broke the previous 2008 record of $4.11 and printed as high as $4.14.