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Member for: 1.9 years

scp: 55 (+60/-5)
ccp: 49 (+50/-1)
votes given: 28 (+28/-0)
score: 104


outlaw 2 points 1.9 years ago

"How much is a years supply though?

Depends on if you're talking about peacetime, civil instability, collapse, invasion, or civil war.

All of those scenarios are different.

And it depends on if you're talking about the public as a whole, or individuals.

If individual, are you talking survivor, fighter, doomsday prepare in a cabin somewhere, individual guys in a military unit, what?

If talking about the public as a whole, it depends on the previously mentioned context.

And if you determine the context, it depends on the intensity of the conflicts (frequency and ammo usage) and what percentage of the public is active.

For example, in the context of an invasion (afhganistan), the u.s. used something like ten thousand rounds per 'insurgent'. But that was with the goal of killing OR capturing. So there was a LOT of suppressive fire involved.

tl;dr not enough information to say.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62caf55299234

outlaw 0 points 1.9 years ago

"I've been takin care of yr wife after you leave the house."

What a coincidence, I've been doing the same to yours!

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=62bd52fdcb869

outlaw 3 points 1.9 years ago*

I left wafflehouse about a month ago.

I worked there less than a week.

Their manual for their entire process from order to deliver, is half an inch thick.

They use a grid system on their order pads, with dozens and dozens of letters.

So when you want to queue up how much of an order you need, say eggs or bacon, and you ask all your waitresses, they tell you 'order, single, double, triple' etc, and you have to convert that.

For every single one of them.

Instead of just stating the absolute amount of eggs or bacon.


See if you can put this together in 12-15 seconds or less:

waitress 1: "order bacon."
w2: "triple bacon"
w3: "plate with bacon burger (incidentally, a 'half' order of bacon, which is actually TWO THIRDS of an order)"
w4: "three orders, one double, one crispy."

Did you add all that up the 12-15 seconds? How much bacon is that?

And if any plate automatically includes bacon, they're *explicitly* NOT supposed to tell you. It's reasonable to assume a cook that knows the recipes, already knows this. But then it makes it impossible to cue up the individual ingredients for a whole set of orders, in-order of cook time. Because then if you ask all the waitresses for JUST their egg orders, you either skip the non-omelette plates that include eggs, or you have the waitress tell you the whole order.

Fucks the newbies up, who end up making too much or too little and pisses off both the customers who wait longer, or end up with cold food, and the waitresses who end up with smaller or no tips because of it.

Calculating your all-days (the total amount of an individual ingredient or food) is backwards. This isn't just because of what I wrote above, but because *some* of the plates (such as plates with default inclusions, such as bacon burgers), WHEN conveyed to the cook, *must not* be included when called. The type of burger itself is conveyed, but the waitresses, even if they calculate it *for* you, are explicitly, if they convey this information, supposed to exclude the subingredients of those additional plates, from the total.

So even when you have the waitresses do their job, and calculate the sub total of an ingredient you need to toss down (especially when its busy)--and you add together each waitresses order to get a grand total of what you need to cook (bacon, eggs, waffles, etc), you still end up having to do the conversions--on the fly--individually.

And what ends up happening, in practice, is, custom orders either get fucked, or are delivered cold.

Their training culture isn't bad though. Their process is just retarded.

I'm just a pleb line cook who has worked a lot of other jobs. And in the hundred odd experiences where I suggested some improvement, be it to management, or above them, it was ignored all but a few times. Worse, many places sideline you, punish you, or 'retrain' you, if instead of making a suggestion, you simply go ahead and make the change yourself. Most managers are hostile to process change and incapable of making a single significant decision.
And the consequence of this is things that are immediate problems, or offer immediate improvements, don't get implemented locally. It's looked at as either competition, or stepping on toes.
Any case, can't change anything. Once I realized how retarded it was, I just left.

"Pay your dues" is ingrate-culture, the opposite of galt's gulch.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62ca6e2f202cc

outlaw 0 points 1.9 years ago

"And now they have a black on white murder then a BLM case within two weeks. Weird. "

Yes, wherever we push back, the zionists will push back harder. But they cannot resist the world forever.

They have lost 109 times, surely countless more defeats unnoted.

They will lose again.

/v/news viewpost?postid=62bf756711e0f

outlaw 0 points 1.9 years ago

Way back when, I used to live in ohio and got the blacks and the whites and even some of the police all on the same page. Effectively neutralized the akron chapters of antifa and blm.

I guess they didn't like that.

/v/news viewpost?postid=62bf756711e0f

outlaw 1 point 1.9 years ago

" A lot of the same people will see the same signs multiple times"

Even better. I was thinking though, the trails would just be an effective transport between towns. So even if they sent out the blue union commie cops to do check points on the roads (with orders to look for flyers and signs in any cars), it wouldn't matter, because you aren't using the roads to get from town to town.

Like the information-warefare equivalent of a guerilla. You could spread dissonance, dissatisfaction, and civil instability throughout a whole region.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62bfef02bc05f

outlaw 4 points 1.9 years ago

1. become homeless, go hiking.

2. stop at various towns along the trails

3. put up anonymous signs.

4. ???

5. Become the johnny-appleseed of antisemitism and wrongthink.

Infamy is really just glory.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62bfef02bc05f

outlaw 1 point 1.9 years ago

> Asparagus-piss gas-can convoys for Canadian truckers originated here.

I am here to take credit for that. It started with news about the police taking people's gas, and some genie suggested putting water in gas cans, and I suggested, hey, why do water, when we could fill gas cans with piss?

And then some genius suggested to do it, not to fuck with police (because they were using the gas they stole, in their vehicles), but because the police would have to start *sniffing* to tell between water and gas.

So they would be forced to huff our piss. And it snowballed from there.

I'm also the proud originator of warhammer 40k memes. Was inspired by the god-emperor memes derived from dune and I felt like warhammer had so much more potential.

It started with a borderline schizopost describing how the entire warhammer 40k universe was actually a hidden history of humanity, the russian empire, how rome split between byzantium and the kaiser (or 'caeser') and how there was secret war between the two. The orcs were all the non-whites, naturally.

From there it morphed into trump as emperor of mankind.

Wouldn't have been possible without channers everywhere.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=62bef6bf9765e

outlaw 0 points 1.9 years ago

> poetry is for homos with no real job skillz

nope on the homo.

does satisfying wife in your bed count as a job skill?

I got a masters degree in that.

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=62bd52fdcb869

outlaw 0 points 1.9 years ago

"They believe in God, but want to undo his creation of the world to prove that they are Gods."

The hint is in the name. "nuclear holocaust."

Everyone who was paying attention knew from the moment 'holocaust' was used, that THAT was always the plan.

To have a full fledged nuclear war.

Everything they claim we are doing to ourselves, just like everything they claim whites are guilty of--they themselves are guilty of, or are *actively planning* to carry out.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=62bcd67061ed9