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Community for : 3.2 years

A white positive space to discuss the survival and well being of the White race. Keep your drama out of here. Stay on the topic of White well being or you will be banned from this sub.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children."

[email protected]

Owner: TexasVet


The podcast for White people!     (
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.2 years ago (+4/-5)
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Imagine...     (
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 1.6 years ago (+68/-6)
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Funny how they always want to identify as Whites until shit starts getting real. Then they switch back to being the poor persecuted jews again.     (
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 1.6 years ago (+23/-4)
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The FBI is NOT the Gestapo     (14Words)
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 1.7 years ago (+30/-6)
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It is extremely tiresome, but I will say it again: the FBI is NOT the Gestapo. The Democrats are not the "Nazis." If they were the NSDAP, all forms of sexual degeneracy would be outlawed, your country would have a nationalistic not globalist approach to economic activity, and your borders would be secured. The people in charge are Marxists - specifically, Bolsheviks. I can go even further, but I will stop - for now. They began the "long march through the institutions" decades ago.

If the FBI were the Gestapo, they would be targeting the Antifa - which literally began as an anti-"Nazi" organization in the late 1920s, culminating in the name Antifaschistische Aktion (Anti-Fascist Action). It was a Bolshevik terrorist organization that targeted conservative Germans, Christian churches in Germany, small businesses, ordinary German patriots, and anyone who disagreed with border security and homosexuality taught in the classrooms of Germany. If you were a middle-class German who openly opposed transgender children during the Weimar Republic, the Antifa violently came after you. The only thing likely standing in their way were the Brown Shirts.

Now you understand why the NSDAP was so popular in 1932. Prosecutors in 1920s Germany were compromised, imprisoning patriotic Germans while allowing Marxist agitators to go free. The Frankfurt School was peddling pornography, homosexuality, and transgenderism in the 1920s to such an extent, little boys were being led into sexual experiments at school. Does ANY of this sound familiar? Germany needed to be saved from a Communist coup led from within and supported by a tacit endorsement of the Antifa from the prevailing regime at that time.

If the FBI were the Gestapo, they would not coddle the Antifa. As it stands now, the FBI is targeting the enemies of the Antifa. That makes the FBI far more aligned with the Cheka.

Stop mislabeling the enemy. You are doing a disservice to your people and your cause. Your enemy are genuine communists, not mythological Nazis.

@PadraigMartin on
Who were the Proto-Indo-Europeans?     (
submitted by PostWallHelena to 14Words 1.7 years ago (+2/-1)
ethnostates original content     (
submitted by oppressed to 14Words 1.9 years ago (+33/-4)
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When you criticize jews and others, ask yourself if you are giving them a reasonable option to be your ally     (14Words)
submitted by oppressed to 14Words 1.9 years ago (+3/-12)
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jews and non whites all use white allies to advance their interests. white nationalism should try to use nonwhites by seeming morally right and by having persuasive arguments.

when you bash jews, when you blame them for everything bad in the world and suggest they are genetically evil, do they have a reasonable opportunity to support you or white nationalism? not really. it would do obvious harm to their own group to support an ideology that demonizes them.

you might think if a nonwhite were your ally he would deport himself, and therefore he is an enemy. but that is narrow-sighted. we have to deal with the state of the world as it is today. we shouldnt have such unrealistic expectations. non-whites who live in america can still be an ally to white nationalism.

think about neil kumar, a non white who is a white advocate that ran for office.

this post also brings up the problem of hating or bashing someone due to their immutable racial characteristics. normal whites wont stand for that and fight world wars over it, so it is usually a losing strategy when it comes to waking mainstream audiences.
submitted by jewsbadnews to 14Words 2.4 years ago (+12/-0)
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Never should have come here!
Blue eyes     (
submitted by Motorweed to 14Words 2.5 years ago (+62/-0)
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Pagan girl     (
submitted by Motorweed to 14Words 2.5 years ago (+9/-3)
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Two Redheads     (
submitted by Motorweed to 14Words 2.5 years ago (+83/-2)
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Swedish girl     (
submitted by Motorweed to 14Words 2.6 years ago (+37/-1)
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Legacy     (
submitted by Motorweed to 14Words 2.6 years ago (+67/-0)
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The White Unity Conference this weekend was a resounding success. I was honored to have been asked to speak at the event. Here is that speech.     (
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.6 years ago (+3/-8)
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Love     (
submitted by Motorweed to 14Words 2.7 years ago (+34/-0)
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This week's podcast was a difficult topic for me. I give my take on the problems we face globally as a race. Things do not look good for us, but we need to face these challenges head on. So watch the cast and prepare yourselves for the struggle ahead.     (
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.7 years ago (+1/-12)
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TexasVet's Pro White Podcast

Ep. 12 - 14Aug2021 "Global White Survival"


Email: [email protected]

My Telegram channel:

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Tip me:

