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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 9 (+9/-0)
ccp: 73 (+86/-13)
votes given: 126 (+101/-25)
score: 82


rernoved 0 points 1.7 years ago

If synthetic estrogen in the water can turn frogs gay, it follows that changes to a male can be made in utero that lead to a higher predisposition to being gay.

Say no to chemical birthcontrol

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=631a850c41953

rernoved 0 points 1.7 years ago

Something just seems off about the fact that it's not the same hand in both frames

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=631979819c444

rernoved 2 points 1.7 years ago

Whatever happened with that NZ shooting anyway? There was some speculation that it was fake/simulated due oddities like disappearing shells. Was there anything conclusive on that?

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=631851d72de83

rernoved 1 point 1.7 years ago

In old voat, I got the fph ban. Easy enough to create an alt to party crash, but it's kind of a badge of honour. It never felt right in new voat not having that ban in place. But a good ban badge has to be earned not intentionally sought after

/v/Youarebanned viewpost?postid=6318a71204999

rernoved 2 points 1.7 years ago

If the earth is really flat, why are shoes made with curves?


/v/EarthIsAFlatPlane viewpost?postid=6317382c73aa0

rernoved 1 point 1.7 years ago

I suspect that in some way traffic can be identified by device id irrespective of IP

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=6316b4b30894d

rernoved 1 point 1.7 years ago

> remove spiritual truth

What do you interpret as spiritual truth?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=63166e6352864

rernoved 1 point 1.7 years ago

EU stands for European Union. Many countries use the same alphabet.

"Logic alphabet" is a euphemism for something.

"geometrically logic alphabet" has a grammatical error in it.

> AL'PHA, noun [Heb. an ox, a leader.] + BET, noun - "a wager".

Did you know your shoelace is untied?

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=63160765b1503

rernoved 1 point 1.7 years ago

Not all nude photographs are pornographic in nature. But it can be a delicate subject with a lot of grey area.

The context of the coverart is drawn out by the dollarbill that the baby seems to be chasing, as a commentary on inate human avarice. Especially when clothing often represents learning, culture or allegiance. "The naked truth is that humans are greedy"

I'm surprised that no one tried to call it antisemitic because it is a circumcised baby chasing after money.

/v/music viewpost?postid=6316081963029

rernoved 1 point 1.7 years ago

An example would help context

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=63160765b1503

rernoved 1 point 1.7 years ago

What is an example of one that wouldn't be a logic alphabet?

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=63160765b1503

rernoved 0 points 1.7 years ago

Means, motive, and reasonable evidence of outcome...

There are speculative conspiracy assessments like this one, with no concrete demonstration of this kind of technology being modernly feasible + no concrete evidence that the specific trigger is taking place in the way described, with a target outcome that would be certain enough for those in power to invest in.

It's fine to speculate, but any substantive risk assessment / conspiracy analysis is going to be less in the clouds of the unknown and more grounded in simple procedures that are being run under our nose often in plain sight. Conspiracy analysis and risk assessment is basically the process of looking at who has motive and means to do something and checking against the facts to see if that abuse can reasonably be suspected of happening.

E.g. A predatory gay couple adopts boys and suddenly the boys get an STI. The motive, means, and evidence of outcome are there to suggest that the gay couple conspired to adopt children for the purpose of sexual abuse.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6315f26b00819

rernoved 0 points 1.7 years ago

> 10. “Dash it!”

This one is straightforward English. The meaning is basically "screw it". We still use "dash" in this sense with phrases like "dashed hopes".

The article is entertaining but I'm starting to get the impression it isn't well researched and should be taken with a grain of salt.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6315e8d2b875c

rernoved 0 points 1.7 years ago

It's interesting that "By Jove" is attributed to 16-20 century because it is a reference to the Roman god Jupiter

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6315e8d2b875c

rernoved 2 points 1.7 years ago

Easily over $10k for the collection if bought at full price based on $50-100 per game

/v/WarGames viewpost?postid=631588346ff0d

rernoved 2 points 1.7 years ago

If the grail vs the ark are representative of the different cultures that characterize themselves by the two respective symbols: the covenant of the ark (talmudic judaism) vs the covenant of Christ (christianity), we have to appreciate the fact that the two cultures depict completely different gods. If we look solely from a christian perspective, sure the ark also represents a part of the continuity of christian history. But if we step back and appreciate these items as commentaries on the two completely different modern cultures, the ark has a more sinister undertone and still speaks to the fact that the ark leads to death.

If I'm remembering correctly, the ark of the covenant wasn't about the light of God, it was literally about the stone tablets by Moses that had the rules for the old testament covenant that were put into a vessel. I don't recall if it was the broken tablets or the whole tablets placed into the box. But it's the reason dust from stone was depicted in the box in the film.

The commentary is still that the old covenant leads to death and the new covenant (which is hidden in plain sight among many pretenders) is the way to life.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=631235c2b25a2

rernoved 1 point 1.7 years ago

Is he not around anymore? His coded capitalized messages made my day

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=630f85d04c934

rernoved 0 points 1.7 years ago

The moral of the story is that if you see white speckly noise scintilzting in your camera feed, there is cause for concern.

It would be interesting if someone took the time to plot the energy response curve in order to verify if quantifying the noise could be used to accurately quantify mrem/h

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=630e7907dfe65

rernoved 3 points 1.7 years ago

The flat earth thing is a wonderful reality check. In science, everything should be challenged. The key is looking back at your process and your data to see if the conclusions make sense. If people are coming to different conclusions, it's the process that should be in question. At what point would a flatearther's standard of evidence be sufficiently satisfied for them to concede the point?

The simple truth is that the position isn't usually going to be led by an attempt to apply logic, rather it will be people looking for attention of some kind of validation irrespective of the topic at hand.

/v/flatearth viewpost?postid=630b4337177e3

rernoved 1 point 1.7 years ago

> don't follow the leader well, no more snacks no more treats

In theory that sounds great, but the truth is that anyone can get their own credit card and rack up endless debt to get the things they want on their own. So then you are stuck with someone that has no clue how to control their own spending and doesn't feel the pinch when you try to correct their behaviour. They are also the ones to recieve child care subsidies, being the lower income. So now you have an out of control woman that feels like they are moving mountains because a credit card company is willing to turn them into a debt slave, and the interest on their monthly bill is completely eating up any subsidies that your family would be receiving. And they start to resent you for not picking up the weight of the debt they created. They have so little self awareness and are completely enabled by government and credit card companies to go completely wild.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=630485e5b34b6

rernoved 2 points 1.7 years ago

Don't forget -
I) Calling out AOU when it moves your news posts into a Qtardconspiracy sub

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6301a5f474f89

rernoved 0 points 1.8 years ago

Plot twist: he was only partially blind and was staring

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=62fbad1e66f12

rernoved 0 points 1.8 years ago


/v/fakepandemic viewpost?postid=62fbfd24a5aa0

rernoved 1 point 1.8 years ago

Without a cloud service?

/v/AI_art viewpost?postid=62f98d53823d9