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The case against vaccines?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by jammicsmith to AskUpgoat 10 months ago


I've been a vaccine skeptic for a while. But after Covid, and witnessing how corrupt the drug industry is (in conjunction with our government), I don't trust any vaccines.

I just had a baby, and don't want any vaccines, but my wife is not convinced that's the way to go. My options are 1) battle, or 2) convince her I'm right. Option 2 is the cleaner option.

So I'm trying to research why I would not give my baby vaccines, and the search engines obviously are all corrupted...

Clearly, when the leading vaccine scientists refuse to be debates (you know, what science actually is), you should run the other way. And then, the drug companies were able to get legal immunity from the problems their vaccines cause (but they don't cause any, right!?!?). And why are they require to go to school if they work so well with no problems? Who would fight vaccines if they were actually as effective and harmless as they say? To me, this is a no brainer based on logic alone.

But, I'd like to also provide the research. If anyone has research showing problems with vaccines, lack of problems in unvaccinated communities (like the Amish), links between vaccines and allergies, etc - I'd really appreciate seeing what you have.

Or, does anybody know where I can search for this stuff and not have it censored? I know the other side is out there, but I can't find it. Help!
Would you pay for a subscription to an unbiased, no ad, search engine?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by jammicsmith to AskUpgoat 1.5 years ago


Search engine technology isn't necessarily that complicated. Lots existed in the late 90s. Open source Search engine code makes implementing it fairly straightforward. But standing up the infrastructure to index and respond to the internet ain't cheap and everyone wants everything for free... so, would you pay?
Best place to hire a graphic designer?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by jammicsmith to AskUpgoat 2.3 years ago


I'm in need of some graphic design. I know there's places like freelancer.com and fiverr.com, and I could probably find mostly what I want - but I'd really rather hire someone who shares my world view.

If anyone on this site has a suggestion, I'd love to hear it. If not, I'll probably just look for a white guy on one of the main sites and hope he's not a fucking liberal...
What if the initial doses of the jab weren't harmful, but they become harmful later?     (ShowerThoughts)

submitted by jammicsmith to ShowerThoughts 2.6 years ago


It wouldn't make sense for the powers that be to kill all their sheep. What if they put out an unharmful jab for their loyal followers to receive. Then, they ramped up consequences (losing your job, difficulty traveling, etc) to force their non-followers to get the jab. At this point, they switch to the actual harmful dose. They know who got the jab early because of the vaccine passport, so early jabbers could continue to get safe boosters. If the jab is actually going to start killing people, thats how I would have rolled it out.