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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 76 (+76/-0)
ccp: 846 (+967/-121)
votes given: 15373 (+14139/-1234)
score: 922


Lol, an aggressive thunderstorm started here at just after 11, I saw this thread about 30 minutes after and felt the need to check outside.

/v/news viewpost?postid=663988fe60708

I'm pretty sure he's married to a woman, I would have used a different flamboyant queer as the example, like that gay nigger that did the country song.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=6634a419b8e87

I think this is a panic move, we often give jews too much credit, this incident of college protests is just engineering an intractable opposition within a generation of young and "diverse" liberals.

They have set a burning seed of hatred into the heart off their golems, anti-semitism laws will not put out the fire but the seed will grow.

They doom themselves in panicked hubris.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6632f414278d0

People like you are how we got taken so low.

Self righteous indignation with no concern for the long term consequences of such precedents.

It is wiser to suffer fools in silence than become one too.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66314d1c05922

Stop feeding trolls, this is how censorship started everywhere else on the web, feeding this behavior just causes attention starved losers to keep spouting off.

Banning the shitheel was stupid, the correct solution was to let users block people with negative comment karma.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66314d1c05922

None of y'all noticed how fake this is? Why is it a picture of fauci from the last 5 years in a newspaper clipping from the 80s?

The type face and scalling along with image artifacts is identical in both NYT papers where they say "smallpox vaccine 'triggered AIDS virus'"

This stinks of the same class of hoax as flat earth, it's a psyop for the gullible amongst who haven't been able to find a conspiracy theory they wont believe since learning the big one (holohoax)

Notice only headline text is readable, not even dates can be parsed so you can't verify these headlines or articles were ever published and there is no substance to read because there is no substance to it, the claim is gobbledygook designed to convince people with no real understanding of virology, it's meant to confuse as it is conflating HIV with AIDS in a way as to leave people repeating this idiocy open to mockery.

The point of absurdly false psy-op conspiracies like space being fake or flat earth is to open people up to mockery, it's to make religious ideas seem as laughable so as to mock religion and undermine Christianity, as much as it is aimed at mocking so called holocaust deniers, sandyhook truthers, boston bombing truthers, and all of the theories around covid.

Don't fall back asleep folks, constant vigilance is a price we must pay to know truth and be blinded by lies.

/v/Controlavirus viewpost?postid=662f2d6484dde

Considering how the vax has worked they wanted a time delayed population nuke to hit the west and if it doesnt kill a quarter of our population over this decade it will create a medical debt and financing bomb that even further ruins our economy.

At the time i suspected kikes wanted to slide under the protection of the chinks but it looks like covid was about chinese interests and US deepstate interests overlapping to release a joint venture bioweapon and the kikes god word at least 3 years prior that covid would be the plan if the election seemed to be uphill for them and so they probably coordinated with israel to make the jabs kill as many white shit libs to accelerate the great replacement, everything they do now seems to be about accelerating white genocide and prepping for a post american world.

Most of these student protestors are already in stages 1-3 of undiagnosed turbo cancer or have a 20% chance at surviving the next 10 years because of myocarditis, any of them trading estrogen will accelerate both conditions. I think jews are stepping on their own long-term plans because they are in a panic. We need to stymie the jews effort to use the right as a shield in this moment so in a brief moment of unison we can wound international jewery, they will panic and over react in a way that justifies what we must do.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629058749779

When these retards get persecuted ove a couple of years for hating jsrael, zionists and eventually all kikes they will be forced to reevaluate their worldviews, some will submit to jewery because liberals are cowards but a few will have opened up to hearing about the last time this all happened and admit the nazis, though imperfect, were right. And from there the radical left will become a bolstering force for us, remember the SS was 60% former communists, recognizing that we can appeal to bits of their old programing and for our own means and ends is what we should be focused on now.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629058749779

>Oy vey, why do the goyim hate us so? All we did was engineer an intractable hatred of zionism into a generation of students by attempting to ruin their life prospects for protesting ethnic cleansing and apartheid.

All kikes had to do was be a loyal friend to the western powers after WW2 and they could have had their palestinian genocide. But no, they didn't learn from their experiences in weimar germany.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=662757c709864

They have a law against creating CP and distribution but never made a law about possession, or viewing, it's a legal loophole and the judge felt engineering some cockamamie common law solution like the US did would just make CP legal for the rich and powerful who can afford good lawyers like in the US.

