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J. R. R. Tolkien's books are full of Norse mythology. Gandalf is basically Odin who can read & signs his name in Runes     (www.gannett-cdn.com)

submitted by mememeyou to pics 2.6 years ago


"a semi‑artificial script, based on real‑life runic alphabets, invented by J. R. R. Tolkien for the constructed languages he devised and used in his works. Cirth is written with a capital letter when referring to the writing system; the letters themselves can be called cirth."
The Cirth is not the only runic writing system used by Tolkien in his legendarium. In fact, he devised a great number of runic alphabets, of which only a few others have been published. Some of these are included in the "Appendix on Runes" of The Treason of Isengard (The History of Middle-earth, vol. VII), edited by Christopher Tolkien.[19]
According to Tolkien himself, those found in The Hobbit are a form of "English runes" used in lieu of the Dwarvish runes proper.[20] They can be interpreted as an attempt made by Tolkien to adapt the Fuþorc (i.e., the Old English runic alphabet) to the Modern English language.[21]

These runes are basically the same found in Fuþorc, but their sound may change according to their position, just like the letters of the Latin script: the writing mode used by Tolkien is, in this case, mainly orthographic.[22]
This means that the system has one rune for each Latin letter, regardless of pronunciation
Tolkien devised this runic alphabet in a very early stage of his shaping of Middle-earth. Nevertheless, they are known to us from a slip of paper written by J.R.R. Tolkien, a photocopy of which Christopher Tolkien sent to Paul Nolan Hyde in February 1992. Hyde then published it, together with an extensive analysis, in the 1992 Summer issue of Mythlore, no. 69.[24]
The system provides sounds not found in any of the known Elven languages of the First Age, but perhaps it was designed for a variety of languages. However, the consonants seem to be, more or less, the same found in Welsh phonology, a theory supported by the fact that Tolkien was heavily influenced by Welsh when creating Elven languages
"We hypothesize that the AIDS pandemic may have originated with a contaminated polio vaccine"     (archive.vn)

submitted by mememeyou to science 2.6 years ago


The African polio vaccine-acquired immune deficiency syndrome connection

Don't ignore the risk of vaccine contamination
" alleged contamination of vaccines should serve as a warning against over-optimism."
Trust the Plan = Trust the Plague     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by mememeyou to Memes 2.6 years ago


Remeece - Dont Tek Di Vaccine (Official Music Video)     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by mememeyou to music 2.6 years ago


"(((We))) will govern all of Freemasonry, which will become the one international centre, the more powerful because it's direction will be unknown"     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.6 years ago


["Noachide was the first name of Masons"... "Freemasons call themselves Noachide, sons of Noah [all Gentiles]". Freemasonry = Noahide Laws = Judiasm for Gentiles.](https://archive.is/xlzZZ)

["it is the duty of every Jew to enforce [the Noachide Laws] whenever he has the power to do so" .. "Every Jew has the obligation to ensure that all the people of the world observe" Noahide Laws. (chabad.org)](https://www.chabad.org/therebbe/article_cdo/aid/2516760/jewish/The-Seven-Noachide-Laws.htm)

"Masonic lodges are established all over the world to help us achieve our independence. Those pigs, the non-Jewish Masons, will never understand the final objects of Masonry." - Theodor Herzel, Founder of Modern Zionism, 1897
NWO 1993: "Countries must be experiencing Starvation, unemployment, poverty, and be brought to dire straits etc. so that they will give up their national sovereignty for Promises of relief."     (qu.ax)

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.6 years ago



Which Cohen-19 'Test' will You get?     (qu.ax)

submitted by mememeyou to Covid1984 2.6 years ago



is the biohazard logo on the 'positive' kit admitting something?
School Staff Shits-their-Pants as Kids Love "Dont Take the Vaccine" Flash Rap     (www.bitchute.com)

submitted by mememeyou to videos 2.6 years ago


Jews race to house Afghan Rapefugee invaders in White Neighborhoods, funded $2,275 per goatfucker by US taxpayers. 200 million 'climate refugees' by 2050 in the pipeline.     (www.masslive.com)

submitted by mememeyou to news 2.6 years ago


"The federal government provides a one-time payment of $2,275 for each Afghan an agency serves, of which $1,225 is available for agencies to use for direct assistance like housing and basic necessities, including furniture and silverware. The other bulk of the money is used to cover administrative costs."

