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Member for: 3 years

scp: 157 (+182/-25)
ccp: 889 (+958/-69)
votes given: 9409 (+8765/-644)
score: 1046


So… I’m assuming you have AI writing that wall of text, faggot?

/v/SoapboxBanhammer viewpost?postid=66435f2bdd2cf

I went back after work and it wasn’t there. Unfortunately I’m now questioning whether the first wild alligator we saw in our area isn’t the pond equivalent of a scarecrow. I have nothing left to believe in

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=66436d0a63f34

It’s wild the amount of temperature variance in Iowa. People in FL didn’t believe me when I said it’s just as hot if not hotter in Iowa during the summers, average temperature is close to 90 with 90% humidity and absolutely zero breeze. Winter gets to -30 ambient. Utterly insane.

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=66436d0a63f34

There are 3 things I want to do while I live here in FL (the wife wants to move back to Iowa. She says the nigger’s entitlement level here is too high):
1. Go on a gator hunt and smoke the meat
2. Go on a hog hunt
3. Go deep sea fishing
Everyone that I ask about doing these activities declines for some reason.

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=66436d0a63f34

I was going to stop by the cemetery to see if it’s a tree on the way home from work this afternoon. I’m trying to convince the wife it’s the skunk ape

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=66436d0a63f34

It’s Florida, instead of goats it can get its fill on tweakers and pedos

/v/Mildlyinteresting viewpost?postid=66436d0a63f34

Mine is just old salty vets, boomers, a few Korean War vets and their wives. Drinks are amazing cheap and the patrons are usually pretty awesome. We’ve got food every night, ‘oke, motorcycle riders, and every month they donate to a charity. When they asked me if I was a commie, I said no. Then they asked if I believed in a higher power said yes. Then they asked if I had any questions for them. I said sure, do you allow jews. The old boomer was all confused and said “of course!”. The club lost 2 points in my book for that, but gained 2 with drink prices.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663d4bb0bb6ba

Eagles. There’s no drinking establishments around me, so I drop the age demographics by about 40 years every time I go there

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663d4bb0bb6ba

I’ve had good experiences with Torba and his dad. His dad was a huge help when I was getting my pipe and tobacco group running there. I’ve since turned it over to a really nice boomer who ran with it. Gab’s response seemed good, for what I skimmed over after just waking up l

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=663da5039b456

Not even being sarcastic here… but with the hubris of the jew and how the communists act… I’ve sometimes wondered if they’re pushing for a right wing dictatorship. One could hope

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663698d47a349

Such a fascinating story. Is it a big shock or just a static shock? Have you considered suing the grocery store, because that’s exactly how your great uncle Arvi died in the Holocaust? They made him grab milk from a Bobby trapped refrigerator until he died?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=66353f22f378f

I don’t have twitter. What’re they saying?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6629e2e941fd3

P38’s are going for about $800 last I saw. I would love to get my hands on an all parts matching Luger though, preferably an s/42 which is Mauser. I’ve seen those go for 3-5k

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=6627140be617b

Wow, this is his best video yet. Something must’ve happened after his “break” (mental breakdown), because this is completely different from any of his other videos.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6623f8c2b84c9

I got kicked out of his discord for saying he should do an episode on how there’s a group of people in the Middle East who control the world, and if you bring light to this fact, they will ruin your life. They have infiltrated every government, corporation, media, education and position of power. It’d be more believable than half of his other episodes. Their response was “he doesn’t engage in politics” then banned me

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6623f8c2b84c9

This is really what red pilled my wife. Seeing how ungrateful niggers are compared to your average animal. Could you imagine thinking niggers are human?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6621e59983e52

I remember when Voat.co’s canary died. It wasn’t too long after the site went down on Christmas Day. Putt picked a terrible day

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6607522f3a973

I just discovered they’re still around. Maybe Ol’ Yeller should be a how to video for dealing with that level of retardation

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=65ef2dda4403f

I just spent the last week in interviews after a career fair. The pickings are slim. This is a construction and engineering career fair and 75% of the construction majors have never stepped foot on a job site. They walk by and don’t make eye contact, slouched over, with about as much testosterone as my dog who had his balls cut off at 12 weeks (adopted, not my choice). If long hair but White is a deal breaker, then you’re going to be in for a bad time

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e95feb43329

Damn I missed you. Glad to see you’re back

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=65e72c5154ad4