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children."
Interview with pro-White Australian activist Jaz Searby. If you care about White people this is an interview you don't want to miss.     (
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.7 years ago (+2/-7)
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TexasVet's Pro White Podcast

Ep. 11 - 7Aug2021 "Jaz Searby"


Email: <[email protected]>

My Telegram chatroom:

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Jaz Searby's Social media links:

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White population is going down     (
submitted by Motorweed to 14Words 2.8 years ago (+21/-0)
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We can be called racist or extinct. Pick one.     (
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.8 years ago (+16/-8)
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With the advent of technology, the tools our enemies are able to use against us have become infinitely more effective. The internet has allowed them to completely infiltrate every aspect of our lives. It's not just our phones either. OnStar is in every new vehicle now allowing them to listen to and even control your car. That's right. OnStar isn't just for unlocking your doors. It can shut off your engine too. Good luck trying to run.

With these all pervasive, all intrusive technologies they can totally manipulate narratives and suppress dissent to said narrative. With each passing generation, and the lessons learned from each generation, they have become more and more skilled at manipulating culture and thought. The propaganda machine has become such a finely honed science that they have caused White people to either outright hate themselves and their people, or at least be too afraid to speak out against the blatantly obvious anti-White agenda.

Whites of European descent must either snap out of it or our people will go extinct. This is not hyperbole or exaggeration either. A hundred years ago Whites were 30% of the global population. Today? Only 6.5% and dropping fast. Unfortunately the only way we can stop our inevitable and permanent removal from the world is to become absolute monsters yet again. We are left with no other choice. We can be called either racist or extinct. Pick one. May God help us all. #14Words
New podcast discussing the current race war in South Africa     (
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.8 years ago (+3/-6)
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TexasVet's Pro White Podcast

Ep. 9 - 17July2021 "South Africa"


Email: <[email protected]>

My Telegram chatroom:

White Lives Matter Official on Telegram:

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
We are not supremacists     (14Words)
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.8 years ago (+5/-13)
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The vast majority of the people in today's pro-White movement are not supremacists. They really couldn't care less if Whites are superior or not. They do not want to rule over, or even oppress, non Whites. They just see the anti-White agenda for what it is. A coordinated effort by the world's most powerful forces to rob us of our homelands even unto the point of the extinction of our peoples.

No we are not supremacists. We are survivalists. #14Words
We are causing our own destruction.     (14Words)
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.8 years ago (+4/-7)
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The superiority of the White western man generates humiliation amongst the other races and cultures. Said humiliation then evolves into envy at first and then into hatred when they realize that they can never build the great civilizations that we have built.
When confronted with this hostility the White man only displays baffled confusion as to why he is hated. In his ignorance the White man continues to try to help the other races even unto the destruction of his own race. This is called pathological altruism, and it will be the demise of the White race.
Our own good will is literally killing us.
America is already dead. The country we have known and loved is gone.     (14Words)
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.8 years ago (+27/-10)
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At this point America is just a corpse that is being consumed by maggots.

Liberals are rooting for the maggots and conservatives are rooting for the corpse.... but it's just a corpse.

Now something will rise from the ashes of that corpse, but what will it be? I am hoping for a White country like we used to be before 1965, but the communist globalists are going to throw everything they have at us to make sure that what arises from the corpse will be the communist nation they so greatly desire. They threw the whole world at Germany to stop them and they will do it to us too.

I will fight, and more than likely die, to stop them. Yes I do not plan on making it out alive of the civil war that is inevitable at this point. Because I will be the tip of the spear. So I am counting on you my White brethren to make sure that what does arise from the ashes is either a revamped and strengthened form of the Constitution, or maybe even better yet, some type of National Socialism ver 2.0

I have faith in you.
Even though it looks like our race may be down for the count and on the way out, never give up fighting even if you are literally on your back with the whole world against you.     (
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.8 years ago (+6/-7)
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If being pro-White makes you an enemy of the State, then that obviously means that the State is anti-White.     (14Words)
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.8 years ago (+68/-7)
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Never mind that so many of your ancestors warned you about us goyim. They were all just racists.     (14Words)
submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.8 years ago (+9/-5)
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Is that so Shlomo? Well here is a short very incomplete list of people we should listen to that warned us about the Jews...

Presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Nixon and Kennedy,
World Leaders: Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles DeGaulle, Winston Churchill, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Adolph Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Putin
Religious leaders: Martin Luther, Mother Teresa, The Prophet Mohammed
Generals: George Patton, William Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant
Composers: Francis Scott Key, Richard Wagner,
Authors: H. G. Wells, Truman Capote, Voltaire, Cicero, Homer, Mark Twain
Other: Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, Walt Disney, Mel Gibson, Oswald Mosely

Hell, Benjamin Franklin himself pleaded with the members of the Continental Congress to enter a specific ban against Jewish immigration into the U. S. Constitution to bar them for all time to come.