Report expects to see more than 200 million climate refugees by 2050

https://www.ibj.com/articles/local-resettlement-groups-prepare-for-afghan-evacuees (Indianapolis )

Iowa expects nearly double its capacity for Afghan refugees

Everett And Snohomish County Begin Welcoming Afghans

Report expects to see more than 200 million climate refugees by 2050

Wayne County announces $20 million rental assistance program for tenants, Afghan refugees

Wausau prepares to receive 85 refugees within the next year


IDF Jews Spied on Britney Spears 24/7 for over a decade. Phone, text, facetime, notes, browser history, photos, bugged her bedroom, "they sometimes used this information to control her" and her $60 million      (archive.vn)

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.6 years ago


"The revelation of Black Box’s role in Spears’ surveillance joins reports in recent years of dubious – if not illegal – actions by Israeli monitoring and intelligence firms. Among them is the Pegasus Project, which investigates the use of Israeli cyber firm NSO’s Pegasus spying software on journalists, as well as the investigations into Black Cube, which was reportedly hired by Harvey Weinstein to disparage his accusers in his sexual assault cases. The latter was also involved in an infamous 2016 spying case in Romania.

In the tracking and supervision of his daughter, Britney Spears’ father found a company that would help tighten the reins on the celebrity – an Israeli firm, boasting alumni from the IDF elite, which closely monitored Spears, including recording her private conversations, reported a former senior employee.

Vlasov said that Spears’ bedroom was bugged with a listening device, and that Black Box logged into Spears’ iCloud account via an iPad to access her text messages, FaceTime conversations phone calls, pictures, search history and more. Edan Yemini, founder and CEO of the Los Angeles-based Black Box, asked Vlasov to send the recorded content to Spears’s father, James P “Jamie” Spears, and to Robin Greenhill of Tri Star Sports & Entertainment Group, which used to be business manager for Britney’s estate. They sometimes used this information to control her, Vlasov said. The attorneys of Greenhill, who was the one who made the payments to Black Box, deny the claims and said that she was only involved to the degree that Britney requested.

Trailing Britney Spears allowed Black Box to expand from a small company to a leading global name in securing celebrities. According to the Times, they are contracted by the Kardashian family, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Ray. According to reports, the company is no longer monitoring Spears.

The stated purpose for surveilling the singer, Vlasov said, was to protect her from negative influences. But Jamie also monitored Britney’s conversations with her mother and with her boyfriends, as well as her close friends and even her lawyer, according to screenshots seen by the Times.

Britney was committed against her will to a psychiatric institution, from which she could not leave due to the security guards. He presented evidence to the Times to back up that claim.

The company also tracked the “Free Britney” movement, which is fighting to end the conservatorship arrangement, and funding for that monitoring came out of Britney’s own pocket, which was being controlled by her father."

Britney accused her dad of controlling her and compared her conservatorship to “sex trafficking.”.. I packed my bags and went to that place. I worked seven days a week, no days off, which in California, the only similar thing to this is called sex trafficking. Making anyone work against their will, taking all their possessions away — credit card, cash, phone, passport — and placing them in a home where they work with the people who live with them.”
Member when Q-tards invaded old Voat?? They are back.     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by mememeyou to AskUpgoat 2.6 years ago


I fought them then, and now I fight them again as they have morphed into Ivermectin & other-treatments-for-Covid-shills. The same fuckwads are on Poal, same tactics, same grift. Downvote brigades and cowardly alts with no history just lurking to upvote their bullshit & downvote any & all detractors. With my autist logic, I see it clear as day, not sure if anyone else does.

Covid is fake, lets hang the elites = me.
There is an infectious pandemic that requires treatment, horsepaste or zinc etc. = them.
There is an infectious pandemic that requires treatment, horsepaste zinc & vaccination = the enemy.

Please notice, please consider helping me blow them out.
Hard to fight medical Operation Trust solo
Trust the Plague: Kikes & Qtards are behind the Ivermectin & Hydroxy grift     (theintercept.com)

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.6 years ago


Covaids is tyranny. No treatment will stop tyranny besides rope for the tyrants.

These alternative treatments (besides Vax) for Covid, legitimize the lie of Covid, aka the common cold.

There is a Medical Operation Trust going on.

It is a military operation https://jssocial.pw/ppkey/fget/pic8/upload/Upk7rMsWjD.jpeg

Trust the Plague starter Kit https://jssocial.pw/ppkey/fget/pic8/upload/kgpuJcJU4b.png

Q-vermectards are literally Q tards. That is why they hate my posts with their shitty arguments & silent downvotes.
[Trust Lin Wood - always reliable. Trust him about the election](https://i0.wp.com/www.justsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Lin-Wood-Tweet-Jan-1-2021-Insurgency-Timeline.jpg), Trust him about Ivermectin & Covaids:

>[Last week, the hospital confirmed to a local NBC affiliate that it had been inundated with hundreds of calls and emails that had urged them to treat Wolski with ivermectin, a drug commonly used as a horse dewormer. **The campaign had been organized by her friends in the QAnon community** on Telegram and received an early boost from Flynn, but exploded when it was taken on by Lin Wood, the disgraced former Trump lawyer and QAnon superfan, who has over 800,000 followers on the messaging platform.
>Last Tuesday, Wood took to Telegram to write that he personally had called the hospital to demand she be given ivermectin, and urged his followers to do the same and “let your voices be heard.”

