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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 312 (+349/-37)
votes given: 434 (+396/-38)
score: 312


It's not the one they're going to get. John saw people "of all nations and kindreds" at the end of the tribulation in Revelation. Seems the kikes don't get their cappuccino raceless slaves. Sad.

/v/Amerimutts viewpost?postid=613fcf5443dcf

I don't remember asking for your opinion bitch

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=612e2ffcc9df5

I would say "no more camps" but they've gotten everything they've asked for. I have no reason to believe that will ever stop.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=612e2ffcc9df5

A link to something not happening? I'll get right on that.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612bbcab39455

Bro it's not real. There's no virus killing people. They're lying.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612bbcab39455


>For two doses of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, there is a slight reduction in protective efficacy against any symptomatic disease. In the U.K., one study showed it was 88% effective against symptomatic disease with the Delta variant. Some other studies have shown lower effectiveness, including data from Israel that received a lot of attention. But if you look at severe disease or hospitalizations, it’s about 96% effective

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612bbcab39455

Everything is a honey pot. Even if a group of white nationalists took over the country they would be infiltrated by jews. It has happened every time for thousands of years and will continue to happen.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=612bee7da55aa

Covid is fake and gay but also a John Hopkins study found that current vaccines are 96% effective against delta. That must have been flushed down the memory hole.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612bbcab39455

Nothing can evolve. It has never been observed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612bbcab39455

This place is all shills and trolls I only come here to piss them off. Say something against the narrative and watch them freak the fuck out.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=612aff3e65934

Yeah ok watch me give a fuck what random internet guy thinks. Dumb fuck.

You let jews put mystery cocktails in your body and if you get sick you can't sue them. But I'm the dumb one. All you faggots do is whine and cry. Never any actual arguments.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=612aff3e65934

Same. This is the longest I've ever gone without so much as the sniffles. It coincides with when I stopped getting the flu shot a few years ago

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=612b85d4817ea

Yeah we're all fascists or whatever. Stay in your cities.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=612b1b42becb7

That's not a stupid person he knows exactly what he's doing

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=612a7b0114216

You don't redpill your fucking girlfriend you nerd. If she doesn't trust your guidance the relationship is doomed.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=612af945f3548


/v/PimsGym viewpost?postid=61224137f1b21

Unless you're using those gay machines at the gym, you're core is engaged during most lifts. If you complete a lift and managed to not fold like a lawn chair and collapse under the weight, congrats you successfully trained your core.

/v/PimsGym viewpost?postid=61224137f1b21

Because pigs are disgusting little shits that eat anything, including people

/v/Cooking viewpost?postid=611fce909ade2

Imagine if we took all that tax money we waste on military bullshit and guaranteed politicians money for life in return for them not being pieces of shit

/v/JewishCrimesMatter viewpost?postid=61203a3bcc122

They'll rape a dude to get a baby and money for life

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61201ecad6041