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Japanese bonds are fucked! Prepare for contagion as they sell US bonds to prop up their currency!!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to EconomicCollapse 1.4 yearsDec 20, 2022 20:44:07 ago (+5/-1)     (www.benzinga.com)


Japan holds a huge amount of US bonds and they have already been selling them to prop up their own.

But now the situation has deteriorated and it will likely start a flood of selling that will push up US interest rates and inflation.

This to a backdrop of the derivatives market having a massive $100 trillion hole that needs to be filled by Jan 1st makes for a bleak outlook.

The markets are on the brink imho. I would honestly be surprised if they don't collapse before Christmas its that bad.

Have extra food on hand. Have some cash.

This mess will only get bigger from now on.

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