Newsweek: "Other popular QAnon supporters who **encouraged their followers to harass the hospital staff into treating Wolski with ivermectin** include Sidney Powell, who along with Wood attempting to claim the 2020 election was rigged with the widely dismissed "kraken" lawsuits, and former national security adviser Michael Flynn."
Trust the Plague     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by mememeyou to Memes 2.6 years ago


Jews were behind a Mandatory 6-dose Anthrax Jab. 9/11 Anthrax Letters & forced vaccination imposed on US Military (85% adverse reactions, 4 or more symptoms)      (jssocial.pw)

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.6 years ago


[UCLA School of Public Health: "The earliest [anthrax] incident occurred in April 1997. Signing himself "The Counter Holocaust Lobbyists of Hillel" -- phraseology borrowed from the Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel -- someone sent a petri dish to the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the Jewish organization B'nai B'rith." ... "(Hello. This is Abdul. We have put anthrax in the food at Throckmorton Middle School.In fact, Abdul hasn't.)" ------ Handwritten notes in the "anthrax" packages: DEATH TO AMERICA DEATH TO ISRAEL ALLAH IS GREAT](http://www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/bioter/messageanthrax.html)

'William **Cohen's** Mandatory Vaccination Program' [Lou Michels, Jr. '85 | Warning Shots: The Military's Anthrax Vaccination Program & Its Consequences

["Over 8 million doses of BioThrax were administered to over 2 million U.S. military personnel as part of the program between March 1998 and June 2008." - Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthrax_Vaccine_Immunization_Program#:~:text=The%20Anthrax%20Vaccine%20Immunization%20Program,1997%20by%20the%20Clinton%20administration.)

["No Anthrax Vaccine Testing on Children-for Now"

[Kuwait - Troops receive anthrax vaccinations](https://youtu.be/_6VQpd0pNNo?t=99)

>["The Pentagon's mandatory anthrax shots caused adverse reactions in most recipients and helped prompt many Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard members to transfer to other units or leave the military between 1998 and 2000, according to a survey by Congress's General Accounting Office (GAO).
The survey indicated that **85% of troops who received an anthrax shot had an adverse reaction.**"](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2002/11/gao-military-anthrax-shots-caused-many-reactions-prompted-some-pilots-quit)

>The survey showed that between September 1998 and September 2000, "about 16 percent of the pilots and aircrew members of the guard and reserve had (1) transferred to another unit (primarily to nonflying positions to avoid or delay receiving the anthrax shots), (2) moved to inactive status, or (3) left the military," the report says.
"Additionally, an estimated one in five (18 percent) of those still participating in or assigned to a unit in 2000—that is those who had not already changed their status—indicated their willingness to leave in the near future. Both groups, those who had already left and those indicating their intention to leave, ranked AVIP [Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program] as a key factor in their decision to leave or change their participation."
From the survey results, the GAO estimated that 37% of aircrew personnel had received at least one anthrax shot (of the six-dose regimen) by September 2000. **Eighty-five percent of the vaccinees reported an adverse reaction, and each shot triggered an average of four or more reactions.****

>Almost a fifth of the reactions were classified as systemic, and a fifth of these lasted more than a week. At the time of the survey, the vaccine product insert listed the rate of adverse reactions at about 30% and the rate of systemic reactions at 0.2%, the report says.

>"Such marked variances from the product insert **data suggest the possibility of a change in the composition of the vaccine from the vaccine originally approved in 1970**," the report says. It does not discuss whether newer vaccine from the renovated plant run by BioPort Corp. in Lansing, Mich., might be safer than vaccine made before the renovation.

['Troops who refused anthrax vaccine paid a high price'
](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/06/17/troops-who-refused-anthrax-vaccine-paid-a-high-price/) "During the first eight years that the Pentagon ran the anthrax vaccination program, hundreds of troops refused the vaccine due to perceived health risks or religious concerns — and many of them paid dearly for that decision. The penalties ranged widely. Some kept on working, others received nonjudicial punishment, lost rank and pay, saw their careers ended or even faced brig time and dishonorable discharges." ..."He compiled two 3-inch binders full of printed materials and scheduled a meeting with his commander... "The senior airman didn’t get far. The commander didn’t even look at the binders. The CO told him that if he didn’t take the shot he faced a reduction in rank, fines and extra duty until he did. “Then he sent me to a psychiatrist, saying if I’m going to refuse this vaccine, there’s got to be something wrong with me,” Bettendorf said. He received nonjudicial punishment. At the same time, some of his fellow airmen were reporting side effects after taking the shot. A few told him they wish they’d refused it, too, but feared the consequences. Bettendorf was reduced to E-3 and discharged in 1999."

