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Member for: 3 years

scp: 163 (+165/-2)
ccp: 141 (+145/-4)
votes given: 93 (+68/-25)
score: 304


Zionist Christians will never in 89 quadrillion years face the truth. I mean, they still think space jew made everything. It's gonna be a long haul to get them anywhere near the actuality

/v/Gab viewpost?postid=60c05944146bf

You cannot eat the cake and retain it as well. You cannot have both states simultaneously. This is a simple concept.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60ad9c91ca20a

The point of the saying is that you can't do both simultaneously. It doesn't really matter the order it said in. You cannot both have cake and eat it

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60ad9c91ca20a

My bet is beaner or wigger. Niggers drive like shit and too fast but they don't really street race in my experience.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60ac294982e0f

As I said, youd still up and down vote everything so it would be driven up and down the page. There can be a report button or similar manner of dealing w spam, degeneracy and the illegal.

There is no good reason for points to accrue in my acct just because I posted an awesome video or recipe for spicy bacon caramel popcorn. Although that popcorn is a winner.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60ac29ce288d7

Well if she chose a 1 over a 9 then you are rich or have a big cock or something. So you have that goin for ya, which is nice

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=60abeffe30460

Shot by a nigger?! Unheard of.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60abea510656e

The secret to easy omelets is fuck omelets, scramble eggs.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60ab8550b0c07

He should have done the entire thing w/o the face paint. Then they would be mad about that. Or he could have done White face w clown white face paint and they'd have been mad about that.

There is no satisfying these people so blackface it is.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=60ab76ef6793e


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60a98977042c9

42? You're going to have a shitton of potatoes and you'll figure out the meaning of life.

/v/Gardening viewpost?postid=60a937d178c6d

You mean those Biden people w the anti-White farm aide program? Yeah I don't think they care.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60a9362924718

No, they don't. No a decent home in a decent city which is their primary residence. You're deluded.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60a4851023c4f

Well, this shit ISN'T a vaccination, so

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=60a49710b9ed4

Almost no one could buy a home if it were cash only. I can't even see how 'use cash' is a comment.

I mean, I guess if you want to live in Detroit anyone can afford cash for that.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60a4851023c4f

Yes he did. I have no great love of flies but that's kinda fucked up.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=60a3112b39463

You are a useless nigger. That's everything you need to know. faggot

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60a04905b5cde

Waters hates jews so there is that after.

/v/music viewpost?postid=609ef5763c540