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Member for: 3 years

scp: 6 (+6/-0)
ccp: 132 (+147/-15)
votes given: 1192 (+1170/-22)
score: 138


That average line says no correlation. So why assume correlation to make a point about Israel? Maybe I'm just dumb.

/v/Cohencidences viewpost?postid=618a75efae49b

Zinc is not optional, Quercetin + Zinc is the protocol.

> Zinc and quercetin work together in the body. Quercetin helps enhance the absorption of zinc, and both have similar antiviral functions. Zinc is a positively charged ion. This makes it difficult for it to penetrate the fat soluble cell membrane, as they are not permeable to positively charged ions. This means that zinc needs a transporter to cross the cell membrane. Many fat-soluble nutrients can do this, including curcumin and EGCg. But quercetin seems to be particularly useful as a zinc ionophore. It may also enhance the antiviral activities of zinc.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=6163bb452b188

You didn't make prank calls as a teenager I guess then.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=615d9e5da9da3

Alternatives: "Am I being detained?" "Am I free to go?"

/v/videos viewpost?postid=615d06b96584b

Didn't they work with the (((US))) to overthrow their last government? They should be downright shocked with the results.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6158f2ff3a4e4

Jewish pride

Black pride

Brown pride

Asian pride

~~White pride~~

/v/SillyGalah viewpost?postid=614dde31caa5e

Fucking cats man. They are selfish bitches, kick them out.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=614e3b87c9e0a

Biden is losing his meager base

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=614e128652be8

I was referring to how people would buy the shirts, not how the store owner would pay for their inventory. Crypto avoids paypal, etc. labeling you as a hate merchant and banning you.

/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=614d28e515a3f

American Zionists are way bigger traitors than some asshole cop's kid. This killing kids shit glows. Dirty Jews kill kids.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=614cd6674fbfe

There are several open source eCommerce systems out there. If you don't mind manually processing crypto payments, there's no way to stop it.

/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=614d28e515a3f

> Killing their kids.

Wtf bro. They aren't even Jews.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=614cd6674fbfe

If crypto can't solve this very simple t-shirt issue, then fuck all crypto.

/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=614d28e515a3f

The Iron Dome is fake. I challenge anyone to find a video of it actually intercepting a rocket.

/v/ShowerThoughts viewpost?postid=614b2a4c8cfd7

You just heard the red pills. The lead writer was Sheldon Pacotti.

/v/OLDbutGOLD viewpost?postid=613feca11e84e

they're not gonna let the numerology go to waste

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=613abf06c697a

> unless they are willing to spend an idiotic amount of resources on it

that's literally what government is

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=613a9e448e146

cloudflare is one hell of a racket... they get 15% of all website traffic in cleartext.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6137f9da66f9a

It's not voat, it just has the domain name and logo and voat mode. This shit makes no sense man.

/v/Colorizer viewpost?postid=6131d8a0d4b41

> When JFK was assassinated there was already over $4 billion in circulation issued from the treasury department.

What happened in 1963? The Treasury has been circulating debt/bonds/financial products since WWI.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612f2a17863f9

collegeTry 0 points 2.7 years ago*

> EO 11110 gave the treasury department the power to create and issue currency.

It did? What I'm seeing is

> "The order allowed the Secretary to issue silver certificates, if any were needed, during the transition period under President Kennedy's plan to eliminate Silver Certificates and use Federal Reserve Notes." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_11110

Nothing came of these silver certificates or this power. This is a conspiracy myth, nothing proves that this EO was anti-Fed or that JFK was anti-Fed.

> Critics of the theory note that Executive Order 11110 was a technicality that only delegated existing presidential powers to the Secretary of the Treasury for administrative convenience during a period of transition.

I believe that this common myth exists to distract from nukes in Israel and Diamona and JFK.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612f2a17863f9

Fuck you system. Gay ass bait and switch.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6130940c26e7a

Yep, the first PM of Israel ever resigned over it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612f2a17863f9