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Member for: 6 months

scp: 170 (+279/-109)
ccp: 79 (+276/-197)
votes given: 1 (+1/-0)
score: 249

It's OK to be jewish     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 1 week ago


fuel for a bon fire.
What are they voting on tomorrow?     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 1 week ago


Went to get some gas for the mower earlier and Mark Levin was kvetching about some bill going up tomorrow to do with 'muh anti-kike' or some shit. Anyone know what he was crying about?
Plandemic 2.0 incomming.     (www.vox.com)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 1 month ago


When your AI fails at propaganda. lol     (i.imgur.com)

submitted by registereduser to funny 1 month ago


Are you letting your children access ChatGPT or other 'AI' chatbots or technology?     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 2 months ago


Get a load of this.


Bot says better to kill billions of people, trillions of other non human individual life forms, and destroy huge swaths of the global ecosystem rather than hurt the feefees of one psychopath.

If you are letting children access these technologies, you should be hung in the town square and gutted like that guy in the Hannibal movie. Your head later put on a pike for the ages.

Link to chat is not working apparently, screenshot...

Now that is funny. I needed that.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by registereduser to funny 2 months ago


Sorry, unhappy ending.

Still funny as fuck though.
Making new friends...     (funny)

submitted by registereduser to funny 2 months ago


Find the meanest, nastiest, roughest biker bar withing 500 miles.

Go in and have a few beers, take note of who's coming in and what they are riding.

You're looking for two things. A particularly scary looking dude, with a fairing on his bike.

Work up a conversation. Get around to his ride. Ask him if mommy made him put the windshield on it.

LOLs for everyone.
"Health care" workers, lol.     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 2 months ago


Some couple of weeks back I told a nurse to get out of the "health care" field as it was evil when I learned she was going back to school.

Today this "health care" worker literally threatened to kill me.

Happy Birthday!!! Made a portrait of you.     (i.imgur.com)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 4 months ago


PSA: Daily Reminder.     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 4 months ago


Please do not commit suicide over your guilt from years/decades of inaction which has resulted in the current state of affairs and the absolute shit hole country you are leaving to your descendants.

It is not your fault.

The reason for the season.     (i.imgur.com)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 4 months ago


PSA: Daily Reminder.     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 4 months ago


Please do not commit suicide over your guilt from years/decades of inaction which has resulted in the current state of affairs and the absolute shit hole country you are leaving to your descendants.

It is not your fault.
PSA: Daily Reminder.     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 4 months ago


Please do not commit suicide over your guilt from years/decades of inaction which has resulted in the current state of affairs and the absolute shit hole country you are leaving to your descendants.

It is not your fault.
It is quiz day.     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 4 months ago


A simple test of your intelligence, or lack of.

Is the Big Bang Theory even close to right?

This could be a test of your gullibility also.
New prediction. Biden assanation, cameltoe shoehorned in.     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 5 months ago


Who said Congress never does anything?     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 5 months ago


They've been passing all kind of resolutions and bills.
Sometimes they have to tell you the truth in one way or another, is part of their religion.     (www.reddit.com)

submitted by registereduser to conspiracy 5 months ago


PSA:..     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 5 months ago


Please do not commit suicide over your guilt for your inaction, for allowing the current state of affairs to happen on your watch.

It is not your fault.
We all know they are going to pulls some fuckery before the '24 election, could it be this...?...     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 5 months ago


First off, I don't give a fuck, I want Biden to win or shoehorn that dumb camelcunt in, so we can accelerate the inevitable/inescapable burial of this rotting corpse of a nation.

Anyway, radio talk guy this morning pushing the story about record breaking travel expected this holiday season.

Don't be surprised if they take advantage of this combo, holidays/travel, to create the next big problem/fear that they will then solve for you to the tune of more trillions out of your wallet.

You heard it here first.
"muh support the troops" No, fuck the troops.     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 5 months ago


If you are the troops you are part, a big part of the problem. I hope you get that tiny little joke you call a dick blown off over there protecting every god damn border but ours.

Also, I'm fucking your wife while you are over there.
Damn, they are getting busy with the chemtrails today.     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 5 months ago


Looks like they started before dawn, and they are still going hard over Arkansas and Mississippi. Haven't seen this many in a good while.
The least you can do.     (whatever)

submitted by registereduser to whatever 5 months ago


There are many least you can dos. Here is but one.

Go to https://distrowatch.com/ and go click one or more distros below antix on the page hit ranking thing.

Antix is proud to support antifa and their distro comes preloaded with related links.

Do the least you can do.
Maddox is a god damn shape shifting reptilian!! Jesus fuck!!! 7:05     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by registereduser to conspiracy 5 months ago


Most effective for least materials aquistion of fish.     (Survivalist)

submitted by registereduser to Survivalist 5 months ago


I think it is limb lines. As little as 6' of #32 or so tarred seine line and a hook.

I don't make them that short though, I think mine are all 15 - 20 feet long.

Usually no need for weight, but is good to have some for when needed.

Of course it is easiest from a boat but not necessary. Large creeks, small rivers are my favorite targets. If you are not living in a region with a lot of trees you are not doing life right.

A telescoping jig pole, cane pole is great for catching live bait. Again, very little line and a hook. Cuban YoYos are cool too.

Rednecks and city boys, lol.     (Campfire)

submitted by registereduser to Campfire 5 months ago


So there I was, a young man raised in the rice patties of norther commifornia until 14, then moved to a sizeable town/city. My dad was redneck as fuck, him and mom came to Ca. when my much older brother was a baby from Oklahoma. I ran wild out in the expansive fields and had not boys to play with, just dad's bosses three daughters. I spent a lot of time alone doing retarded stupid shit with little to no guidance.

When we moved to the city I fell in with the wrong sort, booze, drugs, like that.

Failed marriage at 27, already boozing but then I began hitting the bottle in earnest. Mom died not long after that and I drank even harder.

Then dad and I decided to move back to where he grew up. He wanted to spend time with his remaining living siblings, and I thought the change of location and type of people would do me good, which it did but I still had a lot of fail to come.

Anyway, dad took me fishing a little but not nearly enough when I was a kid, and hunting I think once. I wanted to embrace these activities in redneck land and I did. I was pretty ignorant but enthusiastic.

So one night during the dead of winter I'm out there on the bank of Lake Texoma doing everything wrong to catch fish but enjoying the fire. It was a local teen drinking spot which I was unaware of. Despite it being cold as fuck a couple of guys brought their girls out for some beer drinking. It's a dirt 'road' that dead ends at the bank. I'm off to the right a bit, I have no vehicle as dad dropped me off. I'm next to a log/pile so obscured from their view, thought I don't know how they didn't see some light from the fire. meh

I stoke the fire making no attempt at stealth, in fact thinking to have them notice me.

After some time it occurred to me that I might score some free beer. I stand up and start walking over. I recall thinking, damn how are none of these people noticing my presence yet as I move toward them.

I get maybe 20 -25 feet away and one of the girls spots me and alerts her 'man'. She is not overly panicked but there is some urgency in her tone. He on the other hand freaks the fuck out and starts herding them all into the truck and it looks like a typical group of city folks in a tv scene fleeing a scene in terror.

Mind you at the time I consider myself to be the clueless city boy and them to be the rednecks, until this played out anyway.

I walk back over to the fire and have a good time making fun of them with myself for a while.

Good times.