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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 3420 (+3436/-16)
ccp: 350 (+354/-4)
votes given: 2383 (+2370/-13)
score: 3770


Owner of:
Holohoax_Tales, Cohencidences, RedPills, SeeKyle, CatboyKami, Evalion,
Mod of:

In the end, there is light in the darkness.


/v/Whitepill viewpost?postid=61b3982ebdbfa

I don't know how old you are, but it looks exactly like these fake rocks they used to sell that you could put a spare key in and leave outside.

/v/Russia viewpost?postid=61ad2ca9d8e1a

Read to the end of what I wrote, nigger. It's right there.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=619cb4b8682f0

Halo Online/Eldewrito? Shut down. But the exclusive maps were slowly imported into the Master Chief Collection.

/v/oneangrygamer viewpost?postid=619c3c4838e88

They'd probably get a harsher sentence.

/v/Military viewpost?postid=6191bd82c0053


/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=618f62450f6a1

"...and then these humans came along and stole my deep-sea diving helmet."

/v/bears viewpost?postid=618a514b7d7c8

He does tend to get the last word in.

/v/CovidWorldOrder viewpost?postid=6186efbe3bfe4

If they do, losing trust in their parents will be heartbreaking.

If they don't, they're still going to be terrified and confused.

It's horrible either way.

/v/CovidWorldOrder viewpost?postid=6186efbe3bfe4

The Republican party is for containment. They serve the same function on the right that comedians serve on the left - to diffuse anger and prevent actual change.

They're always "fighting" the current culture war and signaling their virtue by touting their bonafides in the position they were fighting against last cycle - niggers, spics, gays, immigration, etc.

If anyone tries to sell you on their bullshit, nail them to the wall.

"Name the last piece of liberal overreach the Republicans have ever rolled back."

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=617e242bc6d6b

Thanks! They go over well whenever I make them.

/v/Cooking viewpost?postid=617c969c9557d


/v/funny viewpost?postid=617b2b59c086e

Rats, rabbits, other birds, etc.

Put "Seagull eats rat" in Jewtube. Be prepared for your jaw to drop.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=616f284844ed4

Sticking with Voat mode because it's easier on the eyes, but that looks nice.

/v/announcements viewpost?postid=616cf7b7e9e34

Sounds about right. Some companies have a "use it or lose it" policy regarding time off. Others will cash out unused time when you leave in your final check.

/v/HolocoughHoax viewpost?postid=6164c73456e27

You tell a machine to pick out facial symmetry and smooth skin, it's not going to pick a lot of monkey men.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6164bbe64bef3

It's just pettiness over the Texas abortion bill.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=61580d4d13385

Both The Last Ringbearer and the Gospel of Afranius' subversion show the new antagonists being anti-jewish. Gandalf straight up wants to holocaust Sauron and his minions while Rome is using Jesus to crush rebellion among the kikes.

And then there's his giant nose.

That's a lot of cohencidences.

/v/LordOfTheRings viewpost?postid=6163e42c70dd5