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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 112 (+122/-10)
ccp: 968 (+991/-23)
votes given: 11242 (+10318/-924)
score: 1080


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Graphene seems suspiciously like it may be Israeli and developed purposely to honeypot a certain kind of person. Better than Android or ios, but still almost definitely compromised

Like the modified star of David logo

/v/technology viewpost?postid=647ca9537439e

Ukraine requires endless outpouring of support in the form of funding, munitions, vehicles, heavy weapons, aircraft, etc in order to not completely buckle. Putin knows he's at war with more than just Ukraine. I'm still not convinced that this isn't all just a jew ploy to instigate a world War like the previous two. Putin is preparing for a larger war, which is quite sensible knowing who the suppliers for the proxy war are, and their ultimate goals. But again, this may well just be a jew sham on all sides to ultimately kill more Whites off in a world war. That's what I'm leaning towards.

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=6433496d4d8c8

Why not just burn..... wait no that would be a fedpost

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=6432dc1776b23

A reminder that if you use the term "christ-cuck", you probably look like this https://files.catbox.moe/xwurqx.jpg

/v/MeanwhileOnPatriotsWin viewpost?postid=64303f10d898f

Best to locate a hashed password file if possible, and try to crack it offline. Not that I would know.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=643190075ea6a

Not to mention, these highly paid female corporate executives are overwhelmingly liberal, and fully buy into all of the ESG DEI "equity" fucking horse shit.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6430bf0e43ae6

Looks like he should stock some dumbbells instead. I would be embarrassed to wear a sleeveless shirt with noodle arms like that. I don't even wear sleeveless shirts anyway because I'm not a massive douche.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64315a8b59e32

It's hit or miss these days. Used to be a small community mainly about following Christ and making personal improvements and becoming a better man (and of course, ongoing commentary about the nature of Western consumerism and the jew problem). Now, it has a lot more users and is heavily astroturfed. But still a decent community overall.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=642430182ee1c

If you've interacted with the current generation of teenagers, it becomes quickly apparent that tiktok and related trends have made them functionally retarded, with no ability to delay gratification. Instant stream of steady dopamine hits making neutral pathways that reinforce the worst aspects of Western decay. It is a weapon pointed at America's youth.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64234650445de

Document your work and buy radios. Keep one in a faraday enclosure.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=640bd9039d032

Your candor is refreshing. Also, since when are you back here?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=640bd9039d032

They love sexual degeneracy. They probably don't mind.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=63dae7678bdf0

It takes time to develop that maturity to take life seriously. Especially with our kiked "education" system. Some develop the mentality of valuing hard work and the payoff thereof earlier than others.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=63daf443cba34

You are not alone. Hopefully, knowing that helps a little bit. One small victory at a time. The goal is for the victories to outweigh the defeats in the grand scheme of things, until the scale tips in your favor.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63d6ab0cb26fd

No, she's just a liberal who thinks those things are normal for everyone

/v/Faggots viewpost?postid=63d5ab1caba7a

My mom was recently shocked to hear that I've never been to a gay bar or a drag show. What the fuck?

/v/Faggots viewpost?postid=63d5ab1caba7a

The A Team makes so much more sense now

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=63d1b70c29f99

Bin Laden was a CIA asset. The whole nighttime raid in Pakistan, dumping his body off a ship charade was total bullshit.

/v/Afghanistan_Taliban viewpost?postid=63cfd88ff3b37

Nixon likely wouldn't have even been elected if they hadn't also killed RFK

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63cd8a4c71b94

Those pesky journalists with their star of David and foreskin collections...

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=63cc6fd668636

It's a code violation to use smaller than 14awg for 15A. That's not to say it hasn't been done...

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=63cc1547d8afa

How about we just send em back and stop paying for their shit

/v/aII viewpost?postid=63cb2ac657408

Volts x Amps = Watts
Normal household 120v circuits are 12 or 14 gauge wire and can safely handle about 20, or 15 amps of current respectively, with a bit of room for overload to trip the breaker (which is rated for 15 or 20 amps in a normal household). 220v wiring for things like large appliances is a bit different, and uses both "hot" legs referenced to neutral to provide more energy. But, find the value of your circuit breaker in amps and multiply that number by the line voltage, which is ~120v in the US. This will tell you that a 15A circuit can safely handle a MAX of 1800 watts. Almost every electrical device has a rating of either max amps or max watts that it consumes. It's possible for a circuit breaker to be faulty, but unlikely. But, you should not exceed the 1800 watt mark (or 2400 for a 20A circuit) when you add up the wattage of all devices used on that single circuit.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=63cc1547d8afa