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Community for : 3 years

Owner: MrGoat


I am involved in luxury items at the low and middle range. In both markets no one is spending.      (EconomicCollapse)
submitted by Dindu to EconomicCollapse 4 weeks ago (+48/-1)
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Breaking even on merch shows in multiple regions. That's crazy. And on the civilian hand to hand level people are only willing to pay 30 or 40% for good shit. I've never seen anything like it. If your good shit is priced at fifty percent of its absolute value, even on a global market like ebay it is not going anywhere. Dealers should be scooping it up for resale in california or japan, and they are not even making lowball offers. Luxury market is in trouble.

In addition to this, bottom level things like craigslist and marketplace are becoming useless. We often find ourselves only dealing to other dealers, becoming middlemen at a lower rate for someone with more clout
Welcome to the white-collar recession: The more you earn, the harder it is to find a job right now     (
submitted by iSnark to EconomicCollapse 3 days ago (+4/-0)

"Over the past year or so, pretty much everyone who's looked for a job has told me the same thing: The job market is brutal right now. They've applied to dozens if not hundreds of openings, only to get one or two callbacks. No one's hiring, they tell me. I've never seen it this bad."
The Silent Depression     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to EconomicCollapse 4 days ago (+3/-1)
Trump Media shares plunge more than 15% after company files to issue additional DJT stock     (
submitted by Sal_180 to EconomicCollapse 2 weeks ago (+0/-2)
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Trump Media shares close down more than 14%, company says Truth Social to launch TV streaming     (
submitted by Sal_180 to EconomicCollapse 2 weeks ago (+1/-3)