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Community for : 2.8 years

Cooking, using heat to prepare food for consumption.

Owner: Revelation21x8


Burgers without cheese should be illegal     (Cooking)
submitted by Revelation21x8 to Cooking 2.8 years ago (+7/-0)
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Cheese Burger or death.


I think I have my Burger recipe finished (I've said that before).

I keep it simple.

Form the Patties to the bun.

Keep them thin. 1/4 - 3/8

I can't stress enough to not overly handle and squish the beef. Lightly form them.

Season individually. I like, heavy amount salt, medium amount garlic and light pepper.

I go for BBQ sauce personally.

Grill according

Medium beef, press. Lean beef do not press.

Good quality melted cheese of choice.

Personally, not toasted bun.

Serve as a double burger.
This is a delicious dish that can be served anytime of the day. It's that good!     (
submitted by Centaurus to Cooking 11 months ago (+8/-1)
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2lbs of high quality applewood smoked bacon for $5.99     (Cooking)
submitted by ghostofvoatspast to Cooking 2.7 years ago (+6/-0)
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At my local store you can buy 2lbs of great smoked aPPlewOOd bacon ends for a measly $5.99. I cut it up into small pieces and stir fry it in a pan with some onion and then combine with cheesy eggs. Its a great meal and so much you can do with these bacon bits. 2lbs of this stuff in regular form would be $30. Look for bacon ends next time you go shopping.
Best way to make chikkin wangz     (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Cooking 2.4 years ago (+8/-2)
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I decided to cook some bacon, and then I chose violence.     (Cooking)
submitted by Thought_Criminal to Cooking 4 months ago (+7/-1)
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If I wore a shirt, it would need washed due to bacon splatter.
Shirtless bacon cooking hurt less knowing I still would have a clean shirt.
I overcooked it, my reticence to attend to the danger zone was certainly a factor.
Beef Kababs / my made up method for cooking meat in the oven.     (Cooking)
submitted by ghostofvoatspast to Cooking 2.7 years ago (+5/-0)
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I have created a way to cook meat in the oven that is on par with BBQing.

Marinate, season and prepare.

Heat cast iron skillet on high for 5 minutes.

Sear each side for 2 minutes.

Oven cooking preparation (preheat to 375)

Take aluminum foil and roll (crumple) strips the thickness of a drumsticks, make enough to cover bottom of casserole dish every 1". This is done to keep the meat raised off of the bottom of the dish. You want to prevent the meat from steaming and cooking in its own juices and allow for air to circulate under the meat.

Place meat on top of foil in dish.

cook for 25 minutes.

I also use this self created method for steaks and it works great. Nothing is as good as BBQing with charcoal, however, this is the best method I have ever used for oven meat cooking.

I also used this method for frozen chicken and it worked great so that problem is solved.

I'm so sick and tied of homeless people.
What's your favorite meal?     (Cooking)
submitted by GrantingGrace to Cooking 2.6 years ago (+4/-0)
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In a cooking rut. Give me ideas!
Tip for today     (Cooking)
submitted by SparklingWiggle to Cooking 2.5 years ago (+4/-0)
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Cook your turkey to an internal temp of 150, not 165. It will kill bacteria and will be unbelievably juicy. Check multiple spot to ensure you don't hit a single hotspot.
Is anyone planning to bake anything with persimmon this winter?     (Cooking)
submitted by HughBriss to Cooking 2.4 years ago (+4/-0)
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I only bake once a year, and that's mostly because I enjoy giving people baked goods. It makes them very happy and I like to get the praise. I mostly bake banana bread, persimmon bread, persimmon cookies, and pina colada bread. (I'll provide my recipe if anyone is interested.)

I have four large Hachiya persimmons ripening on my window sill right now. I usually make both bread and cookies, which require different recipes, but this year since it's just me at home, I'm only making cookies. I enjoy experimenting with the ingredients, adjust the quantities to get different outcomes in texture, size, rising, etc.

I might try making pumpkin cookies for fun. Pumpkin pulp is thicker than persimmon pulp, so I'll need to find the right balance of liquid for that, but it sounds fantastic.
The no recipe, recipe, for Yorkshire pudding.     (Cooking)
submitted by WillisJaxson to Cooking 2 years ago (+5/-1)
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My wife loves the things. She also hates fat on her steak. Perfect. I say this is a no recipe because there's not any specific measurements needed.