https://clustrmaps.com/person/Schiffer-2p8knc -[early life check of CDC anthrax researcher]
" Jarad M Schiffer and Shirley M Schiffer spent some time in this place."
Dr Leana Wen @ Boston Bombing for her deep state interview     (www.bitchute.com)

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.6 years ago


September 12, 1941: 'White House Denounces Lindbergh' for naming the Jew     (newspapers.ushmm.org)

submitted by mememeyou to History 2.6 years ago


1997 israeli Book Predicts Covaids Tyranny: "the city residents live in an Orwellian situation, tested every day for the virus...infected sent to...fenced-in zone that resembles a penal colony to which opponents of the regime are also sent...no one knows what becomes of them..."     (archive.vn)

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.6 years ago


Covaids-Slayer: Warrior Princess     (www.bitchute.com)

submitted by mememeyou to videos 2.6 years ago


Hebrew University Prof on Jew Normal: "Humans are now hackable animals"..."Soul, Spirit, Free Will...That is Over"     (youtu.be)

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.6 years ago


'never allow a good crisis go to waste' @ 28.30
From Step To Step     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by mememeyou to Memes 2.6 years ago


ADL: Unraveling Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Table of Contents     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.7 years ago


Aussie construction workers protest cucked union on mandatory clot-shot     (www.bitchute.com)

submitted by mememeyou to videos 2.7 years ago


WA State DOH Isolation & Quarantine Team Job Post: "Our ideal candidate is outward even when confronted with others that are not open or collaborative."      (archive.vn)

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.7 years ago


yes i know they are missing a word...but still

"What we’re looking for:
Our ideal candidate has a driving passion for the work, brings humility to their job and interactions, and understands how their actions affect others. They see the needs and objectives of others and take them into account while achieving their objectives, and they adapt their approach and expectations accordingly. Our ideal candidate is outward even when confronted with others that are not open or collaborative. They demonstrate resilience to model outward behaviors even when stressed or tired.

Under the direction of the Team Lead, these Program Specialist 2 (PS 2) positions are responsible for participating in program planning and evaluation of health service delivery products and identifying needs for personnel, supplies, and activities to support community and state response activities. These positions implement policies and procedures that guide the work of the team.

This recruitment will be used to fill three (3) non-permanent full-time Program Specialist 2 positions located within the Division of Emergency Preparedness & Response. These Program Specialist 2 positions are anticipated to last twelve (12) months from date of hire.

The duty station for this position is in Centralia, WA at our State Isolation and Quarantine Facility. The facility is staffed 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Staff may work any or all of the three shifts and may work overtime as needed to ensure adequate staffing of the facility.

Required Qualifications [This is fucking pathetic btw]
Option 1: Three (3) or more years of demonstrated experience working in public health, healthcare, hospitality, customer service, or a closely related field.

Option 2: An Associate’s degree or higher in public health, healthcare, hospitality, customer service, or closely related field; AND one (1) or more years of experience working in public health, healthcare, hospitality, customer service, or closely related field.


Option 3: A Bachelor’s Degree or higher in public health, healthcare, hospitality, customer service, or related field.

Desired Qualifications

Demonstrated experience dealing with institutional and jurisdictional problems and making independent decisions, as needed.
Knowledge of and experience with working in Emergency Operations Centers and under an ICS structure during actual emergencies, disasters and/or functional/full-scale exercises.
Community health experience.
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certification.
Experience as a Home Care Aide."
Jewish groups are funneling Afghani & Haitian mobs into the US     (archive.vn)

submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 2.7 years ago


"the undersigned organizations [like HIAS Pennsylvania] ask your Administration to **immediately halt all deportation and expulsion flights to Haiti; promptly return to the United States any Haitians** who were eligible for Temporary Protected Status (“TPS”) and wrongly deported since May 21, 2021; explore other avenues of protection for Haitian immigrants including Deferred Enforced Departure (“DED”); **expedite the release of Haitians detained in immigration facilities in the United States**, Puerto Rico and other territories; and grant humanitarian parole to Haitians at the U.S.-Mexico border."

**If you identify as a refugee today, or are an illegal under a bridge wanting to stay in the USA, contact them here:** Do not waste their time. They are saving the lives of your replacements.

HIAS is a Jewish American nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid and assistance to refugees. It was originally established in 1881 to aid Jewish refugees. In 1975, the State Department asked HIAS to aid in resettling 3,600 Vietnam refugees.

"Donate to help support Afghan families AND OTHERS FLEEING PERSECUTION.
TO GET INVOLVED WITH HELPING AFGHAN AND HAITIAN REFUGEES, PLEASE sign up for a volunteer database profile AND A new volunteer information session.
HELP US PROVIDE pro bono legal AND general services.
States that allow exemptions     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by mememeyou to whatever 2.7 years ago