Here in burgerland we have the same situation but the courts determined that computers "create" images when viewed so the old laws didn't need to be revised, its a commin practice with common law in judicially and legislative conservative countries but it leads to partiality in the application of law. A good lawyer can flip that interpretation and create reasonable doubt easily and a rich pedo has bought an acquittal, this is why the DoJ is so picky about who they try for CP and why social media companies protect pedos, at least it's who they sell their inaction to employees, they are protecting the company from flimsy conjecture or new legislative efforts by out if touch fogeys, and the DoJ is protecting the flimsy conjecture itself.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66269789bd0dd

Honestly, I don't believe that. I could believe their median is 78 and that would be a low ball figure for the region. There is no way half of the people living in gaza are under 58 IQ teaching a chimp or gorilla sign language puts them over 65 most gorillas we teach sign language clock over 75, language is a software update for the electrochemical meatputer that stacks about 20-30 IQ ontop literacy is half of that math so you can knock 10 iq out from underneath any population if they become illiterate which I could believe is a huge issue in Gaza.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6624ffcee30e9

Rent is up 20% = collusion!

Food is up 30% = 🙈🙉🙊

/v/AI viewpost?postid=66254719b2a9b

_Obrez 1 point 2 weeks ago

Read the comments, kikes are out and butt hurt that we are prioritizing our racial archnemesis over negroes when we all know kikes are the lynchpin holding niggers in place in the west.

/v/twitter viewpost?postid=6622fab48e4fe

_Obrez 1 point 2 weeks ago

Lol, kike interlopers on this site have lost all tact and just out themselves.

/v/twitter viewpost?postid=6622fab48e4fe

They planned all this weeks before israel bombed that embassy.

A buddy who has stayed enlisted is only deployed when active operations are ongoing and he got his orders two weeks to the day before that embassy strike and it was a rush deployment they had him in operations range of Iran within a week of the embassy strike, last I heard from him said to keep a vigilant watch on the news. I believe this means there are forces training for a mission in iran.

/v/news viewpost?postid=661a42456d0c2

I want adultery laws but women are by nature disloyal and a simple law will not prevent families from collapsing under the weight of hypergamy and female neurosis, the economy must be improved and men must be educated on female reproductive instinct. Women dint feel safe to reproduce without security within the social hierarchy, that means economic security too these days and the source of that security must be the man.

We need to fix our economy so a 23 year old man can afford to buy a home and begin nesting a woman/girl.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6614f462a5ba0

_Obrez 1 point 1 month ago

Imagine thinking the correct way to prevent jew hate is to put jewish interests before the basic needs of people like housing employment and food, you can't pass a law protecting jews without engendering jew hatred unless everything is already hunky dory.

/v/Israel viewpost?postid=66141f8b43667

_Obrez 1 point 1 month ago

I think the climate insanity is simply self perpetuating, like any other false religion these people believe in climate change when the data backing their major claims is spurious at best.

That all said cloud seeding can be used for war or land development and it would cool the planet if done intelligently.

If l were in charge I'd be pumping huge fountains of saltwater into the air above the oceans, we goofed not affirming soft eugenics programs last century, now we need to winnow idiots and spiteful mutants and a small ice age or just far colder, wetter winters should do it. You could probably also do this to cause de-desertification but like with india and arabia the saudis are cloud seeding up stream from the indians and that's causing drought down wind, that drought is the primary evidence being used for the climate tard agenda.

Anyway the goal should be more sea clouds if they claim this is all about the arctic ice sheet and warming oceans.

>decommissioned aircraft carrier

Did they just confirm this firm associated to gates owns an aircraft carrier now?

/v/science viewpost?postid=6613cd1144787

Nah, they are sadists that like harming smaller creatures and human children but for logistical, financial and criminal/legal reasons do torture tourism to parts of the world they can visit and kill small hominids cheaply.

I suspect this guys black book has a little overlap with epstein's considering the bottleneck trump created on human trafficking during his term.

/v/news viewpost?postid=660d8d217f6bc

It was a server expense issue, even if all the shills got blocked they were abusing site bandwidth with media uploads, that said a healthy solution was possible and he decided to go nuclear for no real reason.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6606b171ded2b

_Obrez 1 point 1 month ago

It comes and goes for me, right now it is down but yesterday it worked.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6604d034efcf8

_Obrez 1 point 1 month ago

He could use spectrum, virgin or mint and not know what towers he is actually on.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6604d034efcf8