Step 1:
Cut the fat off your steak, and chop it into smaller chunks. Put it in a small pot on medium to low heat and let the fat render down. Pour it off into a something using a napkin or paper towel as a filter to catch the bits. At this point, you can use what you need and the rest seems to store forever in the fridge. As they say, this can be done well in advance.

Step 2:
Mix equal parts, eggs, flour, milk. That's it. If you're using a 12 hole muffin pan, I find one egg equals around three holes. So, 4 eggs go into the measuring cup, match the same amount of milk and flour, and you have enough for twelve. Here's where you can go a few ways. Let it rest, refrigerate it, use it right away. If you want a cup shape for holding gravy or other goodness use cold batter, or a more hollow puffy result use warm. Side note: I came across this seasoning the other year, Everglades Seasoning (the all-purpose original), it's super salty, so you don't need much, but it's great to add. I'm not a sponsor, I just like it. Otherwise, a bit of salt does the trick. I also throw in some herbs at times. Mix in the seasoning just before cooking.

Step 3:
Add about a 1/8 tsp of the fat, or whatever oil you have, to each muffin cup. Throw it in the oven and preheat to 450F. When the oven beeps that it's at temp, pull the pan out, pour in the batter around half full for each cup, and put back in oven for 20 minutes. This works for me using beef fat. You want the pan and oil to be smoking hot when the batter hits, but not burnt hot. If you're using other oils keep an eye on it to figure out how long it needs to heat up. You may need to preheat oven first, and then pan and oil.

Give them a peek after 20 minutes, maybe they need a little more time, maybe not. Serve right away. If not, put on cooling rack so they bottoms don't get over done sitting in the pan.


tldr: Use equal parts eggs, milk, flour, with some seasoning. Pour into lightly oiled and piping hot muffin cups and bake at 450F for 20 minutes.

I love this Korean BBQ sauce recipe      (
submitted by 1Icemonkey to Cooking 2.6 years ago (+5/-2)
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My favorite holiday dish      (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Cooking 2.4 years ago (+3/-0)
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Mapron required     (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to Cooking 2.0 years ago (+6/-3)
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I've always cooked turkey whole in the past. This guy makes a solid argument for a better way of doing things this Thanksgiving.     (
submitted by WillisJaxson to Cooking 1.5 years ago (+4/-1)
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I especially like the added benefit of homemade stock for use in the gravy and recipes for leftovers.
Sorry @UncleDoug but you've been opening English Muffins the wrong way!      (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 9 months ago (+3/-0)
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kitchen hack that removes potato skin in seconds - without a peeler [dumb if you ask me. The skin is where the nutrients are]     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 5 months ago (+3/-4)
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Recipe: Roasted Half Turkey Breast in Cast Iron Skillet     (
submitted by Thought_Criminal to Cooking 5 months ago (+3/-0)

Her recipe is written out on the video's page.
Nigella Lawson divides opinion with 'fish finger mash' dish as critics brand it her 'worst idea ever'     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 4 days ago (+3/-0)
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Cooking up some late night munchies     (
submitted by RomanSalute to Cooking 2.3 years ago (+4/-2)
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Ask me for more organic recipes
Determining if your steak is spoiled.     (
submitted by oldblo to Cooking 1.9 years ago (+2/-0)
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What is a vanilla slice? Where to find the best of Australia's version of the French dessert     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 1.5 years ago (+2/-0)
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Its OK potatoes in the fridge.     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 1.2 years ago (+2/-0)
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Q about "cracked pepper".      (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 6 months ago (+2/-3)

I've had a pepper grinder (or at least I think it is) in the cupboard for many years and be damned if the thing wouldn't grind peppercorns. Today I decided to have a close look at it before throwing it out and the peppercorns are too big to fall into the grinder mechanism and then I had a light-bulb moment and thought ...maybe there are extra fine peppercorns and I discovered "cracked pepper". So I'll give that a try but it seems odd to need to use a grinder to grind already partly ground pepper ffs! Clearly I'm missing something? maybe it's a salt grinder?
TIL that to keep a piece of broccoli fresh - put it in a jar of water (like a plant) in the fridge and away from other vegetables.     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 5 months ago (+3/-5)
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For some reason my missus doesn't store broccoli in the fridge and it's always going off and it smells and...she then feeds it to me!
The story behind hing, one of India’s most divisive ingredients     (
submitted by paul_neri to Cooking 4 months ago (+3/-5)
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