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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 79 (+87/-8)
ccp: 51 (+52/-1)
votes given: 144 (+144/-0)
score: 130


> David Attenborough voice

You are funny. Thanks for that. I am returning some laughs back to you as a reward :

David Attenborough pavement apes.mp3 == https://files.catbox.moe/fc7y17.mp3

David Attenborough observes the globohomo parasite.mp3 == https://files.catbox.moe/69w0zf.mp3

David Attenborough - Dangerous wild Negro male.mp3 == https://files.catbox.moe/luyjai.mp3

David Attenborough describes the wild bait post.mp3 == https://files.catbox.moe/t14ocr.mp3

hilarious deep fake audio

/v/funny viewpost?postid=641b48c010cd2

that was funny, thank you for finding it

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=61388869524f6

So religious and devout.
just like muhammad and his 8 year old wife
biden is flooding us with muslims
just like Obama

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6137d52d24acc

arrrrrrrgh! they all get coached to pretend to be gay

almost 80,000 pretend spic gays last year on juicy well paid asylum in usa now. so many gay spics.

they are coached!

Trump put an end to it, but they never go home and more keep coming in

they should have to suck off three cocks in front of a panel of judges , while having a raging boner themselves, to prove they are really gay

/v/politics viewpost?postid=61309fa58c349

you are very smart because I would rather fuck that white 3 tit mutant than be forced to try having sex with a nigger money or shit skin

I am telling truth

/v/funny viewpost?postid=61319cfa35589

States have US constitution on their side. Roe v Wade could and should topple.

This is a state right, but gay marraige used to be controlled by states until recently.

all i iknow is more niggers get abotions than whites, and niggers are only 13% of population.

Whites and so-called whites are only 29 percent of abotions

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61321a8691ac2

not only those facts but these facts :

95% of all humans already had it (proof is serum test for antibodies this mont) and survived covid-19 and many never noticed having it much.

No kids can spread it, because no kids can produce viral loads from being very ill

a cheap immediate cure for sick (not jabbed people though) is known and works great in hours for very sick.. HCQ+Zithromax, or the other one Ivermectin

all these facts and yours make this push for marxism by jews and liberal teachers a total horror show

> These people cannot be debated with. They are fodder for the fires of Hell.

I know... i attempted in the past ... it never works... its like they are retarded or brain washed


fucking lbtard teachers brainwashing kids next

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612e758a4056b

so true, but he blames conservatives for everything and wants a green soy-filled bug-eating planet of brownskin communists

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612e758a4056b

Reeeeeee! The goys have free speech! Reeeeeeee!

We need to stop their unfair hate!

no reason at all

They have no reason to hate the Jews

They are just jealous of Jews hard work!

Reeeeeeeee! Lock up the haters! erase their memes

ban their memes

make a 'US Department of Hate Thought'

we need hate police to control these lies about the Corona Virus vaccine and Epstein and Media Control

censor the internet !

Reeeeee! Sign a UN treaty to make it a crime to hurt jews feelings of feeligns of blacks online using science facts!



/v/Jews viewpost?postid=612e72628e9ca

She had prior been on three talk shows denouncing senile joe's utter incompetence, so his handlers shunned her from joe

but big tech now going after her is disgusting and putrid

fucking jew overlords

/v/news viewpost?postid=612e66d7ae0a9

cool emojis

reddit-ish but cool

next time ask one with 卐 卐 卐 or ϟϟ ϟϟ ϟϟ

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=612868e244661

whenever this sort of things happens... it is later revealed to be totally caused by diversity hiring!

really, a "Diversity Hire" in head of IT, or perhaps a head of Telecoms token negro, or possibly a new hispanic female mulatto at the helm of cybersecurity is no doubt the problem.

often its revealed they have no computer degree, no engineering degree, and at best, if white female, the head of all cybersecurty has a degree in Music from an art college. one woman in charge of everything , ith a music degree, used the same password across continents to secure millions of financial records.

remember that dumb bitch Susan Mauldin?

Equifax hired a music major as chief security officer causing hundreds of millions in damage:


that was a hoot and a half

total clown world , you know?

Diversity Hires!

Its always trying to get rid of toxic white male meritocracy that results in Chimptopia dystopian african-style society breakdown.

skilled white males and meritocricy are toxic in computer security

they need more negro women

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61295fa0b4820

that escalated quickly.

USAF needs to carpet bomb the entire airport into rubble and all remaining equipment

no mercy

/v/news viewpost?postid=61296537b84d6

nice. I never watched that one, but this one is an amazing one

"Weird Al" Yankovic - It's All About The Pentiums


/v/music viewpost?postid=6127997b4de79

Strbuck coffee paid to fly emancipated british males to thailand for surgery to slice off testicles once. starucks coffe now has a age limit of 16 to fly british boys to thailand now for the chop and was in the news

woke coffee for tranny lovers

/v/KEK viewpost?postid=6126afdc00311

or a pro camera with good microphone and nice zoom

youtube viral money = sweet bucks

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61263fef3f223

if this posting is not the work of a troll, and is a actual degenerate parent, then its fukkin sickening

ihope its fake because mommy is satan (or a jew) (or both)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612675586b869

diversity is our strength.... except in engineering and civilization

/v/news viewpost?postid=610de6bca0154

it was a superb broadcast, but deleted across entire Jewed Internet. Only one single full stream on YouTube I noticed

why all the shills in this thread bashing on President Trump ?

/v/politics viewpost?postid=60fc9a1be0ff1

Pro Mode -: add six more instant delete buttons all placed next to each button, if someone is editing using a tablet device

that might teach fat fingers to be more accurate

/v/IdeasForTalk viewpost?postid=60f77b4bd9c8b

needs more jew rendered human fat.

that way the jews can finally get their holohoax soap bar

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60f6f74399070

that is a funny phrase i will borrow and use whever the occasion fits : "kike dyke"

i adore that phrase you coined

/v/WhiteGenocide viewpost?postid=60f76ca695e28

so true you are
they all say the same thing about their empty hospitals

/v/MemoryHole viewpost?postid=60ccabaa162cc

in the future the democrats and jews will have blacks invade into all white areas and white zip codes, like the governement does all the time to break up white areas ...

Outlawing White Neighborhoods

i wish those people luck, because they need it in this niggerfied country

/v/politics viewpost?postid=60cd0d444a3df

thank you for the biggest laugh in days

i cannot even believe how funny that video is and i sent link to more buddies to see

thanks for the laugh, and that is beyond amazing

/v/funny viewpost?postid=60cd51d5b1167