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Member for: 1.1 years

scp: 26 (+26/-0)
ccp: 37 (+37/-0)
votes given: 53 (+53/-0)
score: 63


It's because of a Federal gas tax that was implemented as a temporary emergency measure during the Great Depression. Like every other emergency policy enacted by the feds, it never went away. In short: Jews.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64873f233940b

Have someone else buy it for you.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=647f62ecd0688

Truly a great book. Anyone who's ever left home for years and came back can relate to something in there.

/v/books viewpost?postid=647f78c9e9085

The book is https://jewsaretheproblem.com/product-category/books/
and is published by https://www.moneytreepublishing.com/shop

My copy should be here today or tomorrow, and I'll have a review with pictures of it soon.
This video was recently posted here: https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=6477407423924

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=647f62ecd0688

Reiterating my comment below for those interested:
The book is https://jewsaretheproblem.com/product-category/books/
and is published by https://www.moneytreepublishing.com/shop

I've ordered a copy. Give it time to ship, then call me a faggot many times until I provide a review, with pictures.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6477407423924

The publisher is Money Tree Publishing
I just ordered the color version for $35. If I don't report back on it soon, send me hate mail.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6477407423924

Hell, I might buy it just to see, but the purchase page says "Draped with QR Codes throughout," which I'm not QRing or whatever. At least someone has the balls to publish it with that title.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6477407423924

Not good unless Valve is your favorite publisher. I keep a new computer with Windows 11 and a graphics card for gaming and use an ancient dual core with Mint for everything else. Despite all the work they've done with Proton for linux on Steam, there's just a lot of games that are made for Windows that don't Wine or Proton well. I've leaned that the number of CPUs or type of graphics card you spent money on only means anything for gaming and graphic design, and everything else can be done on ten year old pawn shop hardware.

/v/Linux viewpost?postid=64737517c728e

You don't have to migrate, just buy a cheap, used dual or quad core laptop or desktop from ten years ago or whenever, and slap a SATA SSD in it. Make an installation USB on your current Windows machine and learn how to install a linux distro, like Mint, Debian, or Ubuntu, just because those are easy. You can learn, find alternatives or linux versions of the software you use, and even break it by being a retard, without having to do dual boot asspain or fucking up your current system. I like to keep a Windows box just for gaming, like an Xbox that also runs Steam, pretty much. But after watching Win7 devolve into Win8, recover-ish with Win10, and devolve again into Win11, I prefer to do everything else on a cheap ass decade+ old dual core that would be utterly useless without Linux.

/v/Linux viewpost?postid=64737517c728e

I'm rewatching some to see if I can find it. I've also been looking for the name of or videos of the laywer, Huey something, who wrote a bunch of schizo tier "gangster machine Frankenstein mind control programming" rants that used to be on youtube before it was completely fagged. I used to have some of the videos that someone made narrating his letters to spooky background music but that harddrive died and I've forgotten his name.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6474c1f8b0c9d

From MurdochMurdoch? Looking for it now...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6474c1f8b0c9d

Filezilla is in the Mint repo, doesn't need WINE. I don't even have WINE installed. For what I'm using for, just sending files to a raspberry pi server, it's more than I need.

/v/Linux viewpost?postid=6435ef62524a3

I don't blame you, I have a second laptop with Win11 just to game with a few friends. I treat it pretty much like an X-box and only use it for gaming or when I have to use something for windows only.

/v/Linux viewpost?postid=6435ef62524a3

My hometown used to be basically Mayberry. They put in a couple section 8 apartment buildings and that was that. Now we have a Dollar Tree, Dollar Store, 2 neon shit convered smoke shops across from each other, a mexican tire shop with no signage just words painted on the building, the corner store became lotto and gambling machines, and now there's occasionally panhandlers at the grocery store. I can barely stand to go through there.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6435c22361a07

It's just like the "Man tracked down car thief with i-tag and killed him" narrative. This faggot pulled a knife on someone and thought that "It's a joke bro!" would make it all cool and shit. The guy who tracked down the car thief didn't shoot the thief until the thief made himself a threat and attacked the legitimate owner. But the gaymarx media has to play to the most dramatic "current thing" narrative and any dumb fuck (70% of Americans) who only consume this news wind up thinking that's reality. Thus: viGiLAnTism bAd Thus: to protect yourself and defend your property is unjustified violence Thus: to defend yourself and others is evil

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=642de28a6c039

In Beaufort County, Corey Rogerson flipped to Democrat to run against the Republican nominee for Sheriff, because Corey lost that primary. Still didn't get Sheriff, but politics is like that. Titles are just names, and Republican and Democrat each 'contain' such a wide gamut of political beliefs that you can just choose which one you want to get elected by and then go from there. See Mexico, where single term laws made an environment in which candidates can run on a bullshit platform and then do whatever they want once in office because they know they'll never get reelected.

Drunken edit (to go with drunken post): If she is worth a shit then good stealth kill. More Republicans could benefit from the idea of get elected and then do whatever you want. But they get elected and do Democrat shit. Faggots.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=642df09ad22ec

I just dual boot and use windows like it's an X-box. If I want to play a game, I boot into windows, otherwise I boot into linux. I don't view windows as anything other than a game platform now, and keep it only for gaming with old friends occasionally.

/v/Linux viewpost?postid=640e919e6cb1f

Out of curiosity to see how it's being reported in leftist news, I checked out the articles on it on cnn.com. Not once does it mention that the shooter is a trans. It's to be expected, and I bet that other left news outlets are omitting this as well. The people that consume those news outlets have no fucking clue how crafted the narratives are on everything they think they know.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6421fffdb3cf5

Thanks for the info, time to do some reading.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64162c98990c0

Can you recommend a good way to purchase it without going through an exchange? Most of what I've been reading requires an exchange, Paypal, or bank, and even the purchase bitcoin link at bitcoin.org is hosted by a 3rd party exchange. I don't want to use Paypal, should I just buy a prepaid bitcoin card and put more on it as I go?

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64162c98990c0

I'm in the same boat, about to just open a coinbase account and buy a little. If I like where it's going the plan is to start an account at another site just in case of fuckery, like the exchange gets hacked or whatever. I've never had money to save, much less invest, but now I have a little and watching the SVB bullcrap is really making me look at where to put it. I'll always keep a savings at the bank, but I'm starting to think anything over the 'rainy day, vacation, and car repair' fund are pretty useless sitting there losing value to inflation and should be invested or converted to real world items that wont depreciate over time. Plus some crypto, just because I'll be damned if I'm investing in wall street stocks.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64162c98990c0

I made it to customizing the OS, realized it was a waste of time, and just stuck with Linux Mint to skip all the distro hopping and inevitable troubleshooting that creates. I like it because it's not Windows and everything else is irrelevant.

I lost the friends and family anyway, they all use apple/windows.

/v/Linux viewpost?postid=640aebf895ca4

Even when I had account I mostly posted memes and didn't interact much beyond one liners on other memes, and that was years ago. I guess I miss the fun of the old MDE subreddit days and scrolling through forums that I never interact on is getting old. I haven't had a login to any 'social media' site or forum in a while, after all the banning all over the place I just watched for a while, but it's blackpilling as fuck and just makes me feel isolated.

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=640de104eab9f

From what I've been told, I have to do a terrorism.

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=640de104eab9f