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Member for: 2.2 years

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score: 30


God was bored and late to the hipster party so wanted to have a very ironic event.

The liberals do not know what to do. They are very confused. On one hand you have a cuckold. Both are black. One is "defending" a woman who is best known for cuckolding him.

The irony of a fight at the most diverse oscars ever is self evident. If it was staged it is hilariously ironic. It can't be, can it? Chris Rock has some phenomenal comedy. Check out "how to not get your ass beat by police" and "black people vs. niggaz."

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=6241bca5c5105

That is true. Liberals need cattle and cannon fodder. They don't see those as equals though. They seem them as useful idiots. Suppose they are.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6240d8959ce08

ausername 1 point 2.1 years ago

He hopes to "bridge the political divide"

/v/Holohoax viewpost?postid=62414e79c9b7d

ausername 1 point 2.1 years ago

I don't follow entertainment but from broswing the internet learned that they have an "open marriage" so this is the builtup anger from seeing his "wife" get fucked by other men. This shit never ends well. He'll probably kill someone the next time she gets and excon to fuck in their bed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62412237c990f

Makes sense. People will do anything to fit in. Even chop off part of their children's penises. You ever seen a tattoo of a smiley face?

/v/science viewpost?postid=6241a9a710e9f

Fun fact: the bitch who died a couple of years back in charlottesville did not die from getting hit by a car but from being megafat and having a heart attack.

They never mention that part when they say someone died.

/v/FatPeopleHate viewpost?postid=624071121ad2f

Birth control causes breast cancer. They initially thought low-estrogen variants would reduce this risk but recently found it does not.

You will never, ever, ever, hear a liberal mention this to a young woman deciding whether to become a slut or not.

/v/cringe viewpost?postid=62406f7617133

For real.

There are studies that show something like ~40% of dudes aren't getting any. Those dudes are technically "incels."

That's what happens when you subvert a decent society and switch from k to r style sexual selection. It always results in social collapse. Every time. Since Rome. Proponents of this are the poison they tell us they are immunizing us from.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6240918479edb

Last decade they were putting out "cuckolding is the intellectual's fetish" propaganda. Nothing new. Sad and depressing and dark, but nothing new.

/v/news viewpost?postid=62386aeb2d355

Most shit chicks do is about this. Feminism is about making government "the man" (protection, financial and social support) and demonizing completely normal male behavior. That is why they act like it is "creepy" to date someone younger than yourself, like men did for the entirety of human history, but a woman doing it is a "cougar."

Feminism is the arm of socialism that works by destroying the family from within. The government and "society" is then the family. You can ask them this and they will tell you.

/v/memesharing viewpost?postid=6237f70096503

I always love how liberals secretly hate everyone who doesn't think like them while pretending to support those groups unilaterally. Such "diversity" and "open-mindedness."

/v/news viewpost?postid=62386c0e4f844

Banned from twitter?

LMAO. So the NY Times editor who hates white people can spew that insecure projection trash at everyone and that's chill, but calling a chick a dude (I thought "there was no such things as chicks or dudes and it was all a spectrum," lol)

It is good though. People will push back. Had they been even remotely reasonable they could have kept shit going for years longer.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=62389fd031a28

I really enjoy seeing women get beat by their own postmodern bullshit. Seriously need to get taken down about 15 notches and come back to reality.

That does not mean I like trannies or think they are whatever their broken head says they are. This is one of those funny coincidences. Besides, lots of "women" athletes are probably trannies in disguise. Those fucking muscles and shit...

I love when they "work out" their asses and think that's what men fucking meant by some liking big asses. If they were men they'd be homeless idiots. Not merely homeless. The homeless idiots.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=6238709545c5e


Boycott Divest Sanctions

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62378e3835dc7

ausername 1 point 2.2 years ago

Aww! What a sweetie Pibble!

They're really good with babies.

/v/shitbulls viewpost?postid=62379f6803775

Who are they going to blame then? Toxic masculinity? Incels? Non trannies?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62373adddfbf8

This is true. The dog is a flea farm. We are to eat the fleas. They are good protein and very good for the environment. This is for the best. Our dumb goy brains could never understand what real food is. It is best we leave all of the good things in life for our betters. We are dumb cattle. Brand us please.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62376ca40c265

They did a very good job of making goyim feel guilty about being "rich and wealthy" while the goyim were still comparatively poor, so the goyim gave much of it away to be good little goys.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62377c28e16dc

Even for treating goyim like cattle they are awfully abusive. Somehow they'll all make more than 300k because they are "smarter than you" but remember, anyone being smarter than anyone else is evil white supremacy, and always evil white supremacy in every example, but they are smarter than you and you need to know your place. All the goyim need to know their place. Let's cut some more infant dicks up. If you don't let us normalize that then you are antisemetic and literally hitler white supremacist deplorable incel toxic misogynist who is the greatest threat to civilization in history.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=623755d42cb4b

Several years ago the Southern Poverty Law center put out a "study" which showed that "white supremacists" were the "biggest threat" to the United States. One of the categories was "domestic muslim terrorism". This manipulation of data conveniently omitted one data point that would have thrown the entire chart out of whack. That data point was 9/11. They used "domestic" in their categories to manipulate perceptions.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=623734ad875e1

ausername 1 point 2.2 years ago

This series of events has been a big boon for China. The west has shown that it is more concerned with virtue signalling and feminist projection than in holding territory or power. They have convinced themselves they are "owning" Russia and Putin himself, as he sleeps in an actual palace. This will likely accelerate moving off the petrodollar, as well as accelerate shifts in global alliances. If I was a non-nato, non-western nation I'd be like "what the fuck...why would I cozy up to the cuckolds only so they can watch me die?" Why would I poison my nation's culture for that?

I saw a picture early on of the war and there was this advertisement of a 400lb femwhale selling a "cool" product in Ukraine. That's the "culture" being lost.

/v/WarGames viewpost?postid=6236b34134d6a

ausername 1 point 2.2 years ago

This is the ritual group dance before the penis chopping and infant penis blood sucking ritual. They are casting a spell on the goyim using goyim blood from the war.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6235e4532725f

ausername 1 point 2.2 years ago

I enjoy seeing strong empowered women realize they are the weaker stupider sex in real time.

Women are just as strong as men. Women are stronger! What is the problem? Surely women can beat up 55 men at once with their feminine charm! Men and women are exactly the same and gender is a spectrum, so how did they decide the other women is a woman when there is no such thing as being a women and women and men are exactly the same, so there are no differences at all. Gender is a binary spectrum after all, and women are empowered victims who are much smarter than men!

/v/news viewpost?postid=6235adbd36b1c