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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 286 (+314/-28)
ccp: 7277 (+7519/-242)
votes given: 706 (+666/-40)
score: 7563


That doesn't sound very useful. People are gonna do what they do. Breeding people has never worked. They tried to breed slaves. Their numbers increased for a while, but you see where it got us in the end. Voluntary miscegenation will not be practiced where there's a high social stigma against it. IDC really if you make it illegal. The amount of women voluntarily marrying outside their race would be low if (white) men were making the rules. They are not breeding with a bunch of fucking niggers or fucking Pakis that they import over in Qatar or whatever. That is happening in America and the rest where jews are in charge.

/v/QuotesToWakeWhites viewpost?postid=6633a252097ce

Kind of like COVID itself in the beginning, or the time when it was most virulent supposedly, nobody I knew had it bad, and only a couple of people that I knew knew somebody that had it bad. A lot of people got flu like symptoms and tested positive for antibodies. Most were probably vaxxed since most people were vaxxed.

/v/VaxDeathDiscussion viewpost?postid=66327e477957e

People should put their money where their mouths are. I'd tag that bet.

/v/VaxDeathDiscussion viewpost?postid=66327e477957e

legally. Canadian customs is notoriously strict on whites.

/v/NWO viewpost?postid=66315b0e9743f

I see why the government would mandate self-driving cars, but I don't see why they'd give a crap about the lawsuits, unless you're saying that it will be impossible to make self-driving work without such immunity.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66312e005ca4a

Have you seen how much shit most people keep in their car? This isn't going to do what most people want.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66312e005ca4a

I don't see any problem with any level of driver assist as long as the driver is ready to take the wheel. Tesla FSD is really a lie on the tin. Which is funny cuz as driver aid it's good. I dunno why not just call it a series of driver aid features and avoid the controversy. Or, I suppose, I may understand, but I don't approve.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66312e005ca4a

If they are adults and NEVER learned to read it will be very hard to teach them. It's the opposite of the people who grow up writing 3 languages and get really good it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66318bc48348c

Parts of California are the most nigger-free places I've been to. It's possible way out into the sticks of a white state like Montana is whiter, but I haven't been there.

/v/news viewpost?postid=66308a51a9415

They're democrats and niggers; of course they think your money belongs to them.

/v/news viewpost?postid=66308a51a9415

Right, yeah, it didn't get generically harder to build shit, and I don't think that wood literally became more scarce. Whatever they say about "costs", it has something to do with government and the fuckton of immigrants they let in.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6630ffac3adf7

Yeah I know what that is because it happens in the US the same way.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6630ffac3adf7

The US was actually the least punished for its money supply increase. As bad as inflation is here.

Most major economies seemed to do the same kind of thing in a coordinated fashion. But lesser confidence in smaller economies drives people to the dollar, so increased demand for it offsets the supply while the opposite effect happens to smaller countries.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6630ffac3adf7

If I care about the actual legal validity of the Trump legal cases, and I'm not sure I do, I've got to be the only one. The parties all but admit that their only desire is to see the case go to trial before/after the election. After which all parties admit that it doesn't really matter unless your name is Donald Trump.

They claim there are people waiting on the outcome of these things to determine whether to vote for Trump or Biden. Those have to be the dumbest people in America if they exist. The facts of these cases are largely undisputed. They're arguing over legal details. Details that non-billionaire, non-candidates have no need of.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=663188da52970

Oh, doh, I just asked that without reading the thread.

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=663132270414d

I guess my only question is is this actually because nearly all NYC landlords are Jewish? That is a possibility I leave open.

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=663132270414d

None of y'all can get into Canada anyways.

/v/NWO viewpost?postid=66315b0e9743f

Your wife calls me by my username too.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66305ca92416f

no every1 on voat forgot about da JUICE

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=662f4f6eb7189

> it seems like child raping is quite popular among muslims.

As far as I can tell it's because they treat female virginity as valuable property but not male. So in theory Islamists should throw them off a roof and in some cases they do but most of the time the penalty for the boy abuse they do is less than what it would be for girl abuse

/v/AnonWhatever viewpost?postid=662e94b8ee3c7

I can't find any evidence they actually enacted it. The proposal also sounded impossible to enforce. States do not ordinarily have any idea of a person's net worth

They were also going to have a resident net worth tax. Again supposedly.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=662e82c2000f8

What that means is if it's a quarter of the girls in the country the it's half on the coasts and still vanishingly few in the interior.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662e657106e4e

I see what you are saying. But girls are more likely to say they are bi or adopt a weird orientation. Than to say they're lesbian. Even lesbians don't say they're lesbian. The word has fallen out of favor. And possibly also the idea of it as a woman who exclusively ( in theory) sleeps with women. That never matched the reality of most women anyways. Lesbians with kids with fathers were a thing long before a fertility doctor would touch them as a couple. Now they say queer. And there is no negative connotation on that.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662e